Body Vibes as an Example of Pseudoscience

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Pseudoscience tries to imitate real science, but lacks the rigor and accepted standards of the practice. It can be dangerous and unethical; therefore, it is critical individuals are aware of the numerous characteristics and red flags that can alert consumers to whether a product may be based upon pseudoscience or genuine science. The website advertising Body Vibes demonstrates many pseudoscience features including a reliance on authority, lack of empirical evidence, claiming to treat a vast array of problems through natural methods, support from ancient methodology and non-falsifiable claims.

Scientific practice places extraordinary emphasis on using evidence rather than authority as a path to knowledge (Gambrill, 1999). However, the Body Vibes website uses celebrity endorsement from Lizzo through videos on the website and selling her own unique set of stickers that consumers can buy. Celebrity endorsement allows the likeability and trustworthiness of the chosen persona to transfer to the product and is used to convince consumers that the brand is positive and reputable (Erdogan, 1999; Spry, Pappu & Bettina Cornwell, 2011). However, celebrity endorsements do not ensure the effectiveness or legitimacy of a product. Further, the website contains a statement from Dr. Albert Szent-Gyorgyi, a recipient of a Nobel Laureate in Medicine. He makes no claims about how the stickers work, yet his authoritative position in the field of science is used to promote the effectiveness and authenticity of the product. Even though it is endorsed by scientist Dr. Albert Szent-Gyorgyi, the Body Vibes stickers lack the scientific evidence needed to support the product. Analysis of the Body Vibes website reveals a lack of empirical evidence to support the product. Scientific practice involves observation, study and experimentation to acquire data that can be empirically examined (Alcock, 1981). The website contains lots of words about 'frequencies' and 'energy', but no testing or data to support these claims. Therefore, relying on authoritative figures rather than empirical evidence to sell the Body Vibes product highlights it may be deceptive and not based on genuine science.

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Claiming to treat a significant number of unrelated issues through natural mechanisms are a major red flag for pseudoscience. The website claims the product can be used to treat an extensive range of problems through different types of Body Vibes stickers. These involve both physical and mental issues such as increasing oxygenation, maintaining a healthy scalp environment, promoting a positive outlook, enhancing creativity and releasing feelings of guilt and fear. These are completely unrelated areas of the mind and body, so it is questionable how one product can treat all these symptoms. There are also limited explanations supporting how these results are achieved, as it states it is through natural mechanisms. Naturalistic fallacy involves when people assume that when a product is natural, it is inherently good (Curry, 2006). Therefore, when the website states the product treats symptoms through entirely natural methods this can entice customers to believe it is automatically ethical and effective, despite being untrue.

Another component of pseudoscience is relying on ancient heritage and legend to support claims. The website states Body Vibes are based upon solfeggio frequencies. These frequencies have no scientific evidence to support their healing properties and further research must be conducted to establish if they have any healing properties (Pereira, 2016). Myths and legends are explanations that were developed prior to new theories arising as a result of improved modern technology (Hines, 1988). Thus, as the Body Vibes technology is non-cumulative and remains unchanged this presents red flags, that it may be based upon pseudoscience.

The Body Vibes stickers have also been marketed on the website with non-falsifiable claims about the technology used in their product. The website discloses that since all human bodies are different, the effects will therefore vary for each individual. The products claims can therefore not be disproven, as any attempts to state the stickers did not work can be covered by the statement that the individual’s body is different, and may therefore have an effect that cannot be felt. Additionally, the use of vague statements about the effects of using the product, such as ‘promoting a positive outlook’, are not fully defined. Thus, customers cannot easily discredit whether they received this benefit, as there is no empirical method to test these results. The non-falsifiable claims made by this company is consistent with pseudoscience characteristics and therefore not scientifically valid.

Pseudoscience products often abuse the public’s beliefs to benefit financially, despite being unethical and dangerous when these products are used as a replacement for scientifically based treatment. Therefore, through careful analysis of the Body Vibes website, it can be concluded that individuals should use caution when deciding to purchase the product as it is consistent with many characteristics and red flags of pseudoscience.

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Body Vibes as an Example of Pseudoscience. (2023, September 08). Edubirdie. Retrieved June 30, 2024, from
“Body Vibes as an Example of Pseudoscience.” Edubirdie, 08 Sept. 2023,
Body Vibes as an Example of Pseudoscience. [online]. Available at: <> [Accessed 30 Jun. 2024].
Body Vibes as an Example of Pseudoscience [Internet]. Edubirdie. 2023 Sept 08 [cited 2024 Jun 30]. Available from:

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