900 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

The Odyssey: Where Does Necessity End And Desire Begin?

What makes a society civilized? This question has been asked for thousands of years but it can never be truly answered because of many conflicting opinions and influencing factors. Yet it’s still a widely discussed and debated topic, that is popular in literature. Odysseus’s adventures in Homer’s epic poem, The Odyssey, portrays his idea of civilization as the ability to fulfill one’s desire, while savagery is depicted as the life of necessity. The idea of necessity vs. desire is depicted...
2 Pages 910 Words

The Aspects Of Commercials At The Super Bowl

At the 2018 NFL Super Bowl, companies selling many products, created commercials to sell their product to a large number of people watching. The majority of these commercials were effective because they contained a lot of the same qualities. Most of them had a clear selling point, humor, and are able to be connected with the viewer. Some of the commercials the Super Bowl aired that day did not do a good job at selling their product. Some of these...
2 Pages 912 Words

Resilience And Adversity

Adversity is an inevitable part of life that tests our resilience, strength, and character. It presents itself in various forms, such as personal setbacks, health issues, financial crises, or societal obstacles. While adversity may seem daunting and overwhelming, it is through facing and conquering these challenges that individuals often find personal growth, learn valuable lessons, and emerge stronger than ever. This essay explores the theme of adversity, highlighting real-life examples of individuals who have triumphed over hardships, demonstrating the indomitable...
3 Pages 910 Words

Athletic Trainer As My Career Dream

My sister Amaya and I have participated in a lot of sports our whole life. In fact we have both participated in 6 sports, but 2 of the sports Amaya is currently doing is softball and basketball and right now I’m doing a competitive cheer. When it was basketball season, I would go to the majority of Amaya’s games and when I went I would see a lot of injuries. I would sit in the bleachers and just imagine myself...
2 Pages 883 Words

The Logic Of Women Smiling In The Essay Why Women Smile By Amy Cunningham

In the essay “why women smile” the author Amy Cunningham analyzes the logic behind why women smile. According to her article women have been influenced by society in the way they show or do not show their emotions. So my essay will go over how women are still not wholly equal and how society still has control over the way women act. In opening the article, the author seems to convey the idea that the leading cause of a woman’s...
2 Pages 932 Words

Man Searching For Isolation In Stopping By Woods, Mending Wall, Birches And Road Not Taken

Robert Frost is one of the most well known American poets. Frost’s writing shaped the way many people view and write poetry today. His descriptive works are taught in schools throughout the country. The complexity of his poems leaves plenty of room for analysis and discussion. Though one can find many themes in his works a major one that sticks out is mans isolation. Alienation is common in todays’s world and mankind tends to block out the rest of the...
2 Pages 902 Words

The Role Of Reputation In The Things Fall Apart

Reputation and respect in Things Fall Apart by Chinua Achebe play a substantial role in the main character and protagonist of the novel, Okonkwo’, actions and dictates how the people in Umuofia are seen. If a man’s status doesn’t meet the requirement set by society, one is almost useless. The better the reputation, the more respect is given. To the men of Umuofia, reputation is essential and deemed as vastly important. One who may have multiple debts and is unable...
2 Pages 899 Words

Public Baptism And Clovis

Clovis’s conversion to Christianity allows him to influence the beliefs of thousands of Frankish people, which in turn displays his power and influence over his tribes. In the text, Bishop Gregory gives insight into Clovis’s initial conversion to Christianity and the effect that it had on the Franks. He explains that Clovis, like many other Germanic leaders, worshipped the pagan gods. Catholicism was introduced to him by his wife, Clotilda, who was Christian herself; however, he refuses to believe in...
2 Pages 880 Words

The Parents’ Roles In The Deaths Of Romeo And Juliet

Parents give their children life, and generally support and guide them until they can begin to live independently−but can givers of life also be the cause of their children’s deaths? In Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare, there are two feuding families: the Montagues and the Capulets. If the Montagues and Capulets had gotten along, Romeo and Juliet would have been able to marry freely. The parents’ distant relationships with their children force Romeo and Juliet to turn to other...
2 Pages 900 Words

The Role Of Key Biochemistry And Genetics-Related Processes Of Past Life On Mars

The study of the various forms of biological evidence of past life on Mars, one of the smallest planets found in the Solar System, is an issue of controversy. Mars represents a dry desert-like environment with cold weather conditions which are not habitable for any of living organisms originated on Earth. The average temperature on the surface of Mars is defined as −60°C, while “the atmospheric pressure is near the triple point of water: 120 times lower than sea level...
2 Pages 892 Words

Common Challenges Among Graduate

A challenge can be referred to as a ‘difficult task’. It is something that requires great physical and mental effort to be done successfully and thus tests a person’s ability (Cambridge University Press 2017). In this study, the term ‘challenge’ refers to that which tests graduates’ abilities to succeed in life despite various tasks situation they have faced with, that needs great mental or physical effort in order to be done successfully and therefore tests the post graduate student’s ability....
2 Pages 883 Words

Technical Development Required For Human Space Exploration

Despite sending people to Earth's orbit and the moon, humanity's possibility of living in deep space would sound like science fiction. It takes a lot of innovation to create an atmosphere that can support human life in the near-complete absence of gravity and no electrical source or oxygen. Here are a few examples of the technical development required for human space exploration. Let us begin with the artificial limbs. This technology, initially developed for satellites, including artificial muscle structures, robotic...
2 Pages 887 Words

An Analysis Of Socio-Ecological Systems And The Hadza

The Hadza are a group of about 250 hunter-gatherer’s living around Lake Eyasi in Tanzania and have been roaming Africa since before the Agricultural Revolution 12,000 years ago (Finkel, 2009). The Agricultural and Industrial Revolutions changed human subsistence patterns and, as a result, have devastated the Hadza’s way of living. This major change in human subsistence was the alteration of ecosystems for human benefit, known as agriculture. The manipulation of ecosystems can cause complicated issues known as surprises (Liu, et....
2 Pages 906 Words

The Effects Of Christianity Spread On Globalization

What is globalization? Globalization is the different relations and exchanges between people and nations in political, economic, and cultural terms that have made the world a more interdependent place and continue to make it more connected every day. In different words, it is about changing modes of human interaction, increasing the movement of individuals, information and ideas, and goods and money across national boundaries, which has contributed to increased economic, political, social and cultural interconnectedness between the populations of the...
2 Pages 943 Words

Self Compassion: Definition And Peculiarities

What is self-compassion? A nice simple definition of self-compassion is treating ourselves with the same kindness and concern that we would give to a good friend. When we are in a tough situation, or we have fallen short of our expectations, it is responding from a place of kindness instead of harsh criticism. It could be described as an emotional first aid. If we're having a hard time understanding self-compassion, it's helpful to know that the Latin roots of the...
2 Pages 927 Words

Compare And Contrast Of Two Different Hobbies

A hobby is an activity that we are interested to do during our free time. This is also part of the everyday life of any person. A hobby is not a kind of occupation, but it is an activity that all of us are doing also for our pleasure. This is not an occupation because this is what we are doing when we are not working. All of us have our own hobbies that make us happy and satisfied. We...
2 Pages 934 Words

Space Exploration In The Simple Terms

Space exploration involves using the capabilities of humans and robots to investigate beyond the Earth’s atmosphere. It is the physical exploration of outer space stemming from scientist’s compulsion to know more about the Universe. Development of rockets, electronics and technologies in recent years has made it possible to discover the nature of the objects visible in the night sky. Probes or spacecraft, are devices launched to space with a set of tools and instruments to explore, gather and study the...
2 Pages 886 Words

Is The Genetic Modification Of Plants A Benefit For Detriment?

In recent years, there has been a colossal decrease in food security, quality and availability. This has resulted in the employment of science and technology, to improve food security, quality and availability by means of genetic modification. There are lots of controversies surrounding the topic of genetic modification and I will be providing an argument for and against the use of genetic modification in plants. But firstly, what are genetically modified organisms (GMOs)? “Genetically modified organisms can be defined as...
2 Pages 895 Words

The Impact Of The Reformation On Church

It can be argued that few movements have had as much impact on the world as the Protestant Reformation. Aside from the obvious impact that the Protestant Reformation had on religion and the church, in its aftermath the world changed both politically and culturally. Not only was there an initial impact but there is also a continued impact that is still being felt today. Whether positive or negative, one cannot deny that the impact that the Protestant Reformation has had...
2 Pages 938 Words

Education Abroad: Enhancing Intercultural Sensitivity And Language Proficiency

Education abroad in a new choice for young people to develop their careers and intercultiral activity as its options have become more diverse (e.g. study abroad, internships, field research, work placements, volunteering, service learning, directed travel linked to learning goals) and motivated by a wider range of goals (e.g. second-language learning, exposure to other cultures, professional enhancement, disciplinary learning, etc). When education abroad involves formal second-language learning and immersion in the native speech community, it is commonly believed that it...
2 Pages 918 Words

The Definition Of Integrity Culture

Integrity can be defined as the quality of being honest and having strong moral principle. A culture of integrity is committed to do the right things not just a matter of marketing or positioning but as uncompromising stance embodied by the word and action of the leader and recognized by the employees and business partner. In ethics, the integrity can be regarded as the honesty and truthfulness or accuracy of one’s action. It is important for these moral principles that...
2 Pages 895 Words

Image Of God In The Bible

The very first book of the bible starts by describing that human being is an image of God. It says “Then God said, ‘Let Us make mankind in our image, according to our likeness; and let them rule over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the sky and over the livestock and over all the earth, and over every crawling thing that crawls on the earth” (Gen. 1:26 NASB). Knowing this one can note that this...
2 Pages 937 Words

The Role Of Mitosis In Plant Cell Structure

INTRODUCTION The cell is the basic structural, functional, and biological unit of all known organisms. A cell is the smallest unit of life. Human are not able to see small things with their naked eyes. So, in this particular lab, we are looking at the smallest part in the animal and plant. The smallest part of human body is, the cell and it is same goes to the plant. Animal cells and plant cells contain cell structures knows as organelles,...
2 Pages 909 Words

Finding Faith In A Loved One In The Poem Dover Beach

How does one cope with feelings of uncertainty as the world around one loses faith? In his poem “Dover Beach,” Matthew Arnold explores the sentiment of humanity losing faith, and in times of uncertainty, turning instead to a loved one for trust and support. As new scientific discoveries came about in the late 1800s that contradicted aspects of religion, people began turning their backs on it and instead following these new scientific discoveries. Thus, in the poem, the speaker expresses...
2 Pages 894 Words

The Main Principles For Engaging Stakeholders

From the interviews, our personal experience, and a review of documents from the Center for Medical Technology Policy, we identified five general principles that contribute to the successful engagement of stakeholders in comparative effectiveness research. The principles are as follows: ensure a balanced representation of all stakeholder groups; get stakeholders to “buy in” to the process and make sure that they clearly understand their roles; provide neutral, expert facilitation of the stakeholder discussions; establish connections among the stakeholders; and keep...
2 Pages 897 Words

Marlow’s Posture And Buddha In Heart Of Darkness

The novella Heart of Darkness opens and closes with a Marlow seating in a Buddha like posture, and so regarded as modern day Buddha. The author Joseph Conrad gives an obscure picture of Buddhism in the pose of Marlow. The pose also represents him to a certain degree philosophical and wise because Marlow keenly observes human life and nature in his voyage. The basis for the common portrayal of Marlow as a meditating figure perhaps due to the Marlow’s intentions...
2 Pages 902 Words

How To Improve Focus

Focus is the act of concentrating on a particular task. Focus is key to success and happiness in life. The most successful people on this planet are highly focused. They pay attention to the present moment and present tasks. This habit ensures they are fully engaged in activities, get more done properly and deal with adverse life events better. Improving your mental focus is achievable, but that doesn't mean that it's always quick and easy. It will take some real...
2 Pages 891 Words

Application Of Microorganism In The Field Of Biotechnology

INTRODUCTION Microorganisms have been used for preparing food products like bread, yogurt, coward, alcohol-dependent drinkable, cheese, etc, for a very long time. The first genetically modified plant was produced in 1983, using an antibiotic drug-resistant tobacco plant. In 1994, the transgenic Flavor Saver tomato was released. The modification allowed the tomato to delay ageing after picking. In the early 1990s, recombine choosiness was approved for use in several countries, replacing rennet in cheese-making.Biotechnology can be defined as the use of...
2 Pages 932 Words

Safety And Accidents In Lebanon

The land transport fleet in Lebanon consists of more than 1.5 million registered vehicles. The lack of an efficient, reliable and wide public transport system has necessitated a reliance and eventual dependence on the personal car as the main means of transport within the country. The rate of car ownership of 2.7 persons for every car is amongst the highest in the world (Choueiri et al., 2010). Thus, car dependency in Lebanon drains the economic system of wealth and natural...
2 Pages 942 Words

Effects Of Sharing A Room With A Sibling

Most people would want a bigger family. That also means that you’ll have to have a bigger space to fit everyone. In urban areas, space is a big issue and most families would have to fit themselves in a small apartment or condominium. If you are affluent enough, you might want to buy a big house and give each member of the family a space to have privacy. Either way, a room can be a special place for one, and...
2 Pages 890 Words
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