That's Who I Am

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Strengths that we have within ourselves come from talent and investment. Have you ever asked yourself, “Who am I?”. Well, I have, and as my paper goes on you will know who I am academically, professionally, and spiritually. The details will go on to tell what type of learner I am, what type of employee I am, as well as what kind of person I am within my faith.


As a learner, I consider myself to be very driven and smart. In order for me to learn things I need to visually see it in front of me. I will sit in the front of the class so I am able to see everything that is going on. If I am taught something one time you will not have to show me again. My ability to grasp onto information is remarkable. There are many times that my friend’s ask me how I am so knowledgeable. My response to them is “I am nosey”. I pay attention to everything even if it does not involve me. My previous college experiences have shaped my current circumstances because it has showed me that I am worthy of completing my education and if I put my mind to it, I can accomplish it. I think it’s about challenging yourself and taking charge of your learning experiences because they are yours and no one else’s. I truly believe that knowledge is power because once you have obtained it it’s know yours. I consider my strengths of command and adaptability responsible for my incredible drive and ability to not give up when things get difficult or change. Rath explains that “command leads you to take charge” (p.61). The ability to take charge of my education and go with the flow of this has got me this far and will take me to even greater places in the future.

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First thing that comes to mind when I ask myself “Who am I career wise” is although I am a LVN and I love what I do I am not where I would like to be. I have spent my whole professional career in the medical field starting from a medical records clerk, to an emergency medical technician, received my phlebotomy license, completed LVN school, and now attempting to complete my bachelor’s degree in nursing. Being a licensed vocational nurse I am very compassionate about my patients and their families. I want to help people when they are at their lowest points in life who feel helpless and give them hope through encouragement and health. I am an advocate for those who cannot speak up for themselves or take care of themselves properly. Doing so many different jobs in the medical field has shaped my present circumstances into knowing anything is possible and I can only move forward from here just takes time and perseverance. Command again allows me to take control of my career goals and pursue as much as I can without giving up. In ‘StrengthsFinder 2.0’ the author states that when you have a strength in significance your “independent spirit, you want your work to be a way of life rather than a job” (Rath, 2007, p161). My significance theme will not allow me to settle for less and does allow me to keep going until I reach the place I would love to be.


At a younger age faith is not something I really had. I did not pray like I should and I did not think about God watching me and what I was doing. I think this was because I was young and was only worried about myself but that changed at the age of twenty-two. I lost my mother to cancer and this by far was the most traumatic thing I have ever experiences in life even up until today. At that point I turned to God for answers, my faith started to grow, and the trust was building. Since then, I go by ‘God is great’ which is has always been I was just a little late at realizing it. God has done some many things for my children and myself allowing us to do and have exceptional things. “It is doubt that is the beginning of real faith” (Chittiser and Williams, 2010 p. 15). I am a child of God and although I do make mistakes, he forgives me because I learn from these mistakes that make me the mother, the sister, the daughter, the partner, the learner, the nurse, the friend, and the co-worker I am today. Relator allows the value I have for relationships and friendships such as the one I cherish with God to subdue any conflicts that may arise. “The more you risk together, the more each of you proves your caring is genuine” (Rath, 2007, p.145).


This purpose of this essay was to indicate the proper information in order to receive the answer to “Who am I?”. I have given insight about who I am academically by examples to the type of learner I am and how it is easy for me to retain information if I see how something is done by visually examining. Showing my drive and admiration through my career path and ability to keep going is one way to see who I am. The biggest factor that shows myself and who I am is my faith in God. Although I had questioned him at one point in life, he is now who I give my life to. Multiple facts have been given throughout my paper of who I am in multiple different aspects of life.

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That’s Who I Am. (2022, December 15). Edubirdie. Retrieved February 15, 2025, from
“That’s Who I Am.” Edubirdie, 15 Dec. 2022,
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