Georgia essays

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3 Pages 1412 Words
On 1st of October 2018, ten years had passed since the deployment of European Union Monitoring Mission (EUMM) in Georgia. For over a decade the EUMM has contributed to enhanced security and stability, conducting over 65,000 patrols on the ground. Over 1,700 EU nationals have served in the Mission over the years (statistics taken from EEAS’s homepage). That staff have...
7 Pages 3080 Words
The case for free trade in Georgia has been a prolonged process ever since the fall of the Soviet Union. It geographically resides in the Caucasus region and has seen an increase in free-market economics in a bid to increase foreign investment and economic prosperity (Erikson, 2018). It has utilized this liberalization of economics after the disintegration of the Soviet...
6 Pages 2651 Words
21 century is known as the technological era. Today, the whole civilized world is aware of the huge problem of digital technology through massive propaganda in different directions. The Internet has also contributed to the growth of community groups to meet the activities and demands of Internet communities. Generating Internet support and development starts from the 2000s in Georgia. According...
2 Pages 1088 Words
To define the basic concepts of this topic, first of all, it is required to have a good understanding of two things: firstly, what is Сovid-19, and secondly, what is the economy. Covid-19, the new pandemic disease, strongly affected world in many ways. This is new challenge. And it made people think and see things in different ways. Almost all...
2 Pages 922 Words
In this essay I will present a policy directed at supporting the efforts of the Georgian government to curb high-level corruption in its government and to establish an independent investigative anti-corruption organ. This issue is one of the main hinderances for Georgian democracy and the long-term goal of accession to the European Union (EU). Since the end of the Cold...
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