Philosophy of Teaching Mathematics Essay

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We are often asked the reason behind calling ourselves ‘Cuemath’. The reason is simple and is based on the literal meaning of the word ‘Cue’. Cueing is the act of giving support through a reminder, a hint, or a gentle nudge to the learner in the right direction. It merely means guiding or providing help. We believe in guiding the learner to the answer rather than giving the answer directly, hence, cueing the answer. We believe in student finding their way out of a problem. When students make the connection themselves, they never forget what they learn. They make a habit of making connections, thus laying a basis for critical thinking.

Critical Thinking

In simple words, Critical thinking is the ability to think rationally and clearly about a specific goal through the analysis of facts. Reflective and independent thinking is an essential part of it.

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But wait, this sounds like an extraordinary thing that can only be possessed by geniuses, something that can only be done by very smart people. But this is far from the truth. Everyone can develop a critical thinking mindset if it is approached the right way.

Maths is a critical tool in such a quest. It is a beautiful subject which is always supported by facts and reasons. By teaching math the right way, we can inculcate a critical-thinking mindset in a learner. Asking questions, connecting the dots, and thinking about the why behind concepts can help a learner become a critical thinker. Therefore, it is fundamental to have a strong foundation in maths. At Cuemath, one of our most important goals is to enable critical thinking in the students.

Cuemath training

In the CueMath Leap program, we believe that teaching math should happen interestingly and engagingly. We give special attention to finding the right talent to join our team of teachers. We have highly trained teacher partners who engagingly conduct the classes using the Cuemath method, which is a unique method designed to that it ensure every student gets learning outcomes. Teachers are trained not to answer upfront. They encourage and guide the learner to self-discover the answer.

Teacher Partners also conducts demo sessions for prospective parents and students showcasing the Cuemath program. The training components for prospective teachers include online modules that cover the aspects of the Cuemath learning system, teaching philosophy, and the best practices for class conduction and gathering enrolments for the center. We have assessment tests at the end of each module to ensure that the teacher trainees have understood the modules properly. We make sure that our teacher partners are well-equipped to make learning math a fun activity using proper visualizations and reasoning behind concepts. The curriculum of the Cuemath Leap program is designed by experts having immense experience in the field.

Problem-Solving Skills

If we have to pick one skill that is going to come in handy throughout the life of children, it will be problem-solving. It is at the heart of mathematics and can quickly become a life skill and can be applied outside areas of maths. Whether you are at home or school, in sports or an examination, or at work, problems are a part of your life, and problem-solving skills are a lifesaver in many circumstances.

We love mathematics and the process of problem-solving, which is reflected in our teaching methodology. We want the student to struggle, try, and self-attempt a math problem. If they get stuck, we cue the answer, ask leading questions, and let the students discover the answer themselves.

Learning math by rote kills the curiosity of a young, inquisitive mind and makes the subject dull in their perspective. This leads to the children hating math. To make them love math, we should make it fun and exciting. Cue the concept, and make steps visual so they can remember the idea for a long. Passing the examination is a small goal, but the bigger goal is to equip the children with strong math skills that can be useful for them throughout their careers. The Cuemath Leap program is designed to develop problem-solving skills in learners.

Multiplication: Repeated Addition

Many times, it happens that students can’t make a connection even between very similar ideas. It is a direct disadvantage of rot learning where students care more about just getting the answer by applying a bunch of formulas rather than going through the thought process to get to answer itself. This results in a fragile mathematical base for the student and in many cases, the student ends up giving up on math as they can’t connect the dots.

For example, a young student may not know what 154 is, which is okay for them as they haven’t learned the multiplication table of 15 yet. But the thing is, they know the table of 4, so they just need to tweak the problem to 415, and now they will get the answer. Students need to learn the logic behind a problem first rather than jumping to think of the answer.

Let’s take the simple concept of multiplication. At Cuemath, we teach multiplication as repeated addition, which means, multiplication is nothing but repeatedly adding the same number at given times. It essentially reduces a new topic of multiplication to a concept they already know which is addition. Let us take an example; if we are asked what 42 is, we can just take this multiplication as a repeated addition of 4 two times, that is, 4+4 which is equal to 8.

This analogy and connection make sure that the student will now always connect multiplication to addition and not as another new topic in the syllabus. This allows the student to approach complex problems with logic and reasoning. We have implemented such techniques effectively in the Cuemath leap program. The teacher in a Cuemath class does similar exercises for each concept, cueing the answer and helping the process of self-discovery.

Cuemath Leap is a beyond-school excellence program. Developed by IIT and Cambridge graduates, it aims to change the way math is taught to students. The curriculum is designed to make math fun and interesting. We cover all the math concepts from all boards- CBSE, ICSE, State boards, and International boards.

First, one has to complete an online job application form. Shortlisted applicants need to register for training by paying the fee for an electronic writing pad. Then the applicant has to go through the training courses and pass the necessary assessment tests to get certified. No prior teaching experience is required.

Cuemath has programs for math and coding for students of grades 1-10. Students can request for a demo session to check out the Cuemath classroom and learning experience. Once enrolled, students have live interactive online classes personalized to their needs. Proper attention is given to each student as the batch size is small, and the doubts get cleared instantly.


Cuemath Leap is a program designed to help young minds develop a strong mathematical foundation and a problem-solving attitude. We emphasize Cueing the way, which makes learning fast and makes learning last. Math is a path to make the next generation of problem solvers, and we want to make sure that no child is left behind. With strong mathematical skills, we believe one has the power to bring innovative ideas to life and to make the world a better place.

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Philosophy of Teaching Mathematics Essay. (2024, March 27). Edubirdie. Retrieved September 17, 2024, from
“Philosophy of Teaching Mathematics Essay.” Edubirdie, 27 Mar. 2024,
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