I Want a Dog: My Opinion Essay

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It was the month of April 2013 and my birthday was coming up later in the month. My family and I only had one dog in our household at the time and I was continuously raving about how we should get another one. My fondness for dogs was endless, so after weeks of contemplating, I knew exactly what I wanted for my birthday.

I pranced toward my Mom delightfully singing, “I want a dog for my birthday, Mom!” Ever since that point, we were rifling everywhere within our vicinity. Not once were we able to find any newborn puppies? Slowly but surely, my birthday began to approach closer and closer.

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I was constantly left with the disheartening news from my Mom saying, “We weren’t able to find you a puppy today, honey.”

By this point, I was very discouraged and didn’t even think that I would be getting a puppy for my birthday. Another day came around the corner and I wasn’t expecting any exciting news whatsoever. I was already accustomed to the routine we had set with unhopeful news about not finding a puppy. Little did I know this poor thought of mine would be gone forever after that day.

“Haley, this may or may not be the best day ever...” my Mom whispered.

I tilted my head in confusion.

My Mom continued and said, “It is the best day ever, Haley! We found you a puppy!” my Mom cheered.

I was shocked. By that point, I had frozen due to my disbelief. I then accusingly said, “You’re joking, Mom! You have to be, this is crazy!” I could see her heart bursting with joy. She began to show me pictures of the puppies on her cellphone and I was speechless. These puppies are the cutest thing in the world I thought - they had me in complete awe. I could already tell from the images that one of them was going to be my future best friend.

“The day is here; the day is here! Someone new is joining our family today!” I exclaimed. I was bouncing up and down like a malfunctioned pogo stick. We arrived at our destination, a beautiful house that held the kindest puppy owners. Once we got out of the car, I knew that we were going to be taking a cute, tiny, fluffy puppy home. I made my first step into the home and then I ran inside to go meet the puppies. At this moment, I was thrilled to be having all of the puppies racing toward me, but only one of the eight came after me.

This was very unexpected as I was hoping to meet all of the puppies, so I gave the cute little pup some love and hurried over to the puppy's nursing. They were so occupied with nursing from their mother, that they didn’t even notice me. I was a bit upset, but it all was made up with the other puppy that was bubbly, soft, and loving. I almost believed it was fate for her and me. Her not being able to nurse from her Mother and me not being able to see the other puppies, it was meant to be. We decided that this precious little pup would join our family that day.

Bringing this darling home was such a delight. Luckily, she was a dog to love the fresh outdoor breeze striking from the car windows. Petting through her luxurious, white fur and taking a small glance at her big, bold, dark brown eyes was a miracle. She was what could be classified as the “Dream Dog.” The ride home was adorable with all of our hearts melting with joy. Just thinking about the action of ours of me going to see her and her coming to see me played a vital role in this personal experience of mine. It was such an incredible and memorable moment that it will always have a place in my heart.

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I Want a Dog: My Opinion Essay. (2022, December 27). Edubirdie. Retrieved January 15, 2025, from https://edubirdie.com/examples/i-want-a-dog-my-opinion-essay/
“I Want a Dog: My Opinion Essay.” Edubirdie, 27 Dec. 2022, edubirdie.com/examples/i-want-a-dog-my-opinion-essay/
I Want a Dog: My Opinion Essay. [online]. Available at: <https://edubirdie.com/examples/i-want-a-dog-my-opinion-essay/> [Accessed 15 Jan. 2025].
I Want a Dog: My Opinion Essay [Internet]. Edubirdie. 2022 Dec 27 [cited 2025 Jan 15]. Available from: https://edubirdie.com/examples/i-want-a-dog-my-opinion-essay/

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