Essay on Republican Vs Democrat Beliefs

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​ Political parties of today’s society are hurting America deeply by how divided they are from each other. What is the effect of this on our society? Half of the country is learning to hate the other party for their political views, and as a country, we are one and should not be conflicting against each other on the advancement of our society. The republican vs democratic parties despise each other- due to the opposite beliefs projected by each side. This makes it a serious issue in our present and soon-to-be generation. A new President becomes elected and the losing side goes ballistic, whether Democrat or Republican, they are never happy with the result.

The partisan split in America is the highest it has been in two decades, with Republicans and Democrats holding vastly disparate views on race, immigration, and the role of government. Partisanship has risen markedly since 2004, the year President George W. Bush was re-elected, and has hit a new high. This sudden rise is due to the society’s response to the fact that a president that many were ready to get rid of, got re-elected and many weren’t happy (Pew Research Center, article on the partisan divide). This goes along with the fact that we as Americans are manipulating, and being in politics you need to carry that trait. Is childish at the least and there needs to be a major change in how our country views the opposition because the outcome will be greater in the end. If we are all one.

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“​Democrats Are Wrong About Republicans. Republicans Are Wrong About Democrats” (FiveThirtyEight, by Perry Bacon Jr.) This is the title that surrounds American politics today and is the burden of this great nation. Many of these small, long-lasting conflicts between people in our country are because of ​loyalty to a party because you don’t like the ​other​ party. Why do we feel the need to express each other's downsides as it doesn’t fall to our liking? The whole Democrats vs Republicans is if anything, hurting our politics by having one side who wants to do the complete opposite of the other. A Republican served his 4-year term and is not re-elected, but a Democrat is now elected and our entire system of policies changes just like that. What we’ve been working for for the last 4 years is gone because there’s a new guy in town who is here to make changes to all. The gap between beliefs as Americans is quite ridiculous, the range of the spectrum is peaking at the highest it has in history for the acceptance of our president. Around 55% of Americans approve of our leader (FiveThirtyEight). This goes to show that almost half of Americans have learned to hate our leader and despise him as a person. A change needs to happen and that is to limit the amount of political parties.

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Essay on Republican Vs Democrat Beliefs. (2024, September 10). Edubirdie. Retrieved October 28, 2024, from
“Essay on Republican Vs Democrat Beliefs.” Edubirdie, 10 Sept. 2024,
Essay on Republican Vs Democrat Beliefs. [online]. Available at: <> [Accessed 28 Oct. 2024].
Essay on Republican Vs Democrat Beliefs [Internet]. Edubirdie. 2024 Sept 10 [cited 2024 Oct 28]. Available from:

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