Descriptive Essay Examples

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Social Issues

Fate of Poseidon: Descriptive Essay

3 Pages 1240 Words
Everything started with 'Master Erebus' the lord of Trenches when he trespassed against his siblings by entering the god's chamber without the ruler of the god's assent so far as that is concerned and intentionally taking the cutting edge of Olympus without considering the results because of a demonstration of his disloyalty, he left Mount Olympus on the blocks of...

Overview of Rich Dad Poor Dad: Descriptive Essay

1 Page 506 Words
'The poor and the middle class work for money. The rich have money to work for them.' Introduction: Robert thinks he has two dads, one is his biological father, well-educated and very smart, but Has been struggling financially, the other is the father of his friend Mike, who never finished eighth grade. But he left tens of millions of dollars...

Experiences during World War II in The Hiding Place: Descriptive Essay

3 Pages 1320 Words
Cornelia Arnolda Johanna ten Boom was born on April 15, 1892, in Haarlem, Netherlands. For her whole life, she was referred to as “Corrie”. She was the youngest child in the family and took the job profession of a jeweller and watchmaker. She and her family were Calvinist Christians in a Dutch Reformed Church. Their faith motivated them in supporting...

General Overview of Stonehenge: Descriptive Essay

1 Page 733 Words
Stonehenge (Monument) Key Features Stonehenge is prehistorical and was built around 3000BC. It consist of standing stones that make a ring. Many historians believe the people who created this used it as a burial ground. It is intriguing for many due to how it was built and how many years ago could've been constructed it with limited technology. The name...

Entasis in Antiquity: Descriptive Essay on Optical Illusion and Aesthetics of Parthenon

3 Pages 1391 Words
Entasis in Antiquity Refinements of architecture play an essential role in shaping the visual image and structure of the building. Refinements are conscious decisions made by the architects to revise the otherwise strictly straight lines of the building for aesthetic or practical reasons. Entasis, a slight convex curve of the shaft of a column, is a refinement frequently embodied by...

Role of Democritus and Dalton in the Development of Atomic Theory: Descriptive Essay

2 Pages 834 Words
History of atom Our journey with the atom model dates back to 442 BC when Greek Philosopher Democritus proposed his theory of matter. While his theory was obviously not based on any observable science, it was entirely dependent on rationalism and was largely inspired by Greek philosophers, Leucippus and Anaxagoras. Democritus enters this discussion facing phenomenal resistance. His proposition so...

General Overview of The Pyramids Of Egypt: Descriptive Essay

1 Page 669 Words
The very mysterious and mind-boggling pyramids in Egypt are obviously one of the many reasons tourists dream of visiting the African(Egypt) country. Subsequently there are seven known and recorded wonders of the world today, with which the mysterious pyramids of Giza(Egypt) obtains the top or first spot. Personally one can say that these ancient structures are very impressive and wonderful...

Review of Plot of The Little Prince: Descriptive Essay

5 Pages 2078 Words
The novel starts as the narrator laments on his childhood as he constantly tried to draw a Boa Constrictor eating an elephant. When he would show grown-ups his drawing they would constantly assume that it was a hat despite all his efforts in drawing it differently. The grownups around him encouraged him to quit drawing and pay more attention to...

Socrates' Views on Euthyphro Written by Plato: Descriptive Essay

1 Page 594 Words
To start with a quick paraphrase of the reading Euthyphro written by Plato, Socrates meets a young prophet by the name of Euthyphro in Athens Greece. Socrates and Euthyphro are at the courthouse due to their actions that relate to being devout, which turns out to be the central theme of the story. In the reading, we see that Euthyphro...

Pocahontas and the First Settlers of Jamestown: Descriptive Essay

1 Page 567 Words
Jamestown was the first permanent English settlement in North America, I would prefer to live there because it was a time in which women were needed in order for Jamestown to thrive, I would have the chance to meet Pocahontas’s son, and I would get the chance in being known as a historical figure. The first settlers of Jamestown were...

Voyages of Explorers to the North Pole: Descriptive Essay

4 Pages 1788 Words
The interest concerning the exploration and search for the North Pole has been discussed and debated throughout history due to a variety of reasons. This interest has continued to current times where there are constant debates about the North Pole regarding who was the first to reach it and what were the motives for the explorations. The explorations and expeditions...

Medical Testing for Allergy Responses: Descriptive Essay

4 Pages 1963 Words
Having an allergy to peanuts is characterized by serious anaphylactic reactions, which usually has lifelong persistence. In the United States of America, tree nuts and peanuts are among some of the most common food allergens that produce an anaphylactic reaction in humans. This fact is concerning because seemingly harmless substances like dust, gluten, milk, and shellfish should not be of...

General Overview of Metabolism: Descriptive Essay

4 Pages 1962 Words
We all love to eat, in fact, it’s essential for us to eat. However, most people don’t actually seem to care about the amount they are taking into their bodies until it’s affecting them in a way they a not fond of. For example, you may be asking yourself why is so and so not getting fat and I am...

General Overview of Occurrence of Pathogenic E. Coli: Descriptive Essay

4 Pages 1753 Words
Escherichia coli is a gram-negative facultative bacteria belongs to family Enterobacteriaceae. E. coli is a cunning species encompassing the common vegetation in the intestinal tracts of the warm-blooded creatures (Afset et al., 2003). The main territory of E. coli has long been believed as the vertebrate gut since first termed as Bacterium coli community by a German pediatrician, Dr. Theodor...

Living with Food Allergy: Descriptive Essay

4 Pages 1792 Words
The human body has an intricate system of mechanisms that protect and defend the body from germs and disease. As a whole, this system is known as the immune system. Although the whole body is involved in this intricate system, the white blood cells play an extremely important role. There are many different types of white blood cells and they...

General Overview of Sexually Transmitted Diseases: Descriptive Essay

1 Page 584 Words
More often, senior citizens are viewed as asexual beings who no longer possess the desire to engage in intimate relationships. Contrary to this belief, this age group is actually very much sexually active and does, in fact, engage in sexual activity quite frequently. Senior citizen beliefs regarding the proclivities of sexual activity stem from an era of sexual revolution where...

The Contributions of Deaf Activist and Poet Dorothy Miles: Descriptive Essay

4 Pages 1738 Words
Early Life and Education of Dorothy Miles Deaf activist and poet, Dorothy Miles was born on August 19th, 1931 in North Wales, United Kingdom (Dorothy). Dorothy was the youngest of five and was very close to her parents throughout her life. She passed away at age sixty-one in January 1993 (Dorothy). Dorothy’s first language was English; it was not until...

Understanding of the Singaporean Culture: Descriptive Essay on Confucian Asia

4 Pages 1888 Words
Introduction Abeona is a manufacturer of luggage and travel accessories. The company is based in London and plans to internationalize to Singapore. The plan is to set up offices in Singapore which would act as the headquarters for operations in Asia and the US. The Singapore office plans to be the central hub for the manufacturing operations that will be...

Descriptive Essay: General Overview of Kathak Dance

2 Pages 775 Words
On the 2nd of November, I went to see the live performance of Diwali Dance Party at the Town Hall in Flushing Queens. The event lasted for four hours and showcased the Indian traditional dances, music, clothing, and food. There were also workshops at the event, that included: Kathak dancing, Bhangra dance, open floor dance, and information hubs. Other sessions...

Overcoming Obstacles: Descriptive Essay on Richard Nixon's Experience

6 Pages 2640 Words
For Richard Nixon, ending the war in Vietnam was one of his promises made during his election campaign in 1968. He saw that there was monumental opposition to the war by the American Public and by some members of Congress which ultimately led him to declare that he was “going to stop that war. Fast.” (Lawrence p138). This promise might...

Omar Khadr at Guantanamo Bay: Descriptive Essay

5 Pages 2058 Words
In Claire Theobald’s article, “Omar Khadr walks out of Edmonton court a free man”, she explains the life of Canadian-born Omar Khadr, and how he finally achieved legal freedom after being infringed of his rights for 13 years. At 15 years old, Omar’s father sent him to translate in Afghanistan for a group of Islamic militants (Theobald, 2019). Shortly after...

Visit to Guantanamo Bay: Descriptive Essay

3 Pages 1487 Words
Rob Reiner’s A Few Good Men follows naval lawyer Lt. Daniel Kaffee as he defends Lance Corporal Dawson and PFC Downey as they are accused of murdering fellow marine Private Santiago. Kaffee is working with Lt. Commander Jo Galloway and Lt. Sam Weinberg while working against Captain Ross, Lt. Kendrick, and Colonel Jessup. Though he has the odds against him,...

Life of David Hicks at Guantanamo Bay: Descriptive Essay

4 Pages 1989 Words
We should time ourselves for length of speech and send to each other to see if we need more/less. I think we will certainly have more than enough although that is good. Introduction: David Hicks is a former Australian criminal who was detained by the United States of America’s military forces after the 9/11 terrorist attacks. Due to his high-profile...

Detailed Overview of Tumblr and Twitter’s Features: Descriptive Essay

3 Pages 1313 Words
Anti-vaccination Discourse Online Before advancing to the main part of the study, this section is dedicated to explaining why the topic of anti-vaccination was chosen to be analyzed from a linguistic point of view, as well as why Tumblr and Twitter were the social media selected for the corpus, beyond the arguments cited in 1.1.1. This chapter has to main...

Temper Tantrums of the Toddlers Faced by the Parents: Descriptive Essay

4 Pages 1663 Words
There are many ways in which child could have learned to deliver temper tantrums. Firstly it could be emulation or he might have observed someone showing the same behavior. Secondly, it could be possible he might have seen or observed such behavior in the environment he lives or is associated with, like the home, school or any other places. Positive...

Descriptive Essay: General Overview of American Education System

2 Pages 691 Words
When looking at the American education system, the multitude of flaws in it can effortlessly be determined by examining the popular belief that “if you don’t go to college, you have no worth,” a concept brought to light by Joshua Katz in his Toxic Culture of Education TED talk. The American education system does not adequately provide students with the...

The Causes and Events Of The American Revolution: Descriptive Essay

4 Pages 1742 Words
Introductory: The American revolution is a revolution done by the British settlers in America after Europe exploring America. This revolution aimed for gaining independency in order to be a new independent country in America without controls from the mother nation Britain. The Causes Of The American Revolution: Restrictions: Britain the mother nation forced the British people in America to follow...

General Overview of Women's Suffrage Movement: Descriptive Essay

2 Pages 885 Words
This is the same fundamental principle that men have been instilled into women mind. That means in summary: if I can put someone down even in my social class or race then I can stay in power but importantly on top; that is the definition of 'white privilege' that is illustrated from the previous readings listed above. Not only did...
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