Essay on What Is Neighborhood Watch

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Anyone can be a victim of crime at any time. Criminal activities can have devastating effects leading to deaths in some cases. Different jurisdictions are keen on preventing crime before it happens while implementing strategies that ensure the perpetrators of various crimes are brought to book. There is extensive research on crime prevention strategies and program in the community aimed at getting to understand the issue better and inform the adoption of approaches that are proven to have positive outcomes. Various crime prevention programs seek to institute changes in community culture, the physical environment, and the community infrastructure. Enhancing security in the neighborhood entails a collective effort by all members of the community members. The success of safety initiatives in the community can be enhanced by making the most of online platforms, setting up a neighborhood watch, and embracing reformers. Online Platforms, particularly social media can be used in gathering intelligence on criminal activities by individuals. The posts, messages, and chats by some criminals via social media can provide important clues about their illegal activities and help prosecutors in building solid cases against them (Jones, 2017). Social media has also proven to be integral in mobilizing the community to help with vital information on suspected persons. The public can provide crucial information that can lead to the arrest of perpetrators of various criminal activities. The authorities can also use sites such as Facebook and Twitter to warn the public about potential criminal acts that may pose a threat to their safety and help avert otherwise devastating outcomes (Salter, 2016).

Setting up a neighborhood watch is also an important approach to fighting crime. Community meetings discussing security issues in a given neighborhood enable exploration of some of the sources of insecurity (Salter, 2016). The arrangement also contributes to better crime fighting strategies. Community members can design approaches that ensure collaboration among different players to ensure optimal outcomes. A neighborhood watch will also promote goodwill among community members. People tend to contribute to initiatives that involve them (Salter, 2016). They will be more willing to some programs that they took part in designing and implementing due to the sense of ownership that it brings about.

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Hiring reformed criminals is another viable approach to fighting crime in the neighborhoods. Former criminals tend to understand potential criminal elements better and can help in identifying potential offenders (Loeber, 2012). Reformed criminals may also have knowledge of criminals as they may have worked with them in the past. They are also better-placed to lead campaigns against crime by educating societal members especially the youth about the dangers of crime and why it is not as lucrative and fashionable as they may have imagined.


Evidently, fighting crime is a collective community effort. Neighborhood watch, use of social media, and employing the help of former criminals can help in enhancing the safety considerably. The development of a model of fighting crime that incorporates all the three elements can contribute considerably to safer communities.

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Essay on What Is Neighborhood Watch. (2024, September 10). Edubirdie. Retrieved October 19, 2024, from
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