Should College Athletes Be Paid?

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Table of contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Body
  3. Conclusion

College athletes shouldn’t be compensated for playing sports at the collegiate level, but for their advertisement and use of their names in video games and products. College athletes do not get exploited by their colleges for playing sports, but by organizations who are taking all of the profit at the cost of the athlete.


Looking back, college athletes started playing sports originally to get their college education paid for, nothing more. And even though that’s still the case, college athletes’ names get used for sale of products and advertisement, and they should be paid not for playing the sport, but the use of their name in the media, products, etc. And of course, all of the information gathered for this speech comes from credible sources.

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College athletes can get enough money from FAFSA and, at the Division I and some Division II levels, Stipend checks and their scholarship to pay for their education and housing. FAFSA gives students enough money to pay for their college tuition, depending on income.

If expenses are covered, money get’s refunded to student. Stipend checks are given to athletes to cover costs that the athlete can’t cover themselves.Started giving them out in 2015. range from 2000-5000 dollars, nowadays even more.

All the extra money they get on top of finical aid would also change recruiting massively. Athletes getting paid would change the whole perspective on recruiting athletes. Universities with the largest income or revenue would get the best recruits. Would cause low income organizations to go out of business and get shut down. This would let the schools take the control in the recruitment process. Prospects wouldn’t be focused on favorite schools, only salaries they are offered. It would put their priority with their salary fist, not their education.

On top of burdening students and players with decisions, it would also affect taxpayers. Paying athletes would burden taxpayers and regular students. Colleges would have to raise tuition, housing, etc. to get money for their salaries. It would cause a decrease in enrollment of students. Organization would have to ask taxpayers for monetary support for athletes’ salaries.

Tax payers aren’t the only ones getting burdened, players get used the same way by companies. Companies rely on known players to create revenue and income using their image and name. When Zion Williamson’s Nike show broke in the game Nike’s stock dropped by $1,1 billion. NCAA video games use athletes’ names in the game, and got popular of the years. EA Sports payed colleges between $7500-$150000 for being in the game.


Reviewing the speech, I have discussed revenue players bring to companies and colleges using their images, the burden paying athletes would put on taxpayers and non-athlete students, the drastic change in recruiting salaries would make and that athletes get enough money from the country and schools already to pay for all necessities. And even though athletes still shouldn’t be paid for playing for the school, they should at least get paid for making money for it and companies profiting from them.

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Should College Athletes Be Paid? (2022, February 17). Edubirdie. Retrieved January 30, 2025, from
“Should College Athletes Be Paid?” Edubirdie, 17 Feb. 2022,
Should College Athletes Be Paid? [online]. Available at: <> [Accessed 30 Jan. 2025].
Should College Athletes Be Paid? [Internet] Edubirdie. 2022 Feb 17 [cited 2025 Jan 30]. Available from:

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