Exemplification Essay on Religion in School

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If Thomas Jefferson was alive today he would not agree with what the Trump administration stated or realized about education priorities and religious freedom. Trump is all for the idea of everyone having equal education as for Jefferson is not so much.

Thomas Jefferson’s point on education is that he did not want to go out and have a state-wide tax paid for schools across the state of Virginia. Jefferson looked at what education was like growing up what it meant to himself and how he tried, often unsuccessfully, to improve education in Virginia. He had a troublesome time creating the University of Virginia because the idea of making another college other than his alma mater was all over the place. Jefferson wanted to make the University of Virginia an education for the elite of Virginia and to try and get it to help the state abolish slavery which the University still seems to struggle with today. What made it hard for Jefferson to make a University was his lack of education growing up and being young he never had a great education it was hard for him to really start a University or any other public school.

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The way that Donald Trump looks at education is very different from Thomas Jefferson's in that he wants everyone in the country to have the same education. The Trump administration went to school vouchers to help kids who have parents who don’t have the income to send them to school, also allowing students to use funds from the taxpayers to go to private schools. In the state of Colorado, their state Supreme Court in the Public Education v. Douglas County School District found that the school district violated a religious belief in schools to base admissions. Trump and Jefferson have different ideas on state education Donald Trump is all about having taxpayers help pay for lower-income families’ kids to go to school whereas Jefferson thinks more on the side that you only go if you can really afford it. The Trump administration also has been a part of the financial aid which is to help lower-income students pay for education but the private schools have been using that as a way to exclude low-income students.

Thomas Jefferson never really stated much about his religious belief but he did say he was a Christian and believed that Jesus Christ was his lord and saver. This differs from what the trump administration states about religion saying that there are many religions whereas Jefferson sees Christianity as being the only one. The time that Jefferson lived in other than now in terms of religion is way different. Jefferson always knew of Christianity of being his religion and thought it was the only one to be a part of, whereas Trump knew there were many more and didn’t think there should be a set religion for the country. Jefferson also didn’t believe in the whole private school thing and with students going to a school based on their religious beliefs because when he was around that was not a possible thing.

The Trump administration has a very strong belief about the whole religion beliefs and where it should take place and where it shouldn’t take place. On Jan 28 Donald Trump tweeted a statement talking about the idea that Bible literacy should be an available course for students to take in a public school. There is an ongoing bill with regards to putting this into effect in public schools and has been put in place in a school district and has been stated as biased. A bill that could come into effect about adding a bible study could cause a lot of problems for the country because not all students have the same beliefs. If the Trump administration looks to add a bible study based on Christianity then all the other students will not have their fair chance to practice their own religion in school thus causing major problems for our country. With Trump talking about adding a bible study into public schools he would be violating the first amendment in the constitution about freedom of religion because all the students in the school would be taking the same bible study and not all of the students practice that religion.

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Exemplification Essay on Religion in School. (2024, January 04). Edubirdie. Retrieved September 12, 2024, from https://edubirdie.com/examples/exemplification-essay-on-religion-in-school/
“Exemplification Essay on Religion in School.” Edubirdie, 04 Jan. 2024, edubirdie.com/examples/exemplification-essay-on-religion-in-school/
Exemplification Essay on Religion in School. [online]. Available at: <https://edubirdie.com/examples/exemplification-essay-on-religion-in-school/> [Accessed 12 Sept. 2024].
Exemplification Essay on Religion in School [Internet]. Edubirdie. 2024 Jan 04 [cited 2024 Sept 12]. Available from: https://edubirdie.com/examples/exemplification-essay-on-religion-in-school/

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