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Social Issues

Personal Narrative on Childhood Experience That Changed My Life

I spent most of my early childhood in Gunpo, located in South Korea’s Gyeonggi Province, south of the capital, Seoul. The time I spent in my neighborhood was delightful and enriching. There was a mountain right behind our apartment, and when spring arrived, forsythia would beautifully bloom and dye our neighborhood bright yellow. My school, stationery store, piano academy, and convenience store were all within walking distance. Having the advantage of everything near my home, as a result, I went...
2 Pages 894 Words

Parallels in 'Paradise Lost' and 'Frankenstein': Compare and Contrast Essay

Paradise Lost and Frankenstein share how little control we have to control our fate. In Paradise Lost God always had Satan under his control and was able to undue or influence his actions. In Frankenstein, however, the monster is not always under control by Victor but isn't able to change how people perceive him. Both novels seem to emphasize the lack of control we have over our lives because although characters who perceive predetermination attempt to change it by doing...
2 Pages 886 Words

Omens in 'Julius Caesar': Character Analysis Essay

Chaos, is defined by the Oxford Dictionary as “complete disorder and confusion,” (Oxford University Press). In Shakespeare’s play Julius Caesar, the reporter figure Casca, accidentally meets Cicero, a prominent senator in Roman politics. From lines 15-32, Casca gives a long speech where he reveals more details about the storm of which he has a great fear. The first image of significance Casca identifies is a “common slave,” (1.3.15) who held up his left hand which is on fire but remains...
2 Pages 917 Words

Narrative Essay on the Best Day of Your Life

On Saturday afternoon April 21, 2018, it was a day when it became the best day of my life which I have dreamed of since I was 10 years old. All birthdays are special but this birthday was really special because I got to see all my family together and the people that love me the most there. This unforgettable day was my quinceanera where I had lots of fun, had a marvelous time being with my family, and danced...
2 Pages 886 Words

Narrative Essay on Good Habits

Habits are either good or bad. Even good habits, if given free play, may turn into bad ones. For example, reading is a good habit. It helps in acquiring knowledge, in meaningful use of leisure time, and in healthy entertainment. But an excess reading of books, magazines, etc., is harmful. It would soon tell upon one’s health, resources, mental fitness, and capacity to earn. Balance is the golden rule. That is why it is said, “Excess of everything is bad”...
2 Pages 930 Words

Meaning of 'The Lottery' by Shirley Jackson: Critical Analysis Essay

'The Lottery' authored by Shirley Jackson was first published on June 26, 1948, just after World War II. It took place in a small village in New England. The story is such unique literature that once gets reading to it but also all attention gripping into the same. 'The Lottery' actually gives the lottery a different meaning because of the unique nature of this story, it's accepted as one of the best American short stories and it's used in most...
2 Pages 913 Words

Let America Be America Again: Analytical Essay

The United States of America is a country with a lot of history and culture. Different decades have especially marked this nation and the 30s were no exception. Many transcendental events took place, for example on February 18, the American astronomer Clyde Tombaugh discovered the planet Pluto Moreover, on May 1, 1931, the construction of the Empire State Building in New York City was finally completed as it opened for business. On May 27, 1937, The Golden Gate Bridge opened...
2 Pages 945 Words

Law Code of Hammurabi and Its Predecessors: Compare and Contrast Essay

The underlying systems of the Law of Hammurabi, Draco, Solon, and Diocletian can be compared in many different ways. It can demonstrate competence in information literacy by selecting, utilizing, and documenting appropriate sources. It can be compared and differentiated in the basic structure of legal codes, who the beneficiaries were, and the many historical facts. Hammurabi ( Born in Babylon) was the sixth king of the Babylon dynasty of the Amorite tribe (1792 BC - 1750 BC). His father Sin...
2 Pages 909 Words

Informative Essay about Writing Process

When I think about the kind of writing I expect from my students, the term “good writing” first comes to my mind. It is fairly difficult to create 'okay' writing, but it takes time and effort to turn it into good writing. There is a variety of factors contributing to a great piece of writing. First of all, 'good writing' is well-structured with a clear introduction, body, and conclusion. Each paragraph has a topic sentence, followed by supporting details. Secondly,...
2 Pages 898 Words

Informative Essay about Refugees Life

I am a refugee myself and I escaped with my family at a young age to flee from persecution, violence, and war in Afghanistan. I am not here to “bring in guns and to kill you all” and neither am I here to spread messages to your children about the use of guns. I studied teaching at university and I am helping children learn every day, just like many others. Linda, I don’t blame you for believing that refugees are...
2 Pages 948 Words

Important People in My Life: Personal Narrative Essay

It’s been a year and 5 months now since my nana passed, I am still so very sad. I think about this every single day there is not a day where I don’t think about her, our memories, and her passing. My nana was very different she was amazing, one of the strongest human beings I have ever met. My nana went through a lot her whole life illnesses, depression, and family problems, she was such a strong person, and...
2 Pages 923 Words

Importance of Silence in Our Life: Critical Essay

“We live in the age of noise. Silence is almost extinct.” In Book of the Week, Philosopher and adventurer Erling Kagge – the first person to reach the ‘three poles’ of North, South, and the summit of Everest – explores the power of silence. He asks why we need it, how we lost it, and where we might go to find it again. Silence can be a sign of loneliness, boredom, or sorrow. But in this cacophonous world of traffic,...
2 Pages 946 Words

Importance of Building Trust in a Team without Being in Office: Persuasive Essay

It is quite challenging to build trust within a physical team. Can you imagine how much more challenging it is to do the same with a remote team? So, how do you build trust in a team? Comparing a remote team to a long-distance relationship it takes working through many challenges to develop the same intimacy as a normal relationship. Organizations are now embracing remote and virtual teams. These teams allow an organization to gain the best talents by eliminating...
2 Pages 915 Words

How Did the Invention of the Gutenberg Press Affect the Renaissance: Informative Essay

When thinking about globalization, the thought is encompassing. The process of a large world becoming an interconnected society is comprised of small achievements. One of the greatest elements in making this achievement possible was the Gutenberg Printing Press. Named for his modernization of the printing press, Johann Gutenberg was born in the late 1300s in Germany and lived a wealthy life where both his parents were prosperous and successful. As a result, he was able to receive a good education,...
2 Pages 911 Words

Why Should Not School Start Early: Persuasive Essay

They say that public schools (P-12 Education) should start at 8:00 or later because it gives kids and parents time to do their homework or work and other activities and finish their responsibilities earlier and have the rest of the day to themselves. Another argument is that earlier start times give students time to go to tutoring after school and that athletes can have time to travel to competitions after school and miss fewer classes. It also gives time to...
2 Pages 886 Words

Dream Lifestyle in 'The Great Gatsby': Critical Essay

The American Dream promises “Liberty, Life, and the pursuit of happiness.” In the 1925 novel, The Great Gatsby, by F. Scott Fitzgerald, we examine the 1920’s and the characters’ desire for the American Dream. A young man called Nick Carraway, who is a cousin of Daisy Buchanan was the one who narrated the novel. The story observes a man named Jay Gatsby who directs his life around his desire to be with Daisy; a romance that he had half a...
2 Pages 887 Words

Thank You Speech to Family and Friends

Good evening, and congratulations to the University of Houston NSM Class of 2019! It is so wonderful to be here in the Fertitta Center, surrounded by our friends, families, faculty, and so many others who have helped us achieve the degree we will receive today. Incredible amounts of dedication, hard work, and grit have led to this achievement, and we would not be here were it not for the constant support of our loved ones. A few weeks ago, I...
2 Pages 895 Words

You Impacted My Life: Narrative Essay

Estelle (Stella) Meldau is a true leader in my eyes. Stella and her husband, Nicholas, founded Woodrock Animal Rescue, a no-kill animal shelter that has saved many dogs, cats, and farm animals. She later started the Woodrock Pet Hotel, a pet boarding facility that, along with donations, funds the rescue center. Stella has a deep love for animals and has over ten pets of her own. She is also a breast cancer survivor. Stella has made a huge impact on...
2 Pages 899 Words

Rites of Passage to Adulthood: Critical Essay

What you will learn from this exhibit is how rites of passage were depicted in the Minoan culture, with the help of different artifacts that are associated with these specific events. As in any culture, an adolescent must face a rite of passage to be able to move forward into adulthood. For the males, the most distinctive element in Minoan culture was the “bull game,” in which an acrobat would vault at a charging bull in a dramatic ritualized spectacle....
2 Pages 920 Words

Informative Essay on Social Friend

Most people have many friends, however, not all friends are the same. Friends are a vital part of our lives and are important to have because they will be there to love and support us during good times and bad times. Anyone who spends time with their friends knows that each friend has a different personality and traits of their own and serves a different purpose in our lives and each friend is important and can bring joy and happiness...
2 Pages 929 Words

Describe My Best Friend: Narrative Essay

When I first met Jose, we were in the 6th grade at Lamar middle school. I was instantly drawn to his sense of humor, he was always cracking jokes in school, staying in trouble all the time, but it kept us entertained. We remained best friends until he moved to Arizona our Freshman year. We kept in touch through a few phone calls, mostly thru Facebook. He would continue to joke about the plans we had when we were younger...
2 Pages 933 Words

Memoir Essay on Remembered Event

No Fear “Fear is only temporary. Regret lasts forever.” Acrophobia is an extreme or irrational fear of heights. For as long as I can remember, I’ve always had this fear of heights. From riding in an elevator to ascending a ladder, if I could feel myself several feet from the ground I’d start to panic. My hands would begin to tremble uncontrollably, my heart would begin to race, and I’d get this overwhelming feeling of anxiety. At the time my...
2 Pages 924 Words

Was Odysseus Justified in Killing The Suitors: Critical Essay

Odysseus is renowned for his intellectual brilliance, guile, and versatility. He is the son of Laertes and Anticlea, the spouse of Penelope, and the father to Telemachus. Odysseus is best known as the Odyssey's eponymous hero. This epic depicts his ten-year journey home after the Trojan War to reclaim his rightful throne as king of Ithaca. Intelligence is a vital quality for an epic hero to possess. Odysseus' quick thinking, paired with his eloquence in speech and other qualities, has...
2 Pages 901 Words

How Did Bill Gates Impact the World: Critical Essay

Today, Bill Gates can be described as one of the world’s most beloved grandpas. A feat that is remarkable when his magnanimous wealth and the general feeling of the global population towards wealthy men are considered. For a long time, especially in his younger years as the CEO of Microsoft, the world held the same animosity towards Bill Gates as it does the majority of its billionaires until recently when a combination of his charm, his philanthropy, and his disappearance...
2 Pages 942 Words

The Fear of Death Follows From the Fear of Life: Critical Essay

Fear of death is not a new phenomenon. People have been scared to die ever since our species evolved into existence One of the explanations for people developing a fear of death is the idea of the afterlife. The afterlife is a huge mystery to all human beings. The only people who know are, well, dead. Sure, many people have beliefs about what will happen to them after death, but a belief is not the same as knowing. Part of...
2 Pages 913 Words

Young and Middle Adulthood: Case Study

People go through many phases throughout their lives, the three main phases are childhood, adolescence, and adulthood (Kuther, 2019, p. 4). In each phase the individual experiences physical, cognitive, and socioemotional development (Kuther, 2019, p. 5). The development throughout life can be described by these five principles; multidimensional, multidirectional, plastic, influenced by multiple contexts, and multidisciplinary (Kuther, 2019, p. 5). These principles help us understand the complexity of development. Many people believe that once you become an adult you stop...
2 Pages 896 Words

Historical and Cultural Significance of Christmas Essay

Christmas, a globally cherished holiday, has a rich tapestry of history and cultural significance. This essay explores the roots of Christmas, tracing its origins to ancient pagan traditions, delving into the historical context of its establishment as a Christian holiday, and discussing the preparations and celebrations associated with Christmas Day. Finally, we examine the enduring importance of Christmas in contemporary society. The Pagan Connection The historical roots of Christmas reveal an intriguing connection to ancient pagan traditions. Before the advent...
3 Pages 921 Words

The Importance of a Good Career Essay

A good career significantly shapes one's life, providing a sense of purpose, financial stability, and personal fulfillment. Choosing the right career path can be daunting, but with careful consideration and planning, individuals can find a profession that aligns with their skills, interests, and values. This essay will explore the importance of a good career, discuss the process of choosing a career, highlight key factors contributing to a successful career, and provide strategies for achieving career goals. Importance of a Good...
3 Pages 931 Words

Critical Essay on Benefits of Doing Household Chores

The word ‘Chore’ came from the word ‘Chare’ which means an odd job in Middle English. Before the Industrial Revolution, economic fabrication was organized in and throughout people’s houses. All household members, resident servants, and apprentices contributed to the good maintenance of the home and to the production of goods that benefited the family. When we were young, we used to do chores every day at home to earn what we wanted from our parents whether its playing games, going...
2 Pages 881 Words

Could the Cold War Have Been Avoided: Argumentative Essay

Within this essay, I will attempt to argue that the Cold War was inevitable. In order to do this, I am going to utilize the international relations theories of realism and postcolonialism. Firstly, I will explain from a realist perspective how the differing ideologies, the Soviet Union`s communism, and US capitalism, presented a security threat to each state while simultaneously challenging their status as a superpower. Therefore, in order to combat this both states attempted to expand their sphere of...
2 Pages 903 Words
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