Literary Devices essays

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2 Pages 764 Words
The poems 'The Second Coming' by William Butler Yeats and 'In a Station of the Metro' by Ezra Pound have a strong sense of fragmentation and despair in them. Fragmentation is one of the major features of modern poetry. Modern poets use fragmented images in their poems to give us the sense of fragmentation. Despair is another common feature of...
1 Page 662 Words
O Captain! My captain is a poem composed by the American poet Walt Whitman who is called the bird of democracy. Most of his works reflect his ideas about women's rights, immigration laws, and labor issues. This poem in particular is an elegy written after the death of former American president Abraham Lincoln. Walt Whitman's "O Captain! My Captain!" stands...
6 Pages 2600 Words
Monsters are a metaphor for fate and the destructive forces of nature. “He who fights with monsters should look to it that he himself does not become a monster . . . when you gaze long into the abyss the abyss also gazes into you.” Friedrich Nietzsche, Beyond Good, and Evil, 1886 Subsequent to the publication of J.R.R Tolkien’s “The...
2 Pages 915 Words
Poetry Foundation presents William Shakespeare’s famous poem, Sonnet 130, titled “My mistress’ eyes are nothing like the sun.” According to Spacey, the poem talks of a mistress who does not conform to the conventional standards of beauty. Shakespeare compares the mistress with the beautiful things of life, but he finds none that perfectly fits the mistress. In this regard, Shakespeare...
2 Pages 823 Words
All people are born evil. It is the environment and society that people grow up in that causes them to seem like they are virtuous and moral. However, in pressured situations, Golding claims that the natural evilness that is within people reveals itself. In his novel ‘Lord of the Flies’, William Golding paints the setting as an unknown island in...
1 Page 596 Words
“Maybe there is a beast… maybe it’s only us” (Golding, 89). In the novel ‘Lord of the Flies’ by William Golding, a group of schoolboys fights to the death to escape their fear of themselves. Golding uses the scene where Simon is murdered to show how fear can dehumanize a man. Throughout the novel fear becomes a much bigger idea...
3 Pages 1368 Words
Pi's multiculturalism and abstract mindset have been seen through his numerous beliefs and solid qualities likewise mirror that of post pioneers. Generally speaking, Life of Pi from numerous points of view shows a solid association and joins the idea of postmodernism into the novel in different manners. I totally agree that Life of Pi relates to post-modernism and even more...
3 Pages 1535 Words
Elie’s life within the city of Sighet in 1941 was completely different from once the Holocaust had started. though there was a war, Elie Wiesel was unaffected whereby he targeted on following his father’s occupation. Life in 1941 for Wiesel wasn't as overwhelming for Elie compared to once the holocaust began. “I was almost thirteen and deeply observant” shows that...
1 Page 661 Words
In Elie Wiesel’s horrifyingly real, raw memoir Night, he develops a very strong central idea surrounding the significance of identity; he makes it very notable that one’s identity can be easily influenced and changed subject to your environment and personal hardship. From the beginning to the end of the book, we follow Wiesel along his journey of surviving through the...
1 Page 472 Words
These are some examples of one of the bad experiences the Jews had to face during the holocaust. This is how Elie Wiesel felt in Night by Elie Wiesel himself. Wiesel is a Jew during the holocaust who is sent with his father to different concentration camps. He and his father face a lot of challenges to the point where...
1 Page 601 Words
‘How Did I Get Away with Killing One of the Biggest Lawyers in the State? It Was Easy’ by Alice Walker represents the life of the viewpoint character. She allows herself to become grounded within an elaborate affair pervaded by sexual objectification as a result of aspects of her life, such as her relationship with her mother, as well as...
1 Page 535 Words
Appearances often hide reality is a significant part of the play, revealing the tragedy in which the characters must cloak up their nature, indicating things are not always as they seem. The reality of someone can be changed depending on their desires and ambitions. Shakespeare presents appearance as a visual outforward form of what we see, where reality is what...
2 Pages 783 Words
William Golding encompasses an abundance of symbolism in his book ​‘Lord of the Flies’.​ From the island to each and every kid, all are symbolic representations of Golding’s notion of the true nature of mankind. Mankind, depicted in an allegorical novel of a couple of boys from England between the ages of six and twelve who have crash landed on...
2 Pages 929 Words
George Orwell and his Animal Farm George Orwell is a prominent English writer of the first half of the 20th century. He was recognized as one of the most influential satiric writers whose works have merited detailed scholarly attention. More than half a century after they were written, Orwell’s books are still much in demand. John Rodden, the researcher of...
2 Pages 1081 Words
Edgar Allan Poe describes the feeling of guilt and fear through symbols in the stories ‘The Tell-Tale Heart’ and ‘The Black Cat’. For instance, the eye in each story symbolizes how the narrator views himself. However, the narrators are both seen differently. Additionally, the space beneath the floorboards and the space behind the wall both symbolize the subconscious. Although these...
8 Pages 3729 Words
Introduction Literature is the heart of a language that manifests human language in real sense which the writers can express their ideas and use their imagination to create an artistic world rich of mysteries and creativity including poetry, drama and fiction through its elements. This chapter is about the magnificent story Harry Potter that is full of fantasy and supernatural...
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