How Adolf Hitler Came Up with the Nazi

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Have you ever thought about how Adolf Hitler had the idea of the Nazi. If he had a wish, he would want to be the most powerful nation in the world. Well he actually he had to study get smarter than his opponents. Hitler has a powerful voice, he is resourceful, and he is wary.

Hitler has a powerful voice that is clear when in an altercation since he’s had people in his life who have yelled at him when young. He had people that he feared and needed to stand up to. Loudly and clearly, he argued with someone at a party and people took note. When people took note of him they noticed that he can be an orator for their ideas. When the Nationalist Socialist party came, he practiced what he would say so it looked like he is professional.

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Hiltler was wary since he plans what he does. When Adolf Hitler went to Vienna he saw painting and he wanted to become an artist. When he gave up on secondary education he went to Vienna’s Academy of Fine Arts, but didn’t get in. When he became an adult, he became engrossed in politics and had ideas that could shape the Nazi ideology. When he was the chairman for a party, people left because of an argument, Adolf said he would leave, because of this they stayed since they thought the the Nazi fall apart since Adolf was like the manager, but the organization would go out of business.

Hilter was smart because he knew about the swastika symbol. Hitler and his people thought they were the descendants of the Aryans. The swastika symbol came from the Aryans. The swastika symbol means good luck. The Aryans were responsible for civilization and advancements. Since the Aryans were great leaders, the Nazi thought they were a great orginazition and they thought they could rule the world.

Although Hitler was the villain in World War II, he was one of the most famous and powerful people in history. Since his father argued a lot, he learned how to argue with people . Although his parents died, Adolf learned a lot from them and became smart, and when he was an adult he became smarter. When Adolf was a child, his father moved around planning on where to move, when he heard what his father planned, he needed to be wary of what life choices he would choose.

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How Adolf Hitler Came Up with the Nazi. (2022, September 15). Edubirdie. Retrieved September 9, 2024, from
“How Adolf Hitler Came Up with the Nazi.” Edubirdie, 15 Sept. 2022,
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How Adolf Hitler Came Up with the Nazi [Internet]. Edubirdie. 2022 Sept 15 [cited 2024 Sept 9]. Available from:

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