Life without Technology: Critical Essay

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At the beginning of the earth, it was just a small part of the sun. Now it is the only place for the existence of life. Life started slowly from Stone Age to Modern Age. Then the people start to develop their places, changing their lifestyle. The most developing things from Stone Age to Modern Age are technology. Technology is developing day by day. Due to technology, our life runs smoothly. Technology is developing so many useful things which are useful for us. Technology helps human beings by giving better facilities, giving comfortable life, saving time, etc. in our daily life. Facebook, Google, Apple, and Amazon are giant technology for human beings that are used too much in daily life (Nadikaros, 2013). Technology is changing our lives every single minute because we are fully dependent on it. Technology like Facebook, Google, Apple, Amazon, computer, and television fully control our bodies. We cannot do anything without them. Technology has both good impact and bad impacts. It is good because it helps us to solve our problems, communications, entertainment, and education. But on the other hand, it is bad because it is heading toward global dominance, and problems in human health (Darwish, NOVEMBER 2011).

Technology helps human being in many fields and they mention below in the following points: 1. Education: Technology like Google helps human beings in education by giving much information to the student for their study. Nowadays, the way of teaching and learning has been changed by the use of technology. In the education field technology is the best way to get knowledge in an easy way. 2. Communication: Social Media and Cellphone is the example of technology that is widely used. With the help of cell phones, we can communicate with anyone in the world. Social Media like Facebook, and Instagram are widely used to communicate with different people. Communication is beneficial because it helps us to keep in contact with Family, Friends. 3. Entertainment: Facebook, Google, Apple, and Amazon is the giant technology which is used by too many people. These technologies are used as entertainment sources also. Facebook helps people to know about another person. Google helps people by giving them different types of knowledge about different things. Apple is the brand which produces phone, laptop, and watch and with the help of them people take entertainment. Amazon is the world's largest internet company by revenue. With the help of Amazon people do not need to visit shops for shopping and people save time. Technology also has a bad impact. Its effect our health socially and physically. We have to face vision problems by spending too much time on phones and computers.

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We are being lazy because of technology. Many college-level students are being affected by technology because they are using it in bad ways. They are using phones, computers, and the internet for playing not for reading. Our thinking level is almost dead because, with the help of technology, we can find easily whatever we need from the internet (Sharma, 2017). Technology has more advantages than disadvantages. Technology is helping human beings in every field. In the absence of technology, our life will be so difficult. Without technology, we cannot do anything. Technology is developing in every field and with the help of them our life became easier. Due to technology our world is developing in the civilizations of each age, stimulating economic growth, raising people’s standards of living, encouraging cultural development, and many other human activities. There are many fields where technology is widely spread out like defense, the economy, medicine, transportation, agriculture, social capital improvement, and many more. Technology is in every part of our life. Now we cannot assume life without technology. Technology helps to develop the nation. Technology like Google AI call makes our life easier but on the other hand, it cannot make a difference in humans and machines. Technology is turning into an addiction (Vincent, 2018). Technology is developing day by day.


  1. Darwish, A. (NOVEMBER 2011). The Impact of the New Web 2.0 Technologies in Communication, Development, and Revolutions. JOURNAL OF ADVANCES IN INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY.
  2. Nadikaros. (2013, 04 04). Retrieved from youtube:
  3. Sharma, V. (2017, 02 20). CLIENT SOLUTECH. Retrieved from KLIENT SOLUTECH:
  4. Vincent, J. (2018, 05 09). Google’s AI sounds like a human on the phone — should we be worried? Retrieved from
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