Essay on Gun Violence in Canada

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The element of globalization, supported by high-level technological growth, has made it possible for different societies or nations to determine and compare various similarities and differences with one another. One of such elements that many societies tend to compare is the crime rate of the respective areas so that the right decision-making process can be made to establish the required high-level safety. Canada and the United States of America (U.S.A) are the ideal nations where the comparison in criminal matters is carried out since these two are geographically proximate and have relatively the same socioeconomic aspects. When the two countries of Canada and the U.S.A are compared on matters of crime rates, the United States is struggling with a high crime rate compared to Canada

Gun violence is one of the crime issues facing Canada and the United States. Gun violence refers to the type of crime executed through the use of firearms such as shotguns, pistols, assault rifles, and much more to intimidate, hurt, or kill the victims. The two nations of Canada and the United States have laws allowing ownership of guns. However, some individuals illegally acquire and use firearms to execute their criminal activities. The crime rates emanating from gun violence have occurred in the two nations in the recent past as discussed below. In the United States, although the 2020 years recorded limited mass shooting cases, 2020 was the year that the nation marked one of the deadliest years in terms of gun violence. Over 43500 deaths resulting from gun deaths and a total of 610 mass shooting cases were recorded in the United States. The country was also subjected to alarming gun violence in the states of Atlanta, Boulder, San Jose, California, and Georgia within the period running from March to May 2021 (The American Journal of Managed Care, 2021). Furthermore, about 70 percent of gun violence occurs in the United States since the guns used in the heinous acts are easily concealed, hence preferred by many criminals (Webb, 2019). On the other hand, Raycraft's (2021) report shows that the gun violence crime rate was relatively lower at 8344 victims in Canada. However, despite the lower rate of gun violence between Canada and the U.S.A. in 2020, the pattern reveals that this form of crime is increasing, as the 2020 firearm crime was a 15 percent increase compared to the previous year's population. One significant difference between the gun violence crime in the United versus Canada is that the latter has about 13 rates of general gun ownership to that of the United States, but with relatively low handgun ownership. However, the increasing rate of crime in Canada should be a warning that it is high time changes are put in place to curb the issue of gun violence than it is now. All in all, the crime rate in the form of gun violence tends to be more alarming in the United States than in Canada.

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Essay on Gun Violence in Canada. (2024, May 20). Edubirdie. Retrieved September 28, 2024, from
“Essay on Gun Violence in Canada.” Edubirdie, 20 May 2024,
Essay on Gun Violence in Canada. [online]. Available at: <> [Accessed 28 Sept. 2024].
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