Essay on Love in 'The Alchemist'

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If I could choose a memory from my childhood about the power of learning, it would be the memory of my mother, who hates reading online, who bought this book in an e-book form and read it online, in the digital form. I was shocked, and since then I always had in my mind that “The Alchemist” has to be an amazing book if my mother did that. I always wanted to read this book but it was never the time to do so.

This book it's the story of a pastor who, after a dream, decides to go looking for a treasure. He sells his sheep, goes to a land where he knows nothing and no one, is robbed, meets with a king, works at a crystal shop, and goes to the desert looking for treasure, where he also discovers love. But he does not stop there, he goes further into the desert where he is caught in the middle of a war, gets to the pyramids, is beaten and robbed again, and then returns to Spain where he finds his dream treasure, and then returns to his beloved to live happily ever after.

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On the surface, this is a story for children, but to my amazement, it was far more than just that. It has plenty of lessons in it, and I will discuss about five of them.

  • Recognize the good things

It is said that “when each day is the same, it’s because people fail to recognize the good things that happen in their lives every day”

In his journey, the pastor had to follow the signs to get to his treasure. Everything that happened in his daily life, every new person he met, got him closer to his treasure or taught him a lesson. Nothing in our life is random and even the bad events that happen to us happen for a good reason, and we have to have our eyes open to see them.

“God has written in the world the way that every man has to go. You only thing you have to do is to read what He has written for you.”

  • Live in the present

The present is the only moment you can live your life! If you are too obsessed about the past or too concerned about the future you will miss living. Our past is present, we gain a lot of experiences and lessons from it that will help us now and also in the future. The future instead, is just a reflection of what we now, in the present, a reflection of our decisions.

When life happens, people have a tendency to think only about what was before or what will come, but few of them take time to appreciate that they are alive, they are breathing that they have their life waiting for them to be happy.

  • Life is more interesting when you have a dream

In the book, when the pastor arrived at the crystal shop, the owner had a dream to travel to Meka, but he was too afraid to do that, he had the resources and everything he needed but the only thing that was stopping him was himself. His dream wasn’t powerful enough. On the other hand, the pastor’s dream was at that moment to gain enough money to get back at his sheep, but his primordial dream was to find his dream treasure, and that helped him to get through all the challenges he had to face.

When you have a dream, you have a reason to go on, not to stop every time something big or small happens on the way. Having a dream is like having air to breathe.

  • Everyone learns differently

It may not seem to be such an important lesson, but it is. All my life I was frustrated because I could not learn or be good at different subjects in school as my colleagues, and I never knew why even though I was working much more than they did. And more interesting was when I was good at something and my colleagues asked me to explain them, they rarely understood what I was explaining or the way I was explaining. For children and even young adults, it is crucial to understand that we all have different ways of doing the same things.

  • Follow your heart

One of the most important things that the pastor had to do in his journey was to follow and listen to his heart.

Your heart is the only one who knows you better than anyone else, it’s the only one who wants you to be happy because otherwise, she will suffer the consequences. Your heart is your guide in life, is what some people call intuition.

For me “The Alchemist” was a story about destiny and about how the Universe is working for you. Destiny or “Personal Legend” is your purpose in life. We were born with a mission and that mission is our Legend. For some of us, this mission is crystal clear from a young age, but for some of us life goes by and we never find what was theirs.

Since I was little, my mother taught me that nothing happens for no reason, and this became one of the rules I live. Every challenge I faced, every person that came in and went out of my life, every moment, everything happened because I had to go through all that stuff to be prepared for what is happening now in my life and for what will come.

I like to say that you need to go through a storm to see the rainbow. I don’t know what is my Legend yet, but I know that everything around me is getting me closer to it.

I know that my parents had to divorce, my mother had to get through a difficult period, me also, friends came and went, unexpected people had a huge impact on my life, my father disappointed me, and many other things to get here, at this specific moment. And all those happened so quickly that I didn’t even have the time to process them.

But growing up in this “mess” made me understand and I was born to do something important, not just to come by. I always had this desire in me to leave something behind and to do something for the people around me. For the past year, I found out a lot of things about the story behind me, and how I ended up here, about how the Universe “has lined the planets” to make me born. The only possible explanation for my being here is that someone somewhere wanted me to be born at this time and had given me a huge mission and it is my responsibility to fulfill it.

The last thing I gained from this book was the power of the heart. I love people and I have a very good intuition, I can read people instantly and I can tell if someone is going to be a part of my life sooner or later. But what I could never do was listen to my heart when it came to love, and the fragment of the book that shocked me was:

” Love never prevents a person from following a Personal Legend: 'I love you because I had a dream, met a king, sold crystals, crossed the desert, the clans declared war and I was at a fountain to find out where an Alchemist was. I love you because the whole Universe has helped me to reach you.” “

“I love you because the whole Universe has helped me to reach you” This is one of the most beautiful things I have ever read in my life. I believe in the power of attraction and the power of the Universe and in the fact that nothing happens for no reason I also believe that what is meant to be mine is there and it is waiting for me to be ready for it, but it amazes me every time something like this happens, every time I realize that the power of the Universe exists.

My mother calls it God, my friends call it coincidence, but I call it destiny.

This was one of the best books I have ever read, and that was because I felt everything that was written there. Also, this was the most personal essay I have ever written, but how could have I not written something personal when “The Alchemist” is all about you(me) and my mission in life? I like to believe that I was born to do something great with my life, and reading this book and analyzing my life afterward, made me believe in this even harder.

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Essay on Love in ‘The Alchemist’. (2024, February 09). Edubirdie. Retrieved January 10, 2025, from
“Essay on Love in ‘The Alchemist’.” Edubirdie, 09 Feb. 2024,
Essay on Love in ‘The Alchemist’. [online]. Available at: <> [Accessed 10 Jan. 2025].
Essay on Love in ‘The Alchemist’ [Internet]. Edubirdie. 2024 Feb 09 [cited 2025 Jan 10]. Available from:

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