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Medical Artificial Intelligence Observation

5 Pages 2322 Words
Abstract Medical Artificial Intelligence (MAI) regularly uses computer techniques for clinical diagnosis and treatment recommendations. AI has the ability to detecting meaningful relationships in a dataset and has been widely used to diagnose, cure, and predict responses in many clinical situations. In our paper focus on discussing the rule-based system in disease diagnosis as an expert system that is an...

AI Ethical Dilemma: Who's Responsible for AI Errors?

4 Pages 1940 Words
In response to a request by NorthWest Consultants Ltd., I have made recommendations for the use of Artificial Intelligence at Peterson Center on Healthcare. AI already has widespread ramifications that have changed the healthcare sector and Peterson Center on Healthcare want to be part of it. Nonetheless, as AI transforms patient experience and healthcare professional’s routines and workload, Peterson Center...

Detecting Lung Cancer Using CNN For Live Dataset

2 Pages 1068 Words
Abstract The mortality rate due to lung cancer is increasing rapidly day by day. The major reason behind this increasing mortality rate is not being able to detect the lung cancer at an early stage. Even due to advancement in technology, the number of radiologists is limited and they are being overworked. Various methods which are based on technologies like...

Features Of Science Fiction Ready Player One

1 Page 645 Words
Well, Ready Player One by Ernest Cline is a science fiction based on its systematic connotations of possibilities and breakthroughs in technological advancements. Science fiction in its entirety entails living the future in rather unimaginable conditions of the present that can only guarantee any such future achievements based on grit. It is therefore a logical projection of the future informed...

The Benefits And Advantages Of Science Fiction

1 Page 547 Words
Science fiction, first emerging following the development of modern technology, seems to enjoy tremendous popularity among people nowadays. According to Lynch (2018), Science fiction was the genre most welcomed by subscribers in Netflix. Netflix also foresaw continuous demands for science fiction. For some people, science fiction is merely a way of entertainment, but it is more valuable than this. It...

Ethical Dilemma Of Robotic Surgery

3 Pages 1488 Words
Brief Description of the Ethical Dilemma A popular and distinct technological advancement in the present world is robotic surgery that has been acquired in the entire health care industry. In Britain, several surgeries are being conducted by robots and these surgeries have become successful without indulging any type of problem. However, there had been an incident, in which a patient...

Government Censorship Securing Political And Societal Stability

4 Pages 1582 Words
In today's digital age, information has become vastly accessible to everyone through different forms of media which usually include television, newspaper, film, and social media (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram). The inexorable flow of information leads to the establishment of government censorship. Recently the subject of media censorship has been the source of controversial debate. It has been argued that government censorship...

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