Apple Vs Microsoft: Compare and Contrast Essay

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• Point of parities(POP):

The two businesses are identical on the basis of their founders; they all depend on the creativity of brilliant self-motivated businesspeople. Bill Gates, Microsoft's co-founder, is a respected man worldwide for his dream of putting computers on billions of desks, and also as a mentor. Steve Jobs, Apple's co-founder, is both a shrewd businessman and a thinker with a free mind. In fact, all represent outstanding market skills. Around 2004 and 2010, they were both rated as the world's most powerful people.

The production of portable media players and smartphone represents another similarity between the two. For e.g., Apple battled the iPod touch as Microsoft created Microsoft Zune High Definition. The machines were fitted with storage capacity of up to 30 GB of which up to 7000 audios could be accessed. We all have MP4 and MP3 help programs. Both companies also manufacture other phone products. Microsoft has a common Window phone, for example, whereas Apple has an iPhone. They also now set up parallel shops to provide for their clients and to enable them to buy these items. For Microsoft and Apple, the branded stores such as the Windows Phone Store and the iTunes Store all have their apps stored.

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Both companies have tablet devices; Microsoft creates the surface as Apple renders iPad. While the distinction between the devices is clear, the parallels between the two cannot be discussed. Both have a touchscreen, equal in thickness, both have been unveiled secretly and both fall in the prime group in the sugar tablet. The surface was ideally designed to allow rivalry in the almost iPad-dominated tablet industry.

The presence of retail stores for both companies is another connection, as described above. But that could shock others as Microsoft has less than 20 stores while Apple has over 200 stores. Yet the arrangements in the stores are nearly closed. The stores provide professionals who provide clients with advice, professional support, and applications.

• Point of difference (POD):

Apple is famous for designing computers and entertaining devices such as iPods for the electronics industry. The goods have made a variety of developments to satisfy customers' needs. Conversely, the operating systems and software of Microsoft including Windows and Office are recognized. Apple has also made the best of iLife apps and its acclaimed video tools.

Both of them do have separate competitive tactics. Microsoft employs coercion to penetrate the market and appears to be extreme. For starters, every innovative innovation in the industry would be followed, absorbed, and conquered by it. Apple should then cultivate its own innovations from incubation to ripeness. 

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Apple Vs Microsoft: Compare and Contrast Essay. (2023, October 27). Edubirdie. Retrieved January 11, 2025, from
“Apple Vs Microsoft: Compare and Contrast Essay.” Edubirdie, 27 Oct. 2023,
Apple Vs Microsoft: Compare and Contrast Essay. [online]. Available at: <> [Accessed 11 Jan. 2025].
Apple Vs Microsoft: Compare and Contrast Essay [Internet]. Edubirdie. 2023 Oct 27 [cited 2025 Jan 11]. Available from:

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