How Do I Keep My Home Safe and Secure: Essay

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Hearing or reading in the news about the increasing number of home burglaries, people today are more concerned than ever about how to keep their homes safe and secure. Since this topic worries me too, I would like to devote my essay to it and explore effective and budget-friendly ways in which I can achieve the security and safety of my home.

The first step towards achieving the above-mentioned goal is investing in smart LEDs. Even when I am not around, I can create an illusion that I am around with their help. Smart LEDs can be controlled with a smartphone, tablet, or computer, whether I'm at home or work. I can also program the lights to change on a schedule, and this has the ability to scare burglars away as long as they don't notice the presence of someone. Also, I'm currently considering investing in motion-activated exterior floodlights. I think it might be a good choice as well.

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Any house with a dog automatically scares criminals away from that vicinity. Breeds like German Shepherds, Rottweilers, and Doberman Pinschers are trained to scare off potential burglars. Small breeds like Shih Tzus, Chihuahuas, or Dachshunds don’t exactly scream 'vicious attack dog', they do make for excellent watchdogs that can make a whole lot of noise. Other breeds like Brussels, Griffons, and Bullmastiffs can also make criminals stay clear as they can be unpredictable and complicated. Therefore, getting a dog can also be an effective way for me to keep my home safe and secure, especially since I have dreamed of having a dog since I was a child.

Door security is also very important. To avoid being the person who helps burglars break into my apartment through the front door, I should make sure to inspect the exteriors of my door to be sure that the door frames are strong and the hinges are protected. Also, I can install a deadbolt, add a strike plate, upgrade to smart locks, and boost security with a video doorbell. In addition, if I move into a new house that used to be someone's apartment, I will use one valuable tip - I will definitely change the door locks. At least I won't have to worry about a stranger having my key. Moreover, for this, I will choose the best locks on the market.

Another way to ensure the safety of my house is to secure the windows. Most intruders are not keen on breaking glass, but it still happens more often than we could think. Some ways to secure a home's windows include reinforcing the glass with window security film, installing window or glass break sensors, adding window bars, or planting prickly bushes under first-floor windows. I will definitely use at least one of them to secure my home.

And the last good tip, in my opinion, is to keep valuables out of sight and don’t be flashy with expensive items. Outside, experts recommend keeping tools, bikes, and other easy-to-grab items locked up or saving them in the garage when we're not using them, while inside, they recommend using window treatments like curtains or blinds to stop passers-by from casing our homes. I believe this tip is also a good way to keep my home safe and secure.

Protecting our homes is extremely important, especially in today's extremely dangerous society. As my essay has shown, it doesn't take much to keep my home safe and secure, even simple things can make a big difference.

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How Do I Keep My Home Safe and Secure: Essay. (2024, January 30). Edubirdie. Retrieved September 26, 2024, from
“How Do I Keep My Home Safe and Secure: Essay.” Edubirdie, 30 Jan. 2024,
How Do I Keep My Home Safe and Secure: Essay. [online]. Available at: <> [Accessed 26 Sept. 2024].
How Do I Keep My Home Safe and Secure: Essay [Internet]. Edubirdie. 2024 Jan 30 [cited 2024 Sept 26]. Available from:

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