According to dictionary, a food is any nutritious substance that people or animals eat or drink or that plants absorb in order to maintain life and growth. Eating is one of the key nutrients that nourishes our body and keeps us strong and healthy and above all from illness. Nutrition is the most vital component of our body's energy so we can be active in our daily activities. All parts of our body need it like digestion, maintaining a clean diet and maintaining a healthy body. According to Universidad Iberoamericana, nutrients provide energy or calories, promote the growth and maintenance of the body, regulate body processes.
Eating can be defined as the consumption of food and liquid to sustain life and to meet our body's basic needs for growth, development, and function. It is important for us to eat healthy every day and it is also important that we eat safe. Food provides us with the nutrition and energy to build and grow our cells in the body, to be active to all and to be healthy, they have strength to work hard, to think easily and to learn easily. Foods are directly related to our body. Mental health because each fluid contains specific nutrients such as carbohydrates, proteins, vitamins, minerals, fat, etc. which is necessary for our physical and mental growth to flow properly. Food and water are one of importance and cannot be lost to our main source of nutrition and it also gives our body strength. But many of the foods we eat do not have as much nutritional value like junk foods. Until lead to health problems such as diabetes and heart disease. But these will be useless if we don’t give value of safety and the assurance of whether we are safe to eat. Therefore, you should choose healthy and balanced foods and make sure the food is clean and safe.
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For me, if food is of great value to our lives, then the safety of our eating disorders can be greater if we are not careful. Food is the third most important thing for life after air and water. We all know that people who eat healthier foods, balance their diet and treat foods properly to avoid less infections and other possible illnesses. That is why it is important to know which combinations of foods and which one should consider in order to avoid. Food is important and we still know what to do and what to do to keep ourselves or our family free from any illness. Our health is important and we take care of it and it's very important that we know a lot about safe eating. It is important that we know a lot about the disease we get from the foods we eat. There are all kinds of foods that can lead to health issues. In addition, we can also get sickness from improperly placed foods which can also contain bacteria due to incorrect food placement. Eating healthy is important for everyone to live a healthy life and if it is important for a person to be healthy it is also important that we eat well. But food if we do not make sure it is clean and safe daily. We need to be confident and knowledgeable when it comes to the security of our diet or diet and to reduce and prevent potential health problems.
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Importance of Safe Food.
(2022, December 15). Edubirdie. Retrieved September 9, 2024, from
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2022 Dec 15 [cited 2024 Sept 9].
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