900 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

The Seven Deadly Sins Of Kenyans

Originating in Christian theology, the seven deadly sins are Pride, envy, gluttony, greed, lust, sloth and wrath. Pride is sometimes referred to as vanity or vainly, greed as avarice or covetousness and wrath as anger. Gluttony covers self-indulgent excesses. Just reading these definitions I can feel at the back of my mind ticking of each category with a group of Kenyans or key names from the political class. These vices somehow aptly define who we are as a people of...
2 Pages 926 Words

A Comparative Biomechanical Analysis Of Three Different Badminton Forehand Overhead Shot

ABSTRACT The purpose of the study was to find out whether there is any differences of Badminton Forehand shot. Badminton is one of the most popular racket sports in the World. Many types of researches are going on around the globes for enhancement of performance of badminton Players. Only three forehand shot were taken in consideration namely Forehand Smash Clear and Drop. Two Biomechanical Investigation was done. For the investigation of the research total [N = 10] subjects were randomly...
2 Pages 919 Words

Methods Of Protein Isolation And Purification

Introduction In most or all living systems, proteins are the principle structural and functional polymers made up of single amino acid monomers. They have a wide range of functions, which include but are not limited to, the catalysis of metabolic reactions and transport of vitamins, minerals, oxygen and other fuels. On the other hand, some proteins form the structural skeleton of tissues whereas others serve a role in nerve transmission, muscle contraction, cell motility. Other functions include functions in the...
2 Pages 921 Words

Home As A Comfort Zone

Home is not merely a physical space but a sanctuary that holds the essence of our lives. It is where we find solace, create lasting memories, and experience a sense of belonging. Within the walls of our homes, every room becomes a chapter in our personal story, filled with laughter, tears, and the countless moments that shape us. As I reflect upon my own home, I am reminded of the deep appreciation I have developed for this haven of warmth...
2 Pages 912 Words

RPL And Gene Polymorphism

There are several physiological changes that occur during normal pregnancy, hypercoaggulabilty state is one of them in which some coagulation factors increased in blood in harmony with decreased blood level of others. These changes are needed for normal fetal growth and development with complete return to the normal physiological state after labor and purperium without leaving any harm to the mother. However, hypercoaggulabilty state of pregnancy may be exacerbated by alterations in the coagulation/fibrinolysis cascades together with associated vascular stasis...
2 Pages 932 Words

Magnetic Fields And Cell Behavior

Every single living thing on Earth that absorbs oxygen in any way is capable of being rapidly exposed to weak magnetic fields that are made by multiple things such as man-made machines and Earth itself. There are a plethora of studies that have been made by scientists, seeking how magnetic fields would possibly affect biological aspects of living things on the planet Earth. However, there were little evidence or results that were pursued by most scientists who were just making...
2 Pages 927 Words

Personal Ethical Framework For Decision Making: Essay

Ethics provides a set of idealistic expectations that helps people with making judgments while providing reasonable causes for their choices. Ethical decisions often conflict with creating resolutions regarding religion. Many religions promote ethical decision making; however, some religions often do not acknowledge the full extent of ethical choices of an individual. Most religions oppose against or forbid certain behaviors that may not be regarded ethically appropriate in their beliefs, such as sexual orientations or behaviors. Many people rely on their...
2 Pages 909 Words

The Impact Of Pills And Social Media On Today's Society

The dystopian novel “Brave New World” by Aldous Huxley is receiving a lot of attention these days because of the similarities between the society depicted in the book and society today. Huxley presents a society controlled with a drug that induces an artificial state of happiness and that is easily controlled because it has been brainwashed into triviality. In an article by Tony D. Sampson titled “Brave New World: the pill-popping, social media obsessed dystopia we live in” he discusses...
2 Pages 915 Words

Nation Building In India

'We shape our buildings and afterwards, our buildings shape us” (unquote Winston Churchill) Nation building is the process of the conception of a country that functions, encompassing the bits of a non-functioning one. It’s an evolutionary progression, not revolutionary, as it takes a long period of time. Despite the movement of people from the present to the future, they continue to maintain links from their past, which is what paves the path for this evolution. The beauty of the term...
2 Pages 933 Words

The Role Of Betrayal And Revenge In Medea

Euripides uses betrayal and revenge as strong influences on the characters of his play, “Medea”. The story starts seeing Medea as the one who’s been betrayed but as it continues, she turns that hurt into revenge, therefore losing trust in other characters. Her revenge is seen as excessive and perverse. Jason and ageus are only thinking about what is best for them which gives Medea the opportunity to manipulate both of them. At the beginning the nurse and the chorus...
2 Pages 905 Words

Plant-based Alternatives Vs. Meat

There has been an evident growth in the demand for plant-based alternatives in food within contemporary society, mostly due to increasing consumer concerns over the environment, health as well as animal welfare (Lang, 2020). Thus, it may appear tempting to switch to a plant-based menu in-order to capture value from this rising demand. The present paper seeks to examine the potential benefits and costs associated with each menu (meat vs. plant-based) through factors including health, social, environmental, and how they...
2 Pages 909 Words

The Aerobic And Anaerobic Capacities Of An Elite Soccer Player, An Elite Middle/Long Distance Runner, And An Elite 100m Sprinter

When considering an elite 100m sprinter's anaerobic capacities, the success of the athlete is dependent mainly on their alactic and lactic anaerobic metabolism (Legaz-Arrese et.al, 2007) . The source of fuel sprinters use is the ATP/PC energy system (pdhpe.net, 2015); this is due to the duration of the event not lasting long and ATP only lasts 8-12 seconds. In comparison, a long distance runner of 42km uses the aerobic energy system (pdhpe.net, 2015) due to it being very efficient in...
2 Pages 896 Words

Dreaming And Spirituality In The Lives Of Aboriginal People

“Our spirituality is a oneness and an interconnectedness with all that lives and breathes, even with all that does not live or breathe.” – Mudrooroo. The Dreaming plays a significant role in the lives of Aboriginal people and their spirituality. The Dreaming is the creation of life and other important landforms and sites, by their Ancestral Spirits, as they passed over the land. To Aboriginal people, the Dreaming is the foundation of their religious beliefs. Dreaming is the Aboriginal understanding...
2 Pages 918 Words

Principles And Beliefs Of Shinto

Would you believe if I said there is no absolute right or wrong and that nobody is perfect and that all humans are thought to be fundamentally good? Well, in fact, Shinto is not a religion of the westerly but rather a characteristic of Japanese life, but to completely understand this I have detected and evaluated Shintoism and its search for its significance. Shinto or Shintoism is an immanent ancient Japanese polytheistic religion with over three million followers. The word...
2 Pages 887 Words

Weight Training Program Plan

Introduction Strength and conditioning works to form your body stronger, providing you with the talents you would like so as to make a simpler workout overall. When your core is healthy, you'll be ready to transfer energy to the all of the muscles. A smart strength and conditioning program can actually help prevent osteoporosis, which is one among the most common illnesses athletes suffer from later in life. By lifting weight, you'll be strengthening your bones, which can successively end...
2 Pages 940 Words

Hope And Fear In The Cartoon Fear Defeats Hope

“Fear defeats hope” is a satirical cartoon composed by a retired Australian political cartoonist, (Sourced from the Saturday paper) Geoff Pryor. This cartoon cleverly broadcasts an in-depth insight of society through its various range of shadings and dialect. This cartoon also cleverly implements the concept of allusion into the overall message. This cartoon is an extremely successful piece of stimulus at getting the main point across to the audience as it conveys an astounding amount of creativity which is anticipated...
2 Pages 905 Words

The Gospel Of Mark: The Meaning

The gospel of Mark concerns the message of Jesus’ deeds, strength, and how he is determined to teach people the ways of God. The notion that Jesus is the embodiment of God’s glory arised diverse responses, but Jesus always persevered and made it known that God’s kingdom is a paradise and that it is not about strength and power, but about being a suffering servant. He emphasises this multiple times, including when he sacrificed himself on the cross for every...
2 Pages 882 Words

Learning As A Part Of Growing Up

From birth to death, there are bound to be some ups and downs and this is how life works its ways into everyone. Experiencing pain and happiness is basically almost an everyday routine just like how a child grows from young to old. All of these happen naturally and are unavoidable and this is a gift of nature to us. All of us have to experience different stages of life at certain times like from a kid to a teenager...
2 Pages 945 Words

The Extreme Conditions Of Moon

At this stage, it is not possible for humans to terraform the Moon as the conditions on it are extreme. There are some basic considerations or needs for any long-term colonisation: breathable air, water, food, temperature, pressurised shelter and power, gravity, protection from radiation [2]. Breathable air The moon's atmosphere is so thin that there is no oxygen able to be utilised for breathable air or local production of rocket fuel. At sea level on Earth, one cubic centimetre of...
2 Pages 944 Words

One Way Astronaut: Mission To Mars

Kids are leaving school to take part in climate strikes. Young adults are losing their jobs and they begin to lack of economic opportunity. Children are lacking education because of poverty. These are some of the many problems that are taking place on our Earth and why humans should colonise to a different planet, especially Mars. Mars would be a more suitable place than Venus and Jupiter. Venus and Jupiter both don’t have Healthy soil that supplies the essential nutrients,...
2 Pages 913 Words

Determining Chemical Reaction Rate

Chemistry is a branch of science that describes the contents of evidence, principles, laws, hypotheses obtained through the method and scientific analysis of nature, structure, reaction, and changes in energy and material. Chemical kinetics, the branch of physical chemistry involved in understanding chemical reaction rates. Chemical kinetics is the clock of time. Chemical kinetics includes many facets of cosmology, geology, genetics, engineering, and even psychology, and therefore has far-reaching implications. Chemical kinetics principles apply to both purely physical processes and...
2 Pages 940 Words

The Correlation Of Work Stress, Work-family Conflict And Burnout Of Firefighters

The main focus of this study is to see the picture of the relationships between work stress, work family conflict, and burnout and firefighter safety behavior outcomes. The most important things is, this study provides confirmation that burnout, as a stress-related process, does negatively impact safety performance in the fire service. The data was collected from 208 professional firefighters from a city fire and rescue department located in the southeastern United States. Work related stress, and particularly burnout, has been...
2 Pages 940 Words

Legalizing Anabolic Steroids In Sports

Introduction Let’s stop feigning that the halls of fame measure a real-life fairyland, an area wherever we tend to celebrate solely the individuals and events. We can all agree it should be celebrated and remodeled it into an institution that offers athletes a wider vary of equal choices on the way to physically enhance themselves. Body Currently, some individuals might say that performance enhancers like steroids and different kinds of doping have a negative result on health long terms. However,...
2 Pages 924 Words

Human Trafficking And Slavery In The World

INTRODUCTION In the 21st Century, Slavery, even though formally abolished, is now at levels that exceed the prevalence of it in recent centuries, as this issue has become less obvious. Human Trafficking is the contemporary version of the traditional forms of slavery, continuing to be exercised on a global scale, despite the implementation of both international legislation, along with domestic legislation established in almost every country. However, the power of state sovereignty overrides the ability of any international interference to...
2 Pages 909 Words

The Steady-state Theory And The Big Bang Theory

The whole universe is expanding in all directions; however, everything was closer together 13.8 billion years ago and at one point all the galaxies converged to a single point (Howell, E. 2017). It is said that the universe has expanded to get as large as it is now, and that it will continue to expand. When the universe started as one point, it was just hot, light and energy combined with miniature particles. Nothing like what we see now as...
2 Pages 927 Words

How Trevor Nunn Changes The Theme Of Deception In Twelfth Night

William Shakespeare enriches his plays with comedies by adding mistaken identities and treating them like witty and familiar themes. He adds deception to the plays to lure the audience into the world. Trevor Nunn follows a parallel path but additionally invites the idea of mistaken identities into play. The play enriches physical deception when Viola chooses to 'conceal me what I am' (1.2.), entrusting just the Captain with her mystery. Shakespeare dresses Viola up as a boy so she could...
2 Pages 883 Words

The Issue Of Trans Athletes Equity

To run faster than anyone ever before, is the dream of every athlete… To hold a medal and to stand on the podium built from hard work, sweat and tears. Although this may never be possible for us with the new and existing athletes that are distressing our competitive and elite scene in various world-class sports. This is coupled by the indecisive ruling and thinking of world athletic organisations such as the International Association of Athletics of Federations. An example...
2 Pages 881 Words

Sports Medicine Considerations Specific To Female Athletes

Whilst females in sport are becoming a lot more common and accepted, female athletes must take into consideration many aspects when preparing or training for fitness. These considerations include; eating disorders which affect energy levels, iron levels which get altered due to menstruation, and bone density due to the amount of calcium in the bones. It is also important to be aware of risk factors when participating in exercise whilst pregnant. EATING DISORDERS Due to the pressure from the media...
2 Pages 893 Words

Is Sending Humans To Mars Necessary?

Have you ever wanted to go to a different planet? Have you ever wondered if going to a different planet is even necessary at all? Throughout the 20th century, our views of life on another planet has changed drastically. This essay will argue that a mission to Mars is not mandatory and instead dangerous. Because there are many risk like a virus being brought to Earth. Ethical issues like money. Therefore, astronauts should not go to Mars. If scientist decide...
2 Pages 937 Words

Should Mars Be The Sole Focus Of Astronomical Research?

Astronomy and Mars Background Information Mars, the fourth planet from the Sun and third smallest planet in our Solar System, is also known as ‘The Red Planet’ (Figure 1) (Birch, 2004). Mars has the closest climactic zones of all the planets to ours, with polar ice caps and temperatures of approximately -63o¬C, however its atmosphere is toxic to us, with 96% Carbon Dioxide (ESA, n.d.). Mars is part of a field of research called astronomy. According to the website, Britannica.com...
2 Pages 891 Words
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