ISIS essays

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2 Pages 890 Words
Introduction The recruitment strategies employed by ISIS have garnered significant attention from scholars, policymakers, and security agencies worldwide. With its notorious rise in the early 2010s, ISIS, or the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria, exploited various channels to extend its influence beyond its territorial borders, drawing individuals from diverse backgrounds into its ranks. Recruitment has been a cornerstone of...
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2 Pages 781 Words
ISIS is the largest terrorist group in today’s world trying to use fear to spread their radical and backward ideologies and beliefs. ISIS brainwashes a few young vulnerable people into thinking what they are doing is a just fight and over the years has driven a handful number of young people to leave their country to go to Syria to...
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6 Pages 2885 Words
Introduction Two big pillars that enable a Terrorist Organisation to fight are Finance and Human capital. The Islamic State’s (IS) speed and scale of recruiting foreign fighters in modern times has caught the world off guard (Hegghammer, 2013; Lang & Al Wari, 2016). Based on an estimate by European Commission’s Radicalisation Awareness Network (2017), as many as 40,000 fighters from...
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3 Pages 1315 Words
ISIS is an organization that used various means to establish a new state in the region that we know today, as Iraq and Syria. This organization wants to expand its power to the rest of the world, bringing shariah law by the way of Jihad. Before, this organization consisted of the state of Iraq only, however when Syria was undergoing...
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2 Pages 848 Words
Introduction The Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS), also known as Daesh, has emerged as a significant entity in global terrorism, infamous for its brutal tactics and radical ideology. Originating from the ashes of Al-Qaeda in Iraq, ISIS has managed to capture global attention and instigate fear through its sophisticated operations and media-savvy strategies. Understanding ISIS's background, structure, ideology,...
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5 Pages 2178 Words
The Global War on Terror (GWOT) is the closest thing to an official name for the variety of small to large scale conflicts around the world that involve various terrorist groups. Though many of these groups and issues have been around before 2000, the GWOT officially started on September, 11, 2001 with the attacks on the world trade center in...
5 Pages 2082 Words
Then: “It is very important that Americans understand that the threat we face is not part of the Islamic faith” (Peters et al 1998). Now: “Donald J. Trump is calling for a total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States” (Heilpern 2017). Both are controversial, both leading to different intra-state views, both affecting global politics and actions. One...
1 Page 444 Words
Recently there has been the terror in several regions. These terrorists frightened the citizens with various actions, such as murder, robbery, bombings, hostages and so on. Usually, the suspects are Moslems. If the culprit is an Islamic person, they usually reason jihad against unbelievers. Then is it true that Islam supports terrorism? Terrorism is coordinated attacks aimed at arousing feelings...
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