Dalai Lama essays

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3 Pages 1409 Words
In Western society, happiness is widely regarded in the lens of activities that bring us immediate, temporary pleasure, such as the desire to acquire material possessions or physical/sexual gratification. Although these things are not inherently negative, viewing long-term happiness in a pleasure-driven perspective is not only a mischaracterization of happiness, but also detrimental to a person’s wellbeing. The Dalai Lama...
4 Pages 1701 Words
Many turn to their faith for guidance when it comes to sexual relationships, and Buddhists are no exception. A Buddhists ultimate aim is to escape suffering, and they believe that sex, homosexual or otherwise, should be approached with the Right Intention (BBC Bitesize 2020). A Buddhists perspective of Homosexuality is very flexible. Buddhism is considered incredibly diverse (more so than...
1 Page 544 Words
A good Buddhist life Buddhism is the fourth-largest religion with more than 500 million followers across the globe they teach a concept of enlightenment and try to seek a deeper understanding of the meaning of life and our natural world. According to Buddhist teacher Phakchok Rinpoche “someone who regards themselves as a Buddhist should make offerings upward and practice generosity...
3 Pages 1362 Words
What is happiness? This is often a question many of us ponder on and can’t seem to wrap our head around it. There are multiple ways of defining happiness but one way of describing it would be; the state of accomplishment that encourages us to gravitate towards higher thinking, ambitions, nonsecular values and most significantly what the true purpose of...
3 Pages 1678 Words
Jetsun Jamphel Ngawang Lobsang Yeshe Tenzin Gyatso, reverently known as the 14th Dalai Lama, has a lot to say about love. 14th Dalai Lama is the most important monk of the Gelug School of Tibetan Buddhism. He has sought refuge in India ever since the Tibetan uprising of 1959. For him, the need of love comes from ‘inter-dependence’, which he...
7 Pages 3053 Words
The Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) is the United States of America’s backbone for collecting and analysing foreign information which is used for counterintelligence, counter terrorism and paramilitary operations. The origins of the CIA date back to 1941 but was under a different name Office of the Coordinator of Information (COI) which only lasted 337 days before being shut down. Created...
3 Pages 1273 Words
Everyone knows that Tibet issue was starting from 1951, especially later the Dalai Lama leading more than 80 thousand Tibetans exiled to India. In fact, Chinese communist government were invaded Tibet and between Chinese communist Government and Tibet government signed so-called “Seventeen Point Agreement” in 1951. The Dalai Lama's Press Statements (Statement issued at Tezpur 18th April 1959) showed us...
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