Comfort Zone essays

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5 Pages 2344 Words
As humans, we always adapt to our routines, as they are comfortable and reliable. We all have a zone of anxiety which when activated, boosts up our performance. It is in this state, our mind can think out of the box and create a steady level of performance. Stepping out of the comfort zone to push ourselves to accomplish the...
2 Pages 1012 Words
The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Nighttime (2003) by Mark Haddon and The Perks of Being a Wallflower (2012) by Stephen Chbosky reflects the lives of two adolescent boys, Christopher and Charlie, who are struggling to find their identity. Haddon’s text follows the life of Christopher, a 15 year old on the autism spectrum who is solving a...
1 Page 428 Words
While we are constantly taught to do what makes us happy and be where we feel comfortable, this might not be the best advice for curious, innovative young minds who are always in search of new adventures and continuous growth. Here’s why the ‘ Comfort Zone ‘ isn’t always a safe zone, and Why we should overcome it, in order...
2 Pages 912 Words
Home is not merely a physical space but a sanctuary that holds the essence of our lives. It is where we find solace, create lasting memories, and experience a sense of belonging. Within the walls of our homes, every room becomes a chapter in our personal story, filled with laughter, tears, and the countless moments that shape us. As I...
1 Page 624 Words
I’m sure that many of you would have heard this phrase countless times throughout your life. There are days you have to get out of your comfort zone and do the things that you want to be recognized. But, not all occasions deserve the phrase to get out of your comfort zone. It was the first time; I have been...
1 Page 576 Words
This essay describes the halal lifestyle in the concept of sharia economy. Lifestyle is the life pattern of a person expressed in activities, his interests and opinions of spending his money and allocating the time it has (Sumarwan, 2011). Lifestyle encourages the attitude of one’s aktivities in meeting the needs and use of the products. With the development of Islamic...
3 Pages 1401 Words
Desperate for the loo? You do not have to get down and dirty in the wild! All you need do is get into a comfort station and get relieved! It is a natural call for each and everyone to ease their body of the processed result of food intake, which could be by either urinating or defecating. Having understood that...
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