Maya Lin essays

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2 Pages 879 Words
Mary Shelley uses Victor Frankenstein’s creation as a warning towards classicism and rational thinking; something past the boundaries of societal and cultural norm. Firstly, Shelley shows this through each victim, namely Elizabeth Lavenza and Henry Clerval who both appreciate nature and its sublimity when Victor fails to do so as the novel progresses. Victor narrates this thought, as he states,...
4 Pages 1795 Words
Architecture is constantly associated with its functional purpose, physical appearance and its amenity. However, maintains a much more inadvertent role which surpasses far beyond the physical and material world in which we live and enters the intangible realm of our existential memory. ’A mental meditation between the world and our consciousness’ . Successful architecture is displayed in the completeness, credibility...
4 Pages 1878 Words
Corresponding to Victor’s initial situation with his creation, Lin faces an outcome of negative criticism and controversy to her virtuous intent. In 1979, Congress grants the committee of Vietnam War veterans the right to build a memorial in Washington D.C., dedicated to American soldiers killed in the Vietnam conflict. A design is put out by the committee convening a blue-ribbon...
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