Informative Essay Examples

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Tsunami Effects on the Environment: Informative Essay

2 Pages 842 Words
Tsunami is a series of water waves combines as they become huge waves as the depth of the ocean decreases. Therefore, as the waves get higher, the velocity exerted by the waves would increase, so there is a lot of energy produced by these waves, and this causes water to flow further from the shore, these water waves are enough...

Elton John's Tribute to Marilyn Monroe: Informative Essay

1 Page 451 Words
Art has consistently been a prominent form of self-expression, even from the most primal to the most chaotic times in human history, as it depicts the most relevant topics and issues of the time. creations. One of these aforementioned modern forms of expression includes music, a platform on which singer Elton John has been known to speak his mind relentlessly....

Financial Management and the Role of Financial Managers: Informative Essay

4 Pages 1785 Words
Financial management can either help solve problems or it can create problems. From the moment a new business begins, it faces risks that must be managed and guided through the use of finance. Financial managers have the ultimate task of maximizing a firm’s value for its owners. This can be successfully fulfilled through financial managers that keep in mind both...

How Tolerant of Religious Diversity Was Early Modern Europe: Informative Essay

4 Pages 1706 Words
Religion played a major role in everyday life, with the Catholic Church having a major stronghold in Europe with the papacy and the church’s control over governments and monarchies, meaning the coexistence of religions in early modern Europe was very different from how it is now, as countries have adopted a more secular approach. As the Christian faith dominated Europe,...

Teen Depression: Informative Essay

1 Page 541 Words
In this essay, I want to discuss the problem of teenage depression. What comes to your mind? Nowadays many teens commit suicide due to being depressed, that they're under too awful lot of stress, and they're underneath pressure. I chose this topic because I know many young adults can relate to it, and as for me, it is an issue...

Cultural Diversity in Nursing: Informative Essay

2 Pages 1115 Words
Culture refers to the developed spiritual values as well as all materials created in the line of social development, including the tools engaged in creation as well as in the handing over of social values to the upcoming generations, showing the extent of people's authority and control based on their social and natural development. Culture is a term that diversifies...

Type 2 Diabetes: Informative Essay

2 Pages 998 Words
Type 2 diabetes is a metabolic disorder that arises due to interrelated risk factors such as genetics, environment, and lifestyle. In the past decades, diabetes has become an epidemic in America, wreaking havoc on more than 34 million Americans today (Cdc, 2019). This disease has also been diagnosed various times in my own family, recently affecting my mother and changing...

Motivation for Becoming a Social Service Worker: Informative Essay

4 Pages 2029 Words
From experience, I recognize that the process of becoming an effective helper in the helping profession has many advantages as well as various challenges. Becoming a social service worker has enabled me to satisfy my various personal needs and wishes of humanity, including changing the lives of needy people. It is relieving and satisfying for me to recognize that I...

Malcolm Gladwell's Take on the Hush Puppies Trend and Its Tipping Point: Informative Essay

1 Page 634 Words
In his book ‘The Tipping Point: How Small Changes Can Make a Big Difference’, Malcolm Gladwell addresses various kinds of phenomena, such as ideas and goods. Gladwell goes further to discuss the tipping point of each trend. According to the book, the word ‘trend’ means unexpected extensive growth in an idea or a product's popularity. Also, Gladwell describes the ‘tipping...

A Great 21st Century Leader: Informative Essay

1 Page 422 Words
To break things down first, we need to understand what the word leader means and know where it came from. According to Jia Lin, leadership is a matter of intelligence, trustworthiness, humaneness, courage, and discipline. Reliance on intelligence alone results in rebelliousness. Exercise of humaneness alone results in weakness. Fixation of trust results in folly. Helplessness on the power of...

Technology in the 21st Century: Informative Essay

2 Pages 808 Words
Prima facie, technology has always played a key role in the lives of humankind, and people have been revolutionizing technology since primitive times. Thereby, the aim and motive of my essay are to explore the areas of advancement, to differentiate the technology of the 21st century and that of primitive times, and to make people aware that how their lives...

Female Leadership and Breaking through the Glass Ceiling: Informative Essay

2 Pages 944 Words
“No country can ever truly flourish if it stifles the potential of its women and deprives itself of the contributions of half of its citizens” – Michelle Obama. Women make up half of the world’s population, and as time passes by, more women are entering the workforce consistently. However, from recruitment to promotions, women have to face barriers throughout their...

Essay about Haiti and Its Water Issues: Informative Essay

4 Pages 1648 Words
Prior to the 2010 earthquake in Haiti, their water was already questionable. Ever since the earthquake, sanitation issues in the water exploded and caused many diseases. Sanitation issues in Haiti are still occurring today. More than 7000 people have died from cholera, which is caused by unsanitized water. 530,000 people have gotten sick because of this issue, making it the...

Eco-friendly Salons: Informative Essay

2 Pages 909 Words
In the summer evenings, I love to take walks in the park and just admire nature. As time goes on, I have noticed way more garbage being thrown onto the ground, rather than thrown out or recycled. People are becoming less appreciative of the environment. If we look at the ocean and see how the waste is affecting the animals....

Informative Essay on Latino Vote Mobilization

3 Pages 1469 Words
The 2020 Democratic presidential candidate faces many challenges in garnering voter support across the country once they are picked as the nominee. The current viable candidates must look ahead, towards the future, in securing valuable blocs of voter support in order to defeat Trump. One of the most important and relatively overlooked electorates in America is the Latino bloc of...

Informative Essay on Social Capital and Its Importance in the University-Industry Alliance

2 Pages 832 Words
Social capital is essential in the success of alliances between universities and firms, both types of social capital (cognitive and rational based on case study) play a different yet important role. During an alliance, there might be tension that arises due to many reasons. One of these tensions is that firms concentrate on short-term goals while universities focus on long-term...

Informative Essay on the Purpose of Higher Education

2 Pages 879 Words
The purpose of higher education is to develop learning and knowledge, in addition, to obtaining goals to have a satisfying career. Another prevalent view of higher education is becoming a better person and more qualified than before, as well as learning about life skills. Yo-Yo Ma, the writer of ‘Necessary Edges: Arts, Empathy, and Education’, mentions the three necessary edges...

Informative Essay on European Integration Theories

3 Pages 1464 Words
The integration of Europe has three theories that explain its evolution: federalism, neofunctionalism, and intergovernmentalism. Federalism, evolving after World War I and becoming prominent after World War II, holds a focus on avoiding future wars within Europe and containing nation-states. Functionalism has a focus on this idea, as well so when evolved into neofunctionalism, there is a focus on integrating...

Informative Essay on Criminology Theories

4 Pages 1644 Words
Criminologists are always trying to get to the root of why people commit crimes and create theories on why those same people act in the manner that they do. There are many theories that account for why people commit crimes and what drives them to do so. Recently through this course, the class has touched base on a few of...

Informative Essay on the Main Causes of War

3 Pages 1281 Words
Usually, a war is waged by a country or group of countries against an opposing country with the goal of achieving an objective through the use of force. Wars can also be fought within a country in the form of civil conflict between different countries or different groups within a country. Wars have been a part of human history for...

Informative Essay on Tuberculosis as an Old Disease with New Perspectives

4 Pages 2023 Words
Tuberculosis is one of the most common communicable diseases worldwide. It increases in poor socioeconomic conditions and in cases of immune suppression. The widespread HIV and immune suppressive diseases, as well as the high prevalence of many autoimmune disorders which are mainly treated with immune suppressive drugs, led to increasing in the overall new cases of tuberculosis. Many methods are...

Definition of Marketing: Informative Essay

1 Page 666 Words
To gain a deeper understanding of the definition of marketing, I interviewed 3 people from different backgrounds and professions to find out their views on marketing, i.e. what is it and why do they think so? So, firstly, I spoke to Mr. Zen, one of the family friends, who is now 26 years old, and is working part-time and also...

Informative Essay on the Benefits of Quality Education and Limitations in Its Achievement

1 Page 611 Words
Alike any situation where certain results are to be perceived as an outcome of the implementation of a desired scheme, various effects are to be expected from any concerned country after achieving the goal of quality education. The projections include the improved overall health of individuals as a result of being properly educated, therefore minor mistakes that result in major...

Informative Essay on How to Be Successful in High School

2 Pages 946 Words
There are two types of students: those who feel happy with more than 90 marks and those who feel happy with just passing marks. These grades are not based on cleverness or intelligence, no student is born perfect, only time shapes students. In this essay, I will focus on how to become a successful high school student. Success has different...

Apartheid in the History of Psychology: Informative Essay

3 Pages 1157 Words
In South Africa, dominant psychology is based on Western, Eurocentric ideas about mental health. This means that the services provided by mainstream psychology in the field of mental health benefit only white, middle-class people, ignoring the needs of South Africa's majority black population. The appropriateness of psychology in South Africa has thus been examined, because it is not relevant to...

Informative Essay about Social Judgement Theory

6 Pages 2537 Words
Muzafer Sherif, a psychologist, developed social judgment theory in the early 1960s with the assistance of Carl I. Hovland and Carolyn W. Sherif. To explain apparent inconsistencies in attitude change research, Sherif and Hovland (n.d.) suggested a theory of social judgment. The theory delves into how people make decisions when persuaded to accept or reject a message based on their...

Martial Arts for Self-defence: Informative Essay

1 Page 422 Words
Self-defense is the ability to defend yourself when in danger. In the unpredictable world in which we live, a person can find himself in situations where he must defend himself. Self-defense is nothing more than a collection of physical techniques used to protect yourself from an attack. To protect oneself from being harmed, injured, or even worse killed, is a...

Informative Essay on Naturalistic Observation of a Child as a Research Method

1 Page 431 Words
Naturalistic observation is when researchers perform an observation by carefully watching and listening to children in their everyday environment. The observer must record everything the child speaks about and the movements the child are doing. When the researcher is doing a naturalistic observation, he observes how the child behaves, interacts during activities, expresses themselves, and how the child speaks without...

Informative Essay on Sportsmanship in Running as an Olympic Sport

1 Page 658 Words
Throughout the Olympics, there are countless sports that demonstrate the important features of sportsmanship within a team. A major sport/event that commonly depicts these examples is running. Running is most often known as one of the most or as the most iconic and recognized cross-cultural/racial sports. Sportsmanship mainly refers to virtues such as ethics, control, encouragement, positive behavior, and concentration....

Informative Essay on the Concept of Social Construction of Reality

4 Pages 1791 Words
Sociologists Peter L. Berger and Thomas Luckman introduced the theory of social constructionism in 1966 in the book ‘The Social Construction of Reality’. Three separate intellectual movements came together to form the basis of social constructionism in the late 1960s. The second was a literary and rhetorical impetus to the deconstruction of language and how it affects our knowledge of...
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