Problem Solution Essay Examples

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Social Issues

The Problem Of Loneliness In Adolescence

3 Pages 1256 Words
One in every four adolescents (between ages 10 and 19) worldwide suffer mental illnesses such as mood and anxiety disorders. These and many other mental illnesses are strongly associated with suicide; being that one of the leading causes of death in 15 to 19 years old globally. Loneliness is considered one of the main factors leading to adolescent suicide and...

Money Laundering As A Modern Global Problem

7 Pages 2988 Words
Introduction The economic problems have taken a global dimension after the globalization. It has also increased the supply chain of products across the borders. Cross-border transaction of black money and money laundering are serious economic crimes, and it causes substantial impacts on the economic development of the world. The Illicit trade is the fountainhead of these problems, and estimated total...

The Problem Of Insurance For E-hailing Drivers

3 Pages 1456 Words
Introduction Ride-hailing companies interfere with transport on a large scale while also offering millions of drivers economic opportunities. Southeast Asian e-hailing giant Grab has launched its own usage based e-hailing insurance coverage for its driver partners. Grab drivers only need to charge their Grab Daily Insurance coverage if they go online at rates as low as RM1 per day on...

The Problem Of Hate In America

1 Page 612 Words
In America, hate has become a prevalent force in our culture. Every day, you hear about shootings, hate crimes, and other heinous acts that destruct our society and nation as a whole. Why is this such an issue, and why is it more prevalent than ever? In 2018, statistics showed that 80% of our country was “’mainly’ or ‘totally’ divided”...

The Problem Of Inverted Faith

2 Pages 980 Words
First of all what does the word inverted mean? Basically, it's like flipping your clothes inside out. Instead of looking at the photo, you are looking at the negative. I remember when I was learning web design in school. If we wanted to do a Feathering process; we could select the item, designate the amount of feather we wanted; and...

The Problem Of Overworked Nurse

5 Pages 2485 Words
Sarah E. Jorgensen RN, left the nursing profession after being a part of the emergency field for seventeen years. In her article “Here’s why I left nursing” she talks about how the field took a toll on her. “Leaving the nursing profession is bittersweet. My heart left nursing a while ago when I came to the realization that nursing left...

Modern Day Slavery, Its Growing Problem And Ways To Be Reduced

1 Page 586 Words
Slavery, when we hear this word the first thing that comes in mind, is a person that can be a woman, man or a kid forced to work without his or her willingness. It can be anything from a kid working as a domestic worker, a man working as labor, because of debts, human trafficking, forced begging and many more....

The Problem Of Eczema In Children

5 Pages 2071 Words
Introduction This report will be discussing eczema in children, specifically causes and treatment of eczema. According to James McIntosh (2017) eczema is defined as a condition where the skin becomes inflamed, flaky and red causing the child to be itchy and can sometimes result in bleeding. The main aim of this report is to determine whether eczema can affect a...

The Problem Of Pink Tax

2 Pages 806 Words
Reviewed double_ok
Shampoo, conditioner, razor cartridges, razors, lotion, deodorant, body wash, shaving cream, shirts, pants, underwear, as well as hundreds of items more that women have to pay extra for. Gender-based price discrimination affects almost 50% of the world’s population. Also known as the pink tax, gender-based price discrimination refers to when one sex is charged an unexpected cost in comparison to...

Physical And Emotional Domestic Child Abuse: Problem And Solutions

3 Pages 1534 Words
INTRODUCTION Domestic and child abuse may be a pattern of assaultive and intimidating behaviors, with physical, sexual, and psychological spells, also as economic compulsion, that adults or teenagers use against their near cohorts or child abuse as a nonaccidental damage or pattern of injuries to a toddler. abuse is damage to a child that there's no 'rational' explanation. Domestic and...

Violence Against Women: A Public Health Problem

3 Pages 1241 Words
Women and Violence are two such terms that can be synonymous with each other. Every day, end number of women go through different forms of violence, be it intimate physical and sexual violence, female genital mutilation, rape, sex trafficking, early and forced marriages, domestic violence, or so-called 'honor' crimes. Mostly persisting expressions of violence against women lies in the remote...

The Problem Of Balance Between Multiculturalism And National Identity In Australia

2 Pages 838 Words
Australia is regarded as a high functioning multicultural society; policy and institutional structures that emanate the aspect of cultural diversity have been centered in the past decades (Koleth, 2010). However, there are mixed sentiments concerning this facet among several individuals of the country. These adverse viewpoints, deriving from things like the amount of knowledge an individual has, their domain, media...

Police Brutality Essay

3 Pages 1419 Words
Reviewed double_ok
When innocent people are killed by a police officer, we tend to get very upset, angry and in some cases retaliate against the police department. Many families in the United States alone have been unfortunate in this matter and left to bury a loved one due to this the careless behavior of a police officer. In the eyes of the...

The Challenges And Solutions Of Outsourcing Service In Thailand

2 Pages 915 Words
Outsourcing is ‘the process of arranging for somebody outside a company to do work or provide goods for that company’ (Oxford Dictionary, 2019) and it has three main advantages including the cheap cost, no full-time employee and the latest development from outsourcing firm (The Economist Magazine, 2008). Currently, worldwide organizations including Thailand have changed their structural foundations by using the...

The Growing Problem Of Mass Incarceration And Wrongful Convictions

3 Pages 1516 Words
In Tayari Jones book An American Marriage, Roy, was wrongfully convicted of raping a woman he met after an argument with his wife (Jones). Although Roy got released from prison several years before he was supposed to be released, his life was never the same. Even though he was free from prison, he wasn’t free from the label that had...

Critical Thinking: Discussion And Problem Solving Technique

2 Pages 999 Words
Critical thinking is crucial in daily life to make rational and prominent decisions by properly interpreting the problem. It is reflective and open mind thinking which concentrates to grasp the logical aspects behind the issue. Critical thinking is used to make judgments in a situation where more than one alternative is available. It is the outcome of any discussion and...

Racism Problem In The Fire Next Time

1 Page 422 Words
From the story “The Fire Next Time” Baldwin explains his ideology on the fact that white people are basically crazy in a sense. This book is a story by James Baldwin, in the reading is two stories. Together these two stories begin to digest inequality in America and religion, and the way different races think. Baldwin had many views that...

Communication And Critical Thinking Are Essential For Problem Solving

2 Pages 705 Words
For any prosocial behavior to be effective and beneficial to others it is necessary to have communication, either to be influenced or to know the issue. After understanding a problem it is important to think critically in a non-biased way to effectively come up with a solution that will solve the issue. Prosocial behavior is a social behavior that intends...

Same Sex Marriage Can Solve The Problem Of Child Adoption

2 Pages 796 Words
Have you ever wondered why same-sex marriage is not legalized everywhere yet? I mean it’s just two lovers getting married, right? Some people think it’s an abomination to society….but why? People should be able to choose who they want to love. Remember when women didn’t have rights? Just because they thought that women were weak? This is no different. Same-sex...

Global Competition Law. Uber: An (Un)solved Problem

9 Pages 3954 Words
1. Introduction We were all accustomed to the traditional taxi services, but this sector was not showing signs of evolution and users have to accept the service as it is. Then, the situation changed when online-enabled car transportation service like Uber appeared. Uber provides a service, which connects drivers with passengers by using a mobile app. The consumers download the...

The Problem Of Concussion In Football

3 Pages 1267 Words
Even though football players know the damage the game could bring them the still play and love the game. (Gibeaut, 2011) Especially in today's game with how rough it can be it is very easy to injury yourself. (Gibeaut, 2011) Players are jumping, tackling, and throwing their bodies at one another with no doubts of hurting themselves and the most...

The Strategies Of Problem Solving

3 Pages 1391 Words
When faced with a problem, humans often use strategies in order to solve them. There are a number of strategies used but for the purpose of this essay, I will focus on the main ones. Each strategy is perfect to use for a specific problem but may not transfer to another in the same way it was used before, whether...

World Hunger Problem: Biological Stress Factors

2 Pages 1119 Words
World hunger is a critical problem that the world faces today and it is closely linked to many biological stressors that caused this issue at such a global scale. With the global population growing and urbanizing at such an exponential rate, a solution to end world hunger is becoming more challenging for scientists. Statistically, we would need to produce almost...

Sustainability As A Way To Minimise The Overpopulation Problem

1 Page 553 Words
Across the years we have been inhabiting this earth, the human society has been changing the local ecological system and prompted the change of regional climate. In our present day, mankind has just begun to see their effect on the planet’s climate. One of these conflicts is overpopulation. Not only on a local scale, but on a global scale our...

The Problem Of Employee Theft In Hotels: Types, Reasons And Solutions

5 Pages 2197 Words
Introduction The problem of employee theft will discuss here. This assignment will explore employee theft based on the hospitality industry. It is the thieving of time, money and goods by the people who work for the organisation such as employees. This assignment will explore the difficult of employee theft through diverse departments, the incentive overdue employee theft in hotels and...

Singer And Hardin Solutions To The Global Poverty

4 Pages 1943 Words
Introduction Singer’s use of extreme hypotheticals to indicate how we should donate our unnecessary belongings, money, and time appeals to the emotional and logical sensibilities of the reader, but it creates a gray horizon because there is no direct explanation of what is considered a necessity, nor is there a law that states that one is obligated to donate. Despite...

The Problem Of Racism In Jim Crow Laws

3 Pages 1378 Words
When one talks about racism, most of our opinions are based on what happens in America; from 400 years ago until now, we find ourselves believing that racism in America has improved greatly. And we have improved, compared to the times before and after the Civil War. However, as we progress forward, we move back fifty years. Some of us...

The Problem Of Corporate Surveillance Industry

2 Pages 1016 Words
Corporate surveillance, the monitoring of a person or a group of people collecting data on others, is in our everyday life. Sometimes we are aware of it but do not really pay attention or care about it until it becomes a bit too much. Should corporate surveillance be allowed? Learning more about corporate surveillance is important because consumers should be...

College Essay on Homelessness

5 Pages 2413 Words
It is a very tragic cause by how many people are becoming homeless, just by becoming a college student. There are very many different reason why, and some of them are costs of books or low income from jobs. 1 in every 10 college students are homeless, and 1 in 4 don't have a meal for the night. To begin...
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