Divorce Exploratory Essay

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In the past decades, parental separation has become common in all countries, especially Western countries. In Western cultures, more than 90 percent of people marry by the age of 50. However, about 40 to 50 percent of married couples in the United States divorce. Some divorces in the Western world decreased, but only Ireland, Latvia, Lithuania, the Slovak Republic, and Sweden have seen crude marriage rates increase since 1995 (Calot G., n.d.). In addition, all parents may have many worries on their minds—from the future of their living situation to the uncertainty of the custody arrangement—they may worry most about how the children will deal with the divorce. Some studies have been done to explore the relationship between experiencing a parental divorce in childhood and externalizing problem behavior (EPB) in adulthood (Sacha Sillekens, 2020). As examined, individual, family, and peer influences for those growing up in a broken home have enduring consequences for EPB. A wealth of research also points to factors mediating the association, including less effective parenting, inter-parental conflict, economic struggles, and limited contact with one parent, typically the father.

The main aim of this report is to explore how parental separation affects young adult relationships between divorce and parent-adult satisfaction and individual distress such as depression, anxiety, and stress.

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Divorce within the United States:

Within us, divorce has always been communal since half of all marriages end in divorce or perpetual separation. Assurance is a transparent aspect of why some couples stick together. Sometimes divorce is important, but those in other occurrences often later suggest they want they might have given themselves another chance before divorcing. Many factors place a few at high-level risk for divorce. In 2020, the us features a total of 331,002,651 occupants, for every 1,000, there are about 2.5 split-ups. Over the years, researchers have dogged undeniable factors that put people at greater risk for divorce: espousing at a young age, inadequate education, and income.

At a young age: marriage at a young age increases the likelihood of divorce, especially within the early years of marriage.

Less education: research shows that those with a minimum of some college education (vs. high school or not finishing high school) have a lesser risk of separation.

Less income: having an unexceptional salary can help couples dodge anxiety which will cause divorce.

According to children, divorce has an impression on them, it's going to escalate the danger of spiritual health problems. Unceremoniously aged, gender, and culture, children of divorced parents experience increased psychological problems.

Divorce in Russia:

Apart from the Western world, Russia features a substantial number of divorces because Russians lean to marry younger than their Western patricians. Notwithstanding the cause for concern, experts say that family values endure integral. In 2016, the ratio of divorces to new marriages in Russia was 1 to 1.6, meaning that Russians divorce more regularly than they marry. In 2020, Russia features a total of 145,934,462 occupants, for every 1,000, there are approximately 4.7 divorces.

Furthermore, in current eras over 60 percent of marriages in

Russia terminated in approved separation (Shevchenko, 2018) Some people accuse childish puerility and demanding life circumstances, experts say these influence divorce. Nevertheless, one thing is certain: Russia may be a country where every second marriage ends in divorce, making it an intercontinental groundbreaker during this classification. “It would be wrong to match the number of divorces in Russia and other countries because divorce procedures, which have an enormous impact on statistics, vary greatly from country to country,” said Sergei V. Zakharov, deputy director at the Upper School of Economics’ Institute of Demography. additionally, some undesirable disputes can cause divorce which are: a tough life, immature newlyweds, and liberal laws.

Tough life: life in Russia is difficult in general: salaries are truncated, work is hard; people basically cannot possess life with such exhaustive complaints.

Immature newlyweds and liberal laws: This extraordinary number of divorces is thanks to the negligence and recklessness of children before they marry. They still play their childish games and may scarcely visualize what anticipate after a marriage. For instance, “My wife and I met one another once we both were young. When children get older it often happens that their views on life change. This is often what happened to us,” said Alexander Pirogov, who divorced when he was 32.

Children from divorced families do not always accomplish education. However, a study published in 2019 advocated kids from divorced families were inclined to possess misfortune with the school if the divorce was unforeseen, however, children from families where the divorce was expected didn't have the matching consequence.

Divorce in Turkey:

Turkey may be a country where, between Eastern and Western cultures, recent divorce rates are accumulative. Couples marry with the will to sustain a lifelong relationship; many marriages culminate in divorce in the present day for various reasons. Divorce is described as a sophisticated crisis and a staged transition process, whereby couples end their marriages through a legal decision (Jafar Bolhari, 2012). In 2020, Turkey featured a total of 84,339,067 inhabitants, for every 1,000, about 1.6 divorces happened. The explanations for divorce are variable. They are also associated with a country’s socioeconomic status and cultural structure. the tutorial and developmental level of a rustic, changes in family roles, women’s place in work life, and therefore the society’s perception of divorced individuals. It is further contemplated that individuals, who witnessed negative parent relationships or divorcing parents during their childhood, have a better probability of getting divorced. To continue with, there are too many valid reasons for divorces, but most significantly are the following:

No religious affiliation: Researchers have estimated those with a spiritual affiliation compared to those who belong to no religious group are less likely to divorce.

Premarital childbearing and pregnancy: childbearing and pregnancy before marriage significantly increase the likelihood of future divorce.

Addiction: addiction might be available in many forms, like alcohol, drugs, gambling, or pornography. This increases the danger of badly permanent separation.

Also, research has suggested divorce can affect children socially. Children whose family goes through a divorce may have a harder time concerning others and tend to possess fewer social contacts. Sometimes children feel insecure and wonder if their family is the only family that has gotten divorced.

National perspective:

This paper tackles the idea of divorce in Egypt, as it is my home country. In Egypt, the Personal Status Law, which addresses divorce, is generally administered according to an individual's religion (US, 2013). As of right now, about 200,000 married couples get a divorce every year, according to President Abdel Fatah al-Sisi. Moreover, research indicates that within the bounds first five years, 40 percent of marriages end (Reda, 2019). According to recent statements by the Egyptian Minister of Social Solidarity Ghada Wali, the Egyptian government is finalizing the development of a comprehensive program that aims to deal with the issue of high divorce rates in Egypt, with a particular focus on cities, as they have higher divorce rates. Apart from the factors influencing the rising divorce rates, in the Middle East is the change brought about by urbanization. This shift has led to a change in expectations of marriage from the more traditional family values and gender roles. Today, “incompatibility” is reason enough for divorce. Research conducted over the last three decades has supported evidence-based practice guidelines for addressing family members’ needs for information, clinical guidance, and ongoing support. One of the findings is that altering key types of negative interaction, while meeting the needs of family members, dramatically improves patient outcomes and family well-being in order not to have any mental or psychological problems.

Local perspective:

Doing my research, I interviewed a few people around my neighborhood who had and had not been through this situation. My question was: Do you think many children have psychological issues because of parental separation? One of the interviewees said, “Yes definitely because other than the fact that they experience a lot of emotional trauma, seeing other kids with their parents in healthy relationships would affect them without them even noticing.” Also, another one said that if they had been through this situation, they would have tried to reunite with their parents again in order not to experience bad mental performance, abusive behavior, etc.

Contrasting perspective:

According to the perspectives, the national perspective claims that Egypt helps all children with divorced parents however the local perspective does not support so. I interviewed people who had been in this situation before and experienced some mental issues throughout their lives and some state that they developed without their parents better because they like to show that they are better than others and have no deficiencies. Moreover, it depends on the child’s age, personality, and the circumstances of the separation and divorce process. Getting through a divorce is painful, but for some children, it might be better in the end because the child might have experienced abuse, lack of support, lack of trust, etc. However, children who had not been through parental separation support the local perspective more. Sometimes, in the end, some couples stay together because they overthink about their children’s mental health.

Problems and causes of action:

Most couples divorce because of a serious problem. One of the main reasons why people get divorced is money. Different spending habits, opposite financial goals, and a lack of money can produce great strain on a marriage. If the couple has children, money becomes even more vital to the sustainability of the relationship because nowadays children compare each other according to their family’s standards. In general, parenting experts agree that children should not be kept in a family where there is continuing abuse of any kind. Divorce should result if a child is living with a parent who is abusing them sexually, physically, or emotionally. While it is clear that abusive behavior can be changed and corrected, it is also clear that such changes are infrequent. One of the most important things after divorce is how do parents cope with their child and their roles. Each parent tries to be their child’s teacher, they try their best to provide encouragement, support, and access to activities that enable the child to master key development tasks. In addition, school roles are also important, and they take place in almost all schools. Teachers help students by having private conversations, asking if they are ok, being good listeners, letting children express their feelings which helps in creating a safe, friendly environment where children can feel free to talk, and providing reassurance.

Personal perspective:

In my opinion, couples should think about their child/children before getting a divorce as many negative aspects might put the child in a difficult situation such as depression, anxiety, etc. I'm totally against it because it affects the child greatly, especially at a young age. Having to keep moving between two houses and not being able to spend a lot of time with one or two of their parents. In conclusion, it’s a huge hassle and not worth dealing with courts and confusing the child, especially at a young age.


    1. Calot G., J. S. (n.d.). Retrieved from https://www.cedefop.europa.eu/files/Methodology_for_the_calculation_of_Eurostats_demogr aphic_indicators.pdf
    2. Sacha Sillekens, N. N. (2020). Retrieved from https://www.researchgate.net/publication/329301203_Parental_Divorce_and_Externalizing_Pr oblem_Behavior_in_Adulthood_A_Study_on_Lasting_Individual_Family_and_Peer_Risk_Factors_for_Externalizing_Problem_Behavior_when_Experiencing_a_Parental_Divorce
    3. Shevchenko, N. (2018). Retrieved from https://www.rbth.com/lifestyle/328194-russian-couples-divorceoften-family
    4. Jafar Bolhari, F. R. (2012). Retrieved from https://applications.emro.who.int/imemrf/J_Fam_Reprod_Health/J_Fam_Reprod_Health_2012 _6_3_129_137.pdf
    5. US. (2013, April 19). Retrieved from https://www.refworld.org/docid/53c4d6a74.html
    6. Reda, L. (2019, February 28). Retrieved from https://www.egypttoday.com/Article/6/66379/On-Marriage-and-Divorce-in-Egypt
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