Reviews Of Non-Muslims About Islam And Prophet Muhammad

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Introduction and History of Islam

Since the day, man has brought about these current conditions world, he has been a searcher of congruity. Henceforth Allah SWT sent his sweetheart people, which we them as Prophets of Allah SWT, to tell people the best way to live with congruity and value. For this Allah SWT sent around 1 lac and 24 thousands Prophets. The standard explanation behind all their declaring was same and was that of agreement. It started from Hazrat Adam (A.S) and completed at Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH). Besides, the religion is named as Islam. 'Islam' starts from a root word 'salaam' which implies 'concordance'. It is also gotten from an Arabic word 'silm' which means 'to display your will to Allah SWT'. In short 'Islam' means 'congruity acquired by showing your will to Allah SWT'.

Beginning of islam

Islam is that religious system addressed the world by the Holy Prophet Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH) from the desert of Arabia in the beginning of seventh Century of the Christian time frame. It was presented in its last and most finished state by Muhammad Arabia(SAW), not began with him. It is a religion everything considered, which started from Hazrat Adam (A.S) and completed at Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH). In Holy Quran (Ch.5:v.4) Allah SWT has communicated that:

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'This day I finished your religion tor you what's increasingly, completed My help upon you and have chosen for you Islam as religion.'

Challenges faced by Muslim

Today, various non-Muslims reputation Islam as a religion that progresses ruthlessness, mental fighting and war. Unfortunately, they trust in their point of view on Islam on the general media, which isn't continually exact in enumerating the news. Their savers or owners who have specific inspiration and who need to grasp certain characteristics and points of view result various news sources, for instance, TV, radio, papers and magazines. Other media openings are basically after the 'issue at the forefront of everybody's thoughts', in order to get more income and more returns. Others are fundamentally 'lovers', who simply amass news from various sources, re-group it and attempt to offer it again essentially as a business. Events since September 11, 2001 have genuinely changed the political condition in the Muslim world, an enormous and varied region including the band of countries with essential Muslim masses that stretches out from western Africa toward the southern Philippines, similarly as Muslim society and diasporas dispersed all through the world.1 The United States—through its response to the September 2001 dread based oppressor ambushes, the dynamic war on mental fighting, and the removal from force of the Taliban in Afghanistan and of Saddam Hussein and his daily practice in Iraq—has ended up being significantly confounded in the endeavors of the Muslim world, where religion, legislative issues, and culture are tangled in problematic ways and cross with the geopolitical interests of genuine forces. Today Islam is being depicted as a religion that spreads viciousness, inappropriate behavior and mental fighting in the overall population. It has been given the image that it is an unforgiving religion and its standard and rules are hard to grasp. This is a present social issue for the Muslims. In perspective on this issue, the Muslims on the planet are not given with yielding and they are called mental activist.

In all of these cases, the news broadcasting isn't correct, anyway is driven by ulterior manners of thinking or just by advantages. Indeed, relatively few media affiliations are devoted to giving careful and veritable information, paying little personality to fiscal advantage. Consequently, people today should be alert in what they take from the media.

Islam : A Merciful Religion

Islam is a benevolent religion. In Islam 'Most Merciful' (al-Rahman) is one of the names of Allah Almighty and is the most as regularly as could be allowed and fundamental name of Allah Almighty occurring in Quran Pak. It is related to 'Rehmat' which suggests 'delicacy and thought.' As it is evident from the word ' Islam' that it is a religion of congruity. It's definitely not a religion of extortionate. At whatever point a Muslim meets another Muslim, or a Momin meets another Momin you have to wish 'salaam (Asslamoalaikum)' 'may congruity arrive'. 'The Author of amicability' is one of the names of Allah Almighty and 'Adobe of Peace' is the target and objective of mankind. Islam is the religion that offers us to develop amicability, to live with agreement and it is the last divine message from Allah Almighty to the humanity or suffering humankind. It is moreover evident from the Holy Quran that Islam is the religion of concordance as Allah Pak depicted in Quran Pak as:

'There is no motivation in religion (Islam)' In surah AL-ANNAN(verse no. 54) Allah SWT has said that: 'O Muhammad( PBUH)! Right when those people come to you who put confidence in holds back you wish salaam to them and uncover to them Allah SWT has made this required for Himself to have graciousness upon you.'

In case we look at the chronicled setting of Islam we will come to understand that it (Islam) offers just congruity. The thought by Islam of the trust in the heavenly origin everything considered, Islam has figured out how to empty sharpness, pitilessness and ill will among the aficionados of Islam and to make a situation of partnership, concordance and extraordinary willing among the mankind. In cover national media, the Islam is incited as a religion of scalawag, severity, wantonness, and that of dread mongering. Nevertheless, by what means can our mind feel that such a religion where just amicability, wherein every one sends concordance to other by saying 'salaam' as 'Asslam-o-Alaikum' , can be a religion of mental fighting and extortionate. Allow us to have several points of reference. Right when the broadcasting of Islam was at start, Muslims expected to face serious issues like they were beat genuinely by the non muslims, they were tormented gravely and they were requested to leave up the religion from Islam, and even a couple of associates of Holy Prophet Muhammad SAW were martyred yet when Muslims came in power and they vanquished Makkah Mukarmah, they could take the revange of their past, they could murder the all inclusive community Makkah who messed up to them as they were in power around at that point, But the Holy Prophet Hazrat Muhammad SAW announced to exculpate all of the overall public of Makkah. It's definitely not a straightforward development as we may speculate to excuse someone who had killed a great deal of you relatives and had in like manner tried to kill you a couple of times. Thusly, from this event, we can aggregate up that Islam is religion of amicability that it just offers concordance. If it was a religion of extortionate and inhumanity, by then Holy Prophet Hazrat Muhammad SAW had not pardoned the all inclusive community of Makkah yet rather have rendered his reprisal. Along these lines, Islam is only a religion of amicability. As demonstrated by Islam, concordance isn't only a nonattendance of war. Amicability opens approaches to a wide scope of chances that are accessible in some arbitrary condition. It is simply in a tranquil situation that organized activities are possible. It is therefore that the Prophet Muhammad (may amicability arrive) went to mind blowing degrees to develop concordance regardless. As demonstrated by Islam, amicability is the standard and war is simply want. If the eventual outcome of war are unpleasant, Muslims should keep up a vital separation from it even in monitored situation.

Different Aspects

At the point when Islam was spreading, after the relocation of Holy Prophet Hazrat Muhammad SAW from Makkah to Madinah, Islam spread at a lot quicker rate. Because of this reason there were numerous wars among Muslims and non muslims. A few times Muslims assault non Muslims and a few times non Muslims assaulted the Muslims. At whatever point there was a war among Muslims and non muslims. It doesn't make a difference climate Muslims win or free, In either case, Muslims were encouraged to not to murder

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In the event that Muslims won a fight, they do what they are advised to do as indicated by Holy Quran as depicted previously. It delights that Islam is just a religion of harmony. Essentially, at the outset when Islam was spreading at a lot quicker rate at whatever point Muslims won a fight and they catch the non muslims who were battling against them, they request that they humiliate Islam however they won't do as such, on this Muslims don't treat them with cruelty yet rather than this they give them a similar sustenance to eat that they eat. They treat them with generosity. The non muslims likewise utilized unforgiving words against Muslims yet they keep on treating them with consideration. The non muslims were astounded by their character to such a degree, that they humiliated Islam and said that it can never be a religion of war. It just advances harmony, benevolence and love. In the event that we investigate the historical backdrop of Islam, we will find that Islam is absolutely a religion of harmony. Islam was spread on the planet by harmony. Islam was spread in Indonesia by Muslim dealers who went there only for exchanging and they spread Islam just by their character with no brutal movement and revealed to them that it is a religion that just inclines toward harmony. On the off chance that it was a religion of war, psychological oppression, brutality or savagery there will war and battling however there was no such condition by any means. Islam was spread around there just by the power of the great good character of Muslim brokers who went there only for exchanging and the general population of Indonesia were flabbergasted by their character, their method for managing, their equitable and reasonable business systems and they humiliated Islam. This is the verification that Islam is that religion where there is just harmony, generosity and love. It is a tolerant religion. The Holy Prophet Hazrat Muhammad SAW did leniency to each one without minding who is with him (SAW) and who is against him (SAW). As we realize that when Holy Prophet Hazrat Muhammad SAW declared the Prophethood and said that I am a Prophet of Allah Almighty, practically every one of the general population of Makkah conflicted with him (SAW) and they reported to contradict Hazrat Muhammad SAW. Along these lines, thus they utilized every single thing. Be that as it may, Holy Prophet Muhammad SAW said nothing to them and as opposed to stating anything, he (SAW) excuse them. There was a lady in the Makkah who tossed rubbish on Hazrat Muhammad SAW each day as he (SAW) goes through the road. One day Holy Prophet Hazrat Muhammad SAW was strolling through the road and that lady don't toss trash on him (SAW). Hazrat Muhammad SAW got some information about that lady and he (SAW) came to realize that she was sick. In this way, Hazrat Muhammad SAW went to see her. She was so stunned by the character of Hazrat Muhammad SAW that she acknowledged Islam. By keeping in view this occurrence in what manner can somebody say that Islam is a religion of despise and cruelty. It is described in Holy Quran as:

'Furthermore, we have not sent you, [O Muhammad] with the exception of as a benevolence for the whole humankind' (Al Anbiya: 107). Islam is a merciful religion. In Islam it is a great virtue to treat an orphan with kindness. It is said by Holy Prophet Hazrat Muhammad SAW that whoever brought up an orphan, in the day of judgement, he will be standing with me as like this (pointing the two middle fingers). In Islam, it is also a great virtue to serve your parents when they had grown old. If they are alive one should respect them, treat them with kindness and if they have passed away this worldly world then one should pray for them. If one do this Allah Almighty will bless him with His mercy.

When Holy Prophet Muhammad SAW travelled to Tai’f for preaching Islam, he (SAW) had to face a lot of problems in his way. About 170 people embarrassed Islam by the attempts of Hazrat Muhammad SAW. When people of Tai’f saw this, they [naizu billah] called him (SAW) a magician, fool etc. and they send some young children who threw stones o Hazrat Muhammad SAW and made fun of him. Till the feet of Holy Prophet Hazrat Muhammad SAW were in blood. At that time, Hazrat Jibril A.S came down with an angel to Hazrat Muhammad SAW and said that if you (SAW) give order, I will crush this valley between the two mountains but Holy Prophet Hazrat Muhammad SAW forbade him to do so and said that I hope that Allah will bring them to Islam. Even in such conditions, Hazrat Muhammad SAW forgive them and told the whole humanity that Islam is only the religion of peace, kindness, love and mercy (Reham).

God has blessed the Prophet (peace be upon him) with many excellent qualities; undoubtedly those qualities portray the perfection of his character, the flawlessness of his disposition and the excellence of his personality as well as the high esteem in which our Maker holds him.

In Holy Quran Allah SWT has said that:“We only sent you as a mercy for the entire humanity” In the Religion of Islam if we want to seek guidance we need to consult to the Holy Quran and the Sunnah of Hazrat Muhammad SAW. If we look in Quran Pak all the Surrah’s start with sentence

“To start with the Name of Allah the most merciful, the most beneficent.” Allah SWT is the most merciful. Allah SWT can forgive any of your sin if you repent. Beloved Prophet Muhammad SAW said that Allah SWT says : “O, son of Adam! You may do any of sin and I will forgive all of your sin even if your sins reach the clouds of the sky, I will forgive them.”

From this we can hardly imagine the mercy of Allah Almighty. If we sum up all of our above talk we calculate that such a religion that was preached by Muhammad SAW and revealed from Allah Almighty who is the “Most Merciful” as discussed above can not be a religion of hate. Holy Prophet Muhammad SAW also told to do Raham on the slaves. On the occasion of the Hajjah-tul-vidah, Hazrat Muhammad SAW said about the slaves that: “Do treat them with kindness (Raham). They are your brothers Do not take too much from them. And if they commit a mistake, forgive them. If there mistake is so serious that you do not want forgive, leave them instead of treating them with harshness.”

In the religion of Islam, the discriminants of all kind were questioned, challenged, fought, defeated and eradicated by the advent of this such a great religion. In Islam freedom and many rights were given to the woman.

In Islam there is mercy to every one. In Islam there is mercy to animals, birds, and humans. Once Holy Prophet Hazrat Muhammad SAW was travelling with a group of his companions when he (SAW) saw a bird flying upon them with anxiety. Hazrat Muhammad SAW asked why is this bird flying with anxiety? He (SAW) was answered that on the way, a companion climbed up the tree and took the eggs of the bird. Hazrat Muhammad SAW said to that companion to go and the eggs back in the nest. There is not only one but many incidents about the mercy of Holy Prophet SAW on animals. Similarly, once there was a merchant who take much work by his camel and put much weight on its back then it’s strength. The camel complained to Prophet Muhammad SAW, so Hazrat Muhammad SAW forbade him to do so.

It is stated that:“Be merciful to those on earth and the One in the Heavens will have mercy upon you.” Holy Prophet Hazrat Muhammad SAW forbade the people to put any mark on the face of any animal not even as for remembrance. Hazrat Muhammad SAW lso forbade the people to not to take the wok from the animal that is beyond it’s strength, or to take too much work from it. Hazrat Muhammad SAW also forbade from beating the animals in any of the case.

Reviews of Non-Muslims

On the off chance that outline all the above themes or all our above discussion, it would not be right to state that the lives of the Arabs were completely reformed by one single man with an alluring identity a phenomenal charming existences. The declaration to this verifiable truth is brought into the world not simply by excited and passionate Muslims, which would be normal at any rate, however even by honest non-Muslims, for example, the eminent student of history Michael H. Hart who in his book

'The 100: A Ranking of the Most InfluentialPersons in History'puts our awesome Prophet (harmony arrive) at the highest priority on the rundown, even in front of Jesus Christ who comes at number three, simply behind Isaac Newton. Michael Hart legitimizes his decision as consequently,

'My decision of Muhammad SAW to lead the rundown of the world's most compelling people may amaze a few perusers and might be addressed by others, buthe was the main man in history who was remarkably fruitful on both the religious and common dimensions… Muhammad SAW established and proclaimed one of the world's extraordinary religions and today, thirteen centuries after his passing, his impact is still ground-breaking and inescapable… Muhammad SAW was in charge of both the theorey of Islam and its primary ethic and good characters and standards. Likewise, he assumed the key job in converting the new confidence, and in setting up the religious practices of Islam. It is this ideal blend of mainstream and religious impact which I feel warrant Muhammad SAW to be viewed as the most persuasive single figure in mankind's history.'

Hence Islam is a religion of harmony and graciousness in the genuine sense. Every single instructing of Islam depends on such standards which offers harmony and generosity. Any deviation from the Quran Pak and Sunnah of Holy Prophet Hazrat Muhammad SAW is the deviation from the religion Islam. In this manner, we should attempt to comprehend and we need to comprehend the belief system of Islam so that there will be tranquility on everywhere throughout the world. However at this point a days Muslim country is proliferated as a fear based oppressor and coldblooded country in different nations and particularly in European nations by their media and social exercises. This demonstration is extremely surprising as on one side they state that the religion of Islam is exceptionally lenient and on other hand they spread the Islam as a religion of psychological warfare. Our insight can not picture that such a religion can be religion of cruelty in which there is harmony and benevolence or we should state that Raham for humanity as well as for creatures, trees, and notwithstanding for little creepy crawlies.


As a last and final sum, I would like to say that “Mercy for mankind” represent the love of God for all humans. If we start living on the golden principles of Islam, then the blessings of Allah Almighty will be countless and limit less upon us.

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