Self Reflection Essay on Personal Nutrition

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A Nutritional assessment in its simplest format is the procedure of gathering data, which subsequently allows a conclusion regarding the reasons for nutrition-related health issues that affect an individual may experience. ( Association of Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition (BAPEN), 2021)

For example, the reason that it is important to gather this data is to help somebody who may be vulnerable to malnutrition. In 2007-2008, the 'NutriDay' survey took place which involved 21,007 patients from 325 hospitals in 25 different European countries. (Reber et al., 2019) The findings of this survey showed that a nutritional assessment method existed in just 53% of the hospitals. As well as this, 27% of patients in the Southeastern region were believed to be at risk of malnutrition. (Reber et al., 2019) The survey showed the need for regular, consistent nutritional assessments around specific regions.

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In terms of what a nutritional assessment involves, an example would be Anthropometry. Anthropometry measures body size, weight, and composition. Typical anthropometric measurements include weight, height, waist-to-hip ratio, and skinfold. (Food and Nutrition Technical Assistance III Project (FANTA), 2016)

A certain type of anthropometric measurement is Body mass index, otherwise known as (BMI). The body mass index is the metric used to determine anthropometric height and weight traits within individuals, which then allows them to be placed into categories. (Reber et al., 2019)

An important part of nutrition assessment is to evaluate an individual's nutritional intake. Information is given about the diet such as shifts in appetite, and allergies, as well as potential explanations for insufficient food intake because of illness. (FANTA, 2016) An example of a dietary assessment would be the 24-hour food recall. This is where an individual is expected to recall the food and drink that they had within 24 hours.

The body mass index is the metric used in order to determine anthropometric height and weight traits within certain individuals, which then subsequently allows them to be placed into certain categories. (Reber et al., 2019) These particular categories are separated by factors such as age, gender, and more. A typical healthy body mass index score would land anywhere between 18.5 and 24.9. (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), 2021) As a result of my anthropometry findings when using body mass index, my body mass index result came to 21.6, which means that I landed in the healthy category. The next category is the overweight category, which is where people with a body mass index score of anywhere between 25 and 29.9 are placed. (CDC, 2021) Therefore, this shows that I am firmly cemented within the healthy category, as I remain far from the overweight category because of have a body mass index score of 21.6. In terms of body fat, an individual who carries anywhere between 14-17% body fat, would be placed within the fitness category. (Healthline, 2019) My findings show that my percentage of body fat came to 14.12%, whilst my estimated range was between 12-18%, and as a result, this means that I am within my estimated range. The percentage of body fat required to land in the athletes' category is anywhere between 6-13%. (Healthline, 2019) Therefore, I can conclude that I am a healthy individual. In terms of overall kilograms, I was estimated to land between 64 and 73 kilograms. My actual total kilograms was 70kg, which meant that the estimates from the Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis test were correct as I landed between the estimated 64 and 73 kilograms. As well as this, my water weight was also estimated to be somewhere between 54% and 64%. My actual water weight came to 62% which showed that the estimate was correct.

After reviewing the calculated data regarding my diet, I then compared it with the recommended values of dietary intake for specific nutrients. I found that even though in some areas I was roughly taking in the correct amount of nutrients, there were other areas where I was taking in more than the required amount necessary for my age range. For example, the recommended daily carbohydrate intake for males within the age range of 19-64 was 333 grams. (Scientific Advisory Committee on Nutrition, 2011) Compare this to my daily intake which came to 339 grams, this was only 6 grams over the recommended limit which showed that I was taking in the correct amount of carbohydrates. However, my results showed that I had been taking in too much protein at 150 grams per day, as the recommended intake is 55.5 grams. (Committee on Medical Aspects of Food Policy, 1991) I had also been taking in 957ug of Vitamin A, which was 257ug higher than the recommended value of 700ug. (Scientific Advisory Committee on Nutrition, 2016) However, I found that at 40 grams per day, I had been taking in the correct amount of Vitamin C, which was only slightly higher than the recommended 44 milligrams of Vitamin C per day. I also found that I had been eating too many grams of fat, as the recommended intake of fat stood at 97 grams per day. (Scientific Advisory Committee on Nutrition, 2011) The data that I collected surrounding my diet showed me that I had been eating 188 grams of fat per day, which was more than half of the recommended intake. It is very easy to eat more fat than necessary as it is in a large percentage of popular foods, which was evident in my findings. My results also showed me that my daily intake of Iron stood at 11.5 milligrams, as opposed to the recommended intake which is 8.7 milligrams. (Committee on Medical Aspects of Food Policy, 1991)

After reviewing the energy and nutrient content of my recorded diet, and then afterwards comparing it to the Dietary Reference Values for energy, I have subsequently been able to conclude certain results within my findings. The first thing that I discovered was that the recommended daily Vitamin intake for males within the age range of 1964-year-olds was 40 milligrams. (FANTA, 2016) In comparison to my personal daily intake which came to 44 milligrams, my intake was only 4 grams over the recommended limit, which subsequently concluded that I was roughly taking in the correct amount of Vitamin C. In terms of my daily intake of Vitamin A, this was recorded as 957ug per day. The recommended daily intake of Vitamin A however was calculated at 700ug per day. (FANTA, 2016) Therefore, this shows that I have been taking in more Vitamin A than the recommended amount. However, Public Health (2005) suggests that adverse effects, such as osteoporosis, from high Vitamin A consumption occur when averaging over 1,500 ug of Vitamin A daily, over many years. In terms of Calcium, my results concluded that my daily intake is 1003 milligrams. However, after reviewing the recommended daily intake, I realized that I have been taking 303 milligrams higher than the recommended amount, which is 700 milligrams per day. (Committee on Medical Aspects of Food Policy, 1991) Regarding daily intake of protein, the recommended intake value was calculated at 55.5 grams. (Committee on Medical Aspects of Food Policy, 1991) I was very surprised to discover that my personal daily intake of protein was 150 grams per day, which is almost three times higher than the recommended value. This could be due to my having a diet that includes certain foods that are high in protein such as fish and peas. Regarding a case study, the OPEN and Beltsville cohorts study found that 48% of men, and 52% of women from the US, had similar levels of obesity to the levels which have been found in both Scotland and (BAPEN, 2021)

It is important to be physically active, especially today where the rates of people who live sedentary lifestyles are rising. (Hallal et al., 2012; World Health Organisation, 2016; Sport,2017) After monitoring my own physical activity, I compared my results with the guidelines for physical activity. Many believe that to maintain healthy levels of physical activity, adults should aim for around 2.5 hours each day of moderately intense activity. This could include anything from walking to mild cycling. (Sport, 2017)

In terms of more vigorous activity, adults should aim for just over an hour. This could include running or playing competitive sports. (Sport, 2017) After reviewing this, I was able to conclude that from my own results, I spend 4 hours a day on moderate exercise, and 3 hours on high-intensity exercise, which are both above the recommended amount. A positive of regular physical activity is that it benefits sleep. (World Health Organisation (WHO), 2019) I typically surpass the recommended amount of moderate and high-intensity physical activity, which means I average around 10 hours of sleep per night which is very beneficial for daily activities. Many people use public transport to get around, however walking or cycling is a good way to be physically active in a moderate fashion. (World Health Organisation, 2016) I average around 2 hours a day of walking, however, I often drive instead of cycling. Phases of inactivity such as sitting down for a while, could lead to poor health, and should subsequently be reduced. (Kwon et al., 2015) Despite being moderately active during the day, I also spend a lot of my time sitting down, whether I am eating a meal or watching television, I tend to spend a few hours per day doing this.

Overall, I can conclude from my findings that the different tests and methods that I used were very effective in terms of opening my eyes to factors such as nutrient intake, and how the supplied energy converts into levels of physical activity. In terms of the BIA test, I discovered that I was typically within my estimated range, which showed that my body composition was good. Regarding the 24-hour food recall, this allowed me to discover how my energy is supplied from the nutrients that I intake. When I compared my findings to the guidelines, I ultimately found that I endure a healthy amount of physical activity per day. I feel that these tests are important as they can prevent factors such as malnutrition and obesity.

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