Barbie Doll essays

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5 Pages 2140 Words
Barbie is a cultural artefact that many people have once owned and adored in their lifetime, if not still do. The doll, which arose in 1959, was created by the American company Mattel. They proved hugely successful and continue to do so, sold today by the second. Despite the immense victory of the doll, it comes with its complications and...
6 Pages 2683 Words
Since 1959, the iconic Barbie doll has been one of the most popular toys worldwide. It has been the global symbol of a certain kind of American beauty for many generations and has been formed by the broader social climate of what is believed as the ideal female. The doll still circulates in our society today and has evolved to...
2 Pages 786 Words
Ann duCille, a popular author known for her works on race and popular culture, in her article ‘Dyes and Dolls: Multicultural Barbie and the Merchandising of Difference’ speaks about Barbie, a doll with which many users identify their personal experiences with. The questions asked by duCille are eye-opening and revitalize new responses and answers among readers. Lack of a Barbie...
2 Pages 1007 Words
Barbie dolls, they’ve around since the late 50’s, most young girls grow up them, and I highly doubt anyone living today doesn’t know what they are. Yet so little people really look into the implications of showing young girls these dolls which are unrealistically and have unattainable to the average person bodies. They’re crazily slim, and have ‘perfect’, model bodies....
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