Indian Economy essays

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3 Pages 1502 Words
Banking as an industry processes cash, credit, and other financial transactions. Banks provide a safe place to store extra cash and loans. They offer savings accounts, certificates of deposit, and checking accounts. Bank loans and credit mean that families don't have to save before going to college or buying a house. Banking plays a significant role in the economy of...
BankingIndian Economy
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3 Pages 1597 Words
Climate is changing day to day. This climates change gave the attention to the entire world because it is our responsible to take care of our climate change. There are gases which are affecting the climate such as CO2, CH4, N2O, etc. India was responsible for 4 percent of total emission in 2000. Emissions are set to rise further still...
Climate ChangeIndian Economy
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4 Pages 1940 Words
India is not simply emerging: India has already emerged. India has a tremendous growth story, and is truly one of the rising stars of the global economy. India is now in the phase of the fastest economic expansion in comparison to developing countries. But still, the Indian economy is known as ‘developing economy’. Which signifies that India is still underdeveloped...
Indian Economy
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3 Pages 1332 Words
Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) is an infectious disease caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS-CoV-2). It was first identified in December 2019 in Wuhan, China, and has since spread globally, resulting in an ongoing pandemic. As of 25th may 2020 around 5.4 million people are infected around 2.17 million people have recovered and the disease had caused around 3,45,000 deaths....
CoronavirusIndian Economy
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1 Page 631 Words
Energy is a prime requirement of our day-to-day life functioning and thus in general words energy is defined as the ability to do work. In the present world, energy plays a very important role in day-to-day life. In ancient times, wood and fossil fuels were often used as sources of energy. The amount of energy consumed is an indicator of...
IndiaIndian EconomyRenewable Energy
like 347
2 Pages 717 Words
Tea in not cultivated everywhere in the world. It is restricted to specific regions of the world due to the specific requirements of climate. Major of the producers of tea are in Asia are China, India, Sri Lanka, and African countries such as Kenya, Rwanda, Malawi, Uganda and Tanzania. The regions where tea is grown are generally located in the...
Indian EconomyTea
like 253
1 Page 671 Words
The term ‘globalization’ refers to the free and flexible movement of products and services across borders. The process follows an integrated and well-managed manner. It opens a gateway to be a part of the global economy and trade. The globalization directly impacts on the economy of the country as it attracts foreign direct investment by opening global trade opportunities. Furthermore,...
GlobalizationIndian Economy
like 434
2 Pages 1133 Words
Coronavirus pandemic has created huge disruption on the economy. India’s growth for the fiscal year 2021 has been downgraded by credit rating agencies. Coronavirus has degraded the economy throughout the world. It has deeply affected the economy at both macro and micro levels. Many employees are losing their jobs or facing salary cuts. Some businesses are being significantly affected. India...
CoronavirusIndiaIndian Economy
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