Should Students Dropout Of School To Take A Job Before Graduation?

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The increasing of students dropping out of school before graduation is one of the main problems that countries have faced nowadays. Among those students, some tend to find a job rather than to pursue their study in the college. Even though it is a serious problem for school to cope with, the willingness of the students themselves to prefer finding a job as it is their decision making since not everyone is in their situation. Therefore, there is a debate whether college students should be able to make a choice to drop out of school to pursue a job without getting the degree in the college or not. From the personal point of view, there are many reasons why teens are rather required to not stay in university until their graduation.

First of all, people have different fields of interest. If a student has a great idea to do something else which he or she is sure it will be more successful, that student should not be afraid to leave college. This type of student often finds school is a stressful place which leads them to disengage with the campus management. Instead, those students are more interested in the outside world, and have another goal in life needed to accomplish, so college cannot be extremely helpful for them. Moreover, special ability or talent also causes them to work harder to strive for their career fields. The world already knows Bill Gates, Steve Jobs and Kanye West all experienced dropping out of school but achieve wonderful success. For instance, Bill Gates, a co-founder of Microsoft and a richest person in the world for many years, dropped out of Harvard University in his junior year after discovering Altair microcomputer in Popular Electronics magazine, and then he started to create Microsoft with his friend to write software for the Altair (The editors of publications international, n.d.).

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Another reason is that some careers do not require college. Without a degree in the college does not mean you cannot have a job. Beside a doctor who requires to have a proper degree, people can still work in another field of career that does not need them to complete the college year. According to the balance careers, there are ten high-paying jobs that do not require a college degree, and some of those jobs are computer programmers, database manager, pharmacy technician and network, and computer systems administrator. These are called as skill-based jobs which can be commonly found in healthcare, information technology, manufacturing, hospital, state governments, schools, and other organizations that are looking for a skillful person to work under their firms rather than the right degree (Newcombe, 2018).

Last but not least, financial problem can also encourage students to abandon the campus life. Beside many reasons, financial issue might be the key factor in student decision. This may happen because some family members can no longer be able to find the income to support the family or afford to pay the fee for children’s school. In some situations, the breadwinner may lose their jobs that lead to a financial difficulty in the whole family. Many students would work while they were attending in the college, but the balancing of work and school were too much burden; plus, it is very hard to support themselves and brace their families at the same time. Consequently, this issue has turned more complicated for students to continue their study in the college, and since the cost of college is quite expensive, students will decide to rather make money by working full time than continuing a costly degree.

Some people might say that dropping out of college is a risk since it is easier to get a job with a college degree than without one. However, in the society, there are many opportunities always waiting for someone who has an actual goal to learn things that may even prove one’s success without getting to sit in the classroom. Also, abandoning the college to pursue a job can help students to deal with their personal problem as well.

In brief, there are a few reasons why students should give up on college to take a job. Some students have interests in starting to have a career because they did not have an interest in learning. Students also have different talent which allows them to pursue a different dream as well. Also, if the right job presents itself, the college degree would not worth it. Without giving up on the college, there might be even more difficulties for students that does not have enough financial supports. As long as the person has a strong commitment to ensure their decision, there is nothing wrong for them to just do what they want to.

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Should Students Dropout Of School To Take A Job Before Graduation? (2021, September 20). Edubirdie. Retrieved January 16, 2025, from
“Should Students Dropout Of School To Take A Job Before Graduation?” Edubirdie, 20 Sept. 2021,
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Should Students Dropout Of School To Take A Job Before Graduation? [Internet] Edubirdie. 2021 Sept 20 [cited 2025 Jan 16]. Available from:

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