Essay on Justification in the Bible

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In the Bible, the representative of atonement is to cover up sin, which means exchanging. (Romans 3:23)Because the people now are all sinners, we need to atonement. When Adam made his mistakes, it has already caused people to bear sins. (Romans 5:12)God wants people to reconcile with him to eliminate the existence of sin, so there is the existence of atonement.

So atonement can be boiled down to six parts, Substitution, Redemption, Reconciliation, Propitiation, Forgiveness, Justification. These are the words that we can use to explain atonement.

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Substitution, Jesus took the sin from us, made atonement for us, and took the sinner's sin to him, and then he took the punishment of the mistakes we made to protect us. In the Bible, the Gospel of Matthew has explained this aspect. Even as the Son of man did not come to have servants, but to be a servant, and to give his life for the salvation of men. It can be seen that Jesus, as the son of God sent to the world, is not to accept the service of the people. He is to sin for the mistakes made by mankind and to free us from sin. So Jesus sacrificed himself to pay for mankind's sins to show God's holiness and justice. God is most concerned about the salvation of people. Although He is angry at the sins committed by people, He does not want people to live in sin. He wants people to be free from the abyss of sin. In the Bible, we can see that God does not tolerate any sin, as the Bible Deuteronomy says, 'For the Lord you're God is an all-burning fire, and he will not let the honor which is his be given To any other.' It can be seen that God is in charge of the right to judge sin, so He sent Jesus to Substitution people to redeem.

For redemption, God sent Jesus to the world to make His believers redeemable. He wished that people were saved from sin, freeing them from the bondage of sin and letting believers regain their freedom. But the price of doing this is that Jesus sacrificed for us.'The God of the Lord Israel is to be praised because he cares for his people and redeems them.' Luke 2:68. So we can see that God is kind. He doesn't want to see people in sinful times and they don't know it. He doesn't want to let sin spread. So He redeemed us and let Jesus take all the punishment for us to warn people.

And the third word is reconciliation. After Adam made mistakes, people took the wrong left the path guided by God. This led to God’s anger, and the reconciliation emphasis path committed many sins, sized Man reconciles with God. Sin was once a barrier between man and God. God once wanted to sin on earth, but God is kind. Jesus is the messenger of God's reconciliation with humanity. God wants all sinful people to reconcile with him and make all The guilty people lift their sins. Therefore, reconciliation can be summarized as the fact that human beings lost contact with God because of the initial mistakes, but God gave humans another chance to reconcile with God. As Ecclesiastes 3:8 in the Bible says 'A time to love, and a time to hate; a time of war, and a time of peace.', telling us that there may be many conflicts or unhealthy between humans. Things, but once reconciled, everything is fine. People follow Jesus' steps and make God see the goodness of people, so God facilitates human reconciliation, which was once an enemy, and resolves their sins. In the case of Romans 5:7-8, 'For scarcely for a righteous man will one die: yet peradventure for a good man some would even dare to die. But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners Christ died for us. 'From these examples, we can see that God is selfless. He does not care about what human beings have done. He only hopes that mankind will follow His footsteps after he has escaped from the abyss of sin.

The fourth word is Propitiation, and Jesus' death represents a lot of different meanings. Because human beings made mistakes at the beginning, These made God angry, but God is holy, and His anger is because of human sin, so God wants to liberate mankind from sin, then God will eliminate his anger, but God should not end His anger by Himself. so he sent Jesus to exercise his will for him. So Jesus played a role in the relationship between man and God. Because Jesus, our relationship with God is improved, because Jesus, God will not lose his holiness. In the Bible, there is an example of this word, like ‘And if any man sin, we have an advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous in 1 John:1-2. And he is the propitiation for our sins: and not for ours only, but also for the sins of the whole world. 'It explains the meaning of Propitiation and tells us that Jesus died for humanity. The fifth word is Forgiveness. Although God is angry at what people do, He has not condemned people. Forgiveness means to be forgiven by others, love, compassion, and gratitude. Even God knows what human beings are doing some mistakes that it is unforgivable, but He loves people, the sins of people were eliminated by Jesus, and the mistakes made by man were nailed to the cross, and all punishment was borne by Jesus, this is because of God's kindness. In this world, everyone is guilty. If you say you are not guilty, you are deceiving yourself, so we should be grateful for everything God has given us. In the Bible, Ephesians 4:32, 'And be ye kind one to another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as God for Christ's sake hath forgiven you.' It is pointed out that we also learn to be kind to others and to forgive others in our lives. The fault, and doing so is similar to pardoning one's fault and doing the right thing according to God's guidance.

The last word is Justification. If forgiveness is a negative aspect of redemption, then Justification is a positive aspect. God through Jesus makes the sinful people righteous and innocent, so I think it can be understood that justification is that God forgives human sin, makes man and God truly reconciled, and God's gift to mankind, as long as people believe in God, Then justification will come and give people happiness. So it can be understood that people have made mistakes and broken the rules appointed by God, so people need to accept the justice of God to be forgiven by God.' Therefore being justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ:' in Romans 5:1 in the Bible explains the effect of Justification. Therefore, all who are justified will no longer be enemies of God.

So to sum it up, I think that atonement is God's anger because of the faults committed by mankind, but because God loves people, He made Jesus punish sin for humanity. But we can not relax because Jesus has taken the punishment for us. God will not indulge people to do whatever they want, so God will remember the sins we have committed in life, and God gives us the conscience that allows us to decide what we do, to decide what is right or wrong. We can not make atonement ourselves. The only thing that can be redeemed is Jesus. Only Jesus can bring us salvation, so I think we should follow God's guidance, and make our lives better.

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