Substance Abuse & Mental Health in Modern Society

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There are several issues you run into when dealing with a mental illness. It's tricky when it comes to mental health because you must be very cautious. There are ways to cope with mental health, but it can turn for the worse if you’re not careful. Substance abuse is an issue that can hurt a person's life. There are people in the world who are going through this right now and need help. I will explain why this particular issue is a problem in society today.

First, having a mental illness is no laughing matter, it can bring anyone down. Substance abuse is an addiction to drugs and alcohol and comes from stress or other things. If you don’t admit that you have a problem, it will be hard to change your lifestyle in the future. Abusing prescription drugs can occur when you become dependent on them and do not leave them alone. Mental health can lead to suicide if you don’t learn to cope with these issues.

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Next, substance abuse can bring a person down to their lowest if they're not careful. Being that mental health is bad enough by itself, you would think nothing else could make it worse. People who are addicted to drugs find a hard time coping with their mental health. I think that it's easy to become addicted to drugs or alcohol because of the short-term feeling you get while on it. Having prescription medicine is a blessing and a curse because you are required to take these. But only a certain amount a day to help you go on with your day.

Finally, people use drugs and alcohol to mask their problems, but it's only momentarily. That is what leads to them becoming addicted, and it creates a bigger issue in the future. When taking prescribed medicine you have to be extra careful because you can get addicted in a heartbeat. If you know that you have an addiction, you should tell someone so that you can get help. Before it is too, late people lose their life due to overdose and alcohol poisoning.

In conclusion, there are different ways to cope with mental health that will be helpful for you. Any abuse of drugs and alcohol will cause more problems for you in the long haul. I believe that substance abuse shouldn’t be taken lightly and it's not a good look for people. I chose to write about substance abuse and mental health because a lot of these cases are swept under the rug. You don’t hear about many suicide cases due to alcohol or drugs or even homicide. I want to bring this particular topic to light so that people can get the resources to cope with this.

Works Cited

  1. Melinda. (n.d.). Dual Diagnosis: Substance Abuse and Mental Health. Retrieved December 09, 2020, from
  2. Mental Illness Is a Global Problem: We Need a Global Response: Health Poverty Action. (n.d.). Retrieved December 09, 2020, from
  3. Mental Illness & Public Health: USC MPH Online. (2020, February 21). Retrieved December 09, 2020, from
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Substance Abuse & Mental Health in Modern Society. (2024, February 28). Edubirdie. Retrieved January 30, 2025, from
“Substance Abuse & Mental Health in Modern Society.” Edubirdie, 28 Feb. 2024,
Substance Abuse & Mental Health in Modern Society. [online]. Available at: <> [Accessed 30 Jan. 2025].
Substance Abuse & Mental Health in Modern Society [Internet]. Edubirdie. 2024 Feb 28 [cited 2025 Jan 30]. Available from:

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