Analysis of the Song Related to 'Romeo and Juliet'

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Romeo and Juliet is a classic story about a pair of ‘star-crossed lovers’ being controlled by fate and destiny. Love is naturally the play’s dominant and most important theme as it focuses on the intense passion that springs up at first sight between Romeo and Juliet. In the story, love is depicted as a violent, ecstatic, overpowering force that supersedes all other values, loyalties, and emotions. This very concept is used in the ever-so-famous song, “Love Story” by, the talented songwriter and artist herself, Taylor Swift. Since Taylor’s song revolves heavily around the romantic aspect rather than the tragedy of Romeo and Juliet, there are numerous romantic characteristics that can be found in the lyrics.

To start off, Taylor Swift used a handful of words that expresses her emotions in the song. The country-turned-pop singer wrote herself as Juliet while her love interest was Romeo. As Juliet’s dad was separating the pair, Juliet “was crying on the staircase”. Taylor wanted to emphasize how heartbroken Juliet was after finding out that her lover was meant to be her sworn enemy due to a family feud. Although the love birds have just met for a quick moment, it felt as if they were meant to be together at first sight. To constantly reassure the pair of their passionate love, Juliet says, “This love is difficult but it’s real”. Love is always difficult. It’s never a bed of roses. Hence, Juliet says this love is difficult but far more real than any other. Because she can feel the love in her bones. She ensures him that they will be able to get out of this ‘mess’ of a situation and ride into the sunset. Near the end, Taylor wrote, “I love you, and that’s all I really know”. This line sums up the message of the song and the concept of Romeo and Juliet. Two beings are so infatuated with each other that everything else seems to be a blur in the background.

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Secondly, there are many lines that highlight individualism in the song. Showcasing how strong her love for Romeo is, she states, “I’ll be waiting all that’s left to do is run”. Although her dad has prohibited her to see Romeo ever again, she is willing to risk disobeying that rule. She is no longer a “child” who sits idly by the sidelines while her parents order her around- she gets to decide how her life goes now. Displaying her rebellion after her father’s order, Taylor wrote, “So I sneak out of the garden to see you”. Romeo and Juliet cannot meet each other at her house. So she begs him to take her somewhere private from prying eyes. They are forbidden to see each other, but their love is so strong that she is willing to run away with him. At one point, Juliet was confused by her parents’ warnings as she cried, “Romeo save me. They’re trying to tell me how to feel”. Juliet is confused by what her parents are telling her about love and relationships. They are feeding her lies to break them up. The singer screams to Romeo to save her from being manipulated. She knows how she feels about Romeo but her parents are trying to enforce negative feelings on her.

In the lyrics, Taylor uses the famous Shakespeare play ‘Romeo and Juliet’ to compare her love story. In Shakespeare’s play, Romeo and Juliet are two young people who are in love and their families have forbidden them to be together. Since their song includes a lot of At the end of the play, Romeo and Juliet are so willing to do anything to be together, they just end up dying together. “Love Story” puts a huge twist on Shakespeare’s classic tale, which actually ends in tragedy. But as Taylor Swift says, why not make it a happy ending? So she has re-created her own version of Romeo and Juliet with a happy ending titled “Love Story.” Taylor made her song have a happy ending as this is the ending every teenage girl is hoping for. If the ending were to have been sad, it may have not been as popular as it turned out to be.

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Analysis of the Song Related to ‘Romeo and Juliet’. (2023, February 24). Edubirdie. Retrieved September 9, 2024, from
“Analysis of the Song Related to ‘Romeo and Juliet’.” Edubirdie, 24 Feb. 2023,
Analysis of the Song Related to ‘Romeo and Juliet’. [online]. Available at: <> [Accessed 9 Sept. 2024].
Analysis of the Song Related to ‘Romeo and Juliet’ [Internet]. Edubirdie. 2023 Feb 24 [cited 2024 Sept 9]. Available from:

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