Causes of Narcissistic Personality Disorder: Analytical Essay

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Imagine meeting someone who, at first, seems like an amazing individual, supremely confident, telling you things that’d easily make your heart soar. Cool right? But, after a while, things start to slowly go south for the relationship, and you, for the first time, get to see them for who they truly are, someone who thinks the universe revolves around them, and when threatened or criticized in the slightest degree, (due to their extremely fragile self-esteem,) can either explode with a rather volatile intensity or drop you like you never meant anything to them at all. A master manipulator and an ace at the art of persuasion, someone diagnosed with narcissistic personality disorder can either lift your feelings up high or slam them down in the dirt depending on their each and every whim. How does a normal person become so self-absorbed?

Thesis: Even though it is unknown exactly what causes narcissistic personality disorder many researchers think that Even though some researchers think that, especially in cases involving biologically and culturally vulnerable pre-disposed children and teens(nature vs Nurture), some, parenting styles may have an impact, especially those that areprove overprotective, strict, possibly even borderline neglectful, may have an impact.

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It is unknown what causes narcissistic personality disorder given that, as with personality development and with other mental health disorders, the cause of narcissistic personality disorder is likely complex.

In According to their Joint publication of “PHYSIOLOGICAL AND HEALTH-RELATED CORRELATES OF THE NARCISSISTIC PERSONALITY,” Konrath and Bonadonna, thoroughly review and analyze the physiological and health-related tendencies/risks associated with someone who suffers from a narcissistic personality, they also explore and examine the “behind the scenes” traits, complications and behavioral outcomes of this disorder.

There are a wide range of signs, symptoms, or evenand peculiar behaviors for those who suffer from narcissistic personality disorder. Some of these symptoms and behaviors can be seen as vain, or “prissy,” while others, in rare cases, can be seen as quite comical. For example Most People can remember a time in their lives when they themselves or someone they knew would tell a wildly exaggerated story a 'tall tale' if you will, and their part in said story, definitely wasn’t “Small.”

Narcissistic people believe themselves to be highly superior to others and often believe that they should only come into contact with people who are equally superior. If we didn’t know any better, and if better, if we met a narcissist in person, we'd immediately label them as 'Stuck up' or perhaps even just plain rude.

Another 'trait' or 'symptom' if you will, is that they can be extremely charming as well as often being able to easily and can often manipulate you into doing anything and everything they want, which in itself is a very scary thought, seeing as they can and WILLCAN AND WILL try to possibly manipulate or and persuade you if given the chance. They'll often, (when interested in you, or something that you can do for them,) try and succeedto succeed in making you feel awesome, special, important, and like you mean something to them. But you should watch out for this, because the moment you cease to be use full to them, they'll proceed to drop you without a care in the world.

People afflicted with this type of personality disorder tend to have difficulty when trying to control their behavior and emotions, for example, they enjoy messing with your mind to keep you off-balanced, making you feel insecure, and forcing you to always be on your toes. However, they often hide how they really feel, and as such, have an extremely fragile sense of self-esteem and self-worth, but beware, if you or something/someone else criticizes or else threatens them in any way, they'll often 'Bite-Back' with a terrifyingly volatile response, so it's best not to anger them in any way. When someone, verbally attacks your self-confidence, it hurts right? Well, with a narcissist, that hurt factor is multiplied exponentially, meaning it often results in the complete and total destruction of their self-esteem. With that being said, most people don’t realize that someone is a narcissist until it is too late.

The Self depreciatory risks associated with narcissism are many and often very sad. They can have difficulty maintaining a steady relationship, often leading to depression followed by anxiety, causing them to retreat deep within a protective shell and to lash out with verbal, sometimes even physical abuse when threatened. As was stated earlier in this passage, they have an extremely fragile sense of self-esteem which when threatened, can lead to suicidal thoughts followed by volatile/violent behavior.

Since very little is known about what causes narcissism, there is no known way to prevent it,(Given that, as with personality development and with other mental health disorders, the cause of narcissistic personality disorder is highly likely to be complex.) Even though the previous is true, many people have come up with ways they believe could help those who struggle with narcissism. For example, some think that it may help to participate in group therapy to relieve stress and problems. Others seem to think it may also help if they participated in self-esteem-building activities. Still, it may take quite a long time before we truly understand what exactly causes narcissism, but it is possible that, in the near future, we may develop new insight and discover new ways to further our research into personality disorders like this one.

  • Even though there may be temporary fixes or even temporary cures, it does pose one heavily weighted question. How do we prevent it
  • Even though the previous is true, many people have come up with ways they believe could help those who struggle with narcissism. For example, some think that may help to participate in group therapy to relieve stress and problems. Others seem to think it may also help if they participated in self-esteem-building activities.
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Causes of Narcissistic Personality Disorder: Analytical Essay. (2022, September 27). Edubirdie. Retrieved June 30, 2024, from
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