Prostate Cancer essays

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1 Page 664 Words
Introduction Prostate cancer is one of the most common malignancies affecting men worldwide, with significant implications for public health. The prostate is a small gland located below the bladder and in front of the rectum, playing a crucial role in male reproductive health by producing seminal fluid. Prostate cancer occurs when cells in the prostate gland grow uncontrollably, forming tumors...
CancerProstate Cancer
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4 Pages 1644 Words
1. Introduction. With cancer affecting 1 in 7 men in South Africa (SA) during their lifetime prostate cancer (PCa) is the no. 1 cancer that affects SA men, It is estimated that 1 in 18 SA men will develop prostate cancer according to the National Cancer Registry of South Africa. (NCR-SA, 2014).⁠ Prostatic adenocarcinoma (typically called “prostate cancer” or “prostate...
Prostate Cancer
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2 Pages 827 Words
Introduction Prostate cancer is one of the most prevalent malignancies affecting men worldwide, with significant implications for morbidity and mortality. Radiotherapy remains a cornerstone in the management of prostate cancer, offering a potentially curative treatment modality. However, the precision of radiotherapy planning is crucial to maximize therapeutic efficacy while minimizing damage to surrounding healthy tissues. Positron Emission Tomography (PET) imaging...
Prostate Cancer
like 443
4 Pages 1899 Words
Introduction Prostate cancer is the second most frequently diagnosed cancer in the world.1 Androgen deprivation therapy is the main treatment for advanced disease. Androgen deprivation therapy (ADT) is a temporary measure but can accelerate osteoporosis, and bone metastases are common in advanced prostate cancer and are associated with significant morbidity, including pain. All patients eventually develop castration-resistant prostate cancer (CRPC)....
Prostate Cancer
like 281
6 Pages 2506 Words
Introduction Drug discovery and development involve a number of stages to develop a novel drug, therefore a reduction in time frame new approach is developed which is repurposing of existing drugs. Till to date, the importance of drug repurposing is significantly increased to identify new use of the pre-existing drug. Repurposed of the drug can be achieved by two methods,...
Prostate Cancer
like 432
4 Pages 1910 Words
Introduction This essay will seek to discuss the role of androgen receptor therapy in advanced prostate cancer. Prostate cancer and the androgen receptor (AR) will be discussed, namely the origins of androgen receptor targeted therapy, its development and role in treatment of advanced prostate cancer today, and the future of targeted therapy. Androgen receptor targeted therapy is utilised in advanced...
Prostate Cancer
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4 Pages 1750 Words
In the National Archaeological Museum of Lisbon, Portugal, a mummified middle-aged male of ancient Egypt is stored. Not long ago, scientists studied this corpse and found that there are many high-density round tumors between the pelvis and the lumbar spine, which is a typical manifestation of prostate cancer. Moreover, his prostate cancer has spread and spread throughout the body. From...
Prostate Cancer
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3 Pages 1353 Words
ABSTRACT Rise in deaths due to prostate and breast cancer are expected to continue in future. These diseases are the most common types of cancer for men and women across the globe. Machine Learning can be used to drop the number of deaths by these diseases with early detection. One of them is the classification of data of prostate cancer...
Breast CancerProstate Cancer
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