Essay on My Family Vacation

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 Life is a mixture of sweet and sour. It is full of various events and experiences which all days we come across in our life are totally different. In life, people always say that time is money. However, I would said that time is more precious than money as money lost can be recovered, but not the time. There goes a proverb “Time and tide wait for no man” which has also reflected the true value of time in life. Thus, time is a wonderful thing that can bring us lot of joy and happiness, as well as creates unforgettable memory storing in our mind. Everyone has their own special time that they will never forget, so do I.

When I looked back on these days, they were probably the most special time in my life as I had been waiting so long, counting the days down on my calendar. It was my family vacation to Vietnam which definitely meant that I could spend more time bonding with my family. I still remember the thrill and suspense of waiting before the day and the excitement that I felt through my bones, causing me to toss and turn in bed all night.

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In the next day, my alarm woke me up at 7 in the early morning. As I stumbled into the shower and got ready, I was dreading our awaiting trip as this was the first time for us to take a flight ourselves to Kuala Lumpur International Airport (KLIA) to meet our tour leader and made our transit flight to the final destination, Vietnam. This means that I had to help my parents to handle those important things, such as self-print baggage tag and checked baggage procedures. After settling down everything, we took the flight to KLIA and met our tour leader, Anderson. He was a charming guy with a friendly smile to everyone. After he handled all exit procedures of leaving our country, he brought all tour group members heading to the boarding gate. I slowed my pace to enjoy what was happening around me. Swarms of people walked around me and the feeling of excitement suddenly came into my mind as I knew that my awaiting trip was now happening right before me. I whispered to myself, “I will fly in the air soon.”

As I woke up from a long-deep sleep, after a three and half hour flight journey to Vietnam, we have finally reached Hanoi. By the time we walked out from the airport, I had experienced a pleasantly cool weather of impressions. A gentle, pleasant wind caressed my face and ran through my long hair, as if combing me. I could saw rags of the mist slowly passing over the street and shrouded the trees. Walking on the street, I found myself surrounded by crowds of people moving like enchanting shoals of fish. There were lots of cars and motorbikes shuttling to and fro in this busy city too. The noise of engines and honking horns, as well as those gossiping noise that came from people, blended into one muffled hum along the street. In the hustle and bustle, the way of sitting of the Vietnamese was the thing that attracted me the most. Numbers of people sat on the little stools and ate along the streets, had become a part of the culture and traditions in Vietnam. In our hotel room, we had birds’ eyes view on the beauty of the city and observed on the streets below. The whole streets were entirely packed with energy! 

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Essay on My Family Vacation. (2024, May 16). Edubirdie. Retrieved September 28, 2024, from
“Essay on My Family Vacation.” Edubirdie, 16 May 2024,
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Essay on My Family Vacation [Internet]. Edubirdie. 2024 May 16 [cited 2024 Sept 28]. Available from:

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