The Chicago Bulls' Success in the 1990s: Critical Essay

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“Sixteen seconds left, Bulls down one. Michael against Russell, twelve seconds, eleven, ten. Jordan, Jordan the drive, hangs, fires. SCORES! He scores, the Bulls lead eighty-seven to eighty-six with five and two-tenths left…”. This was the last-second shot Michael Jordan took against the Utah Jazz in Game 6 of the 1998 NBA Finals. The 1991-1998 Chicago Bulls were one of the most dominant teams in the history of the National Basketball Association (NBA). They went on to win six NBA championships in those years with Michael Jordan leading them through every single one of them. The supporting cast consists of Scottie Pippen, Dennis Rodman, Steve Kerr, Ron Harper, Horace Grant, and legendary coach Phil Jackson to name a few. It was surprising for some that this team succeeded the way that it did. Usually, when you get a team with that many superstars on it, it is hard for them to bond and work as a team. The Bulls defied these odds and they did connect very well, and it ended up helping them win 6 championships within the span of eight years. This team accomplished a lot of things, broke records, and is arguably the best team in sports history.

When playing a sport that consists of a team, one of the most important things is having a team that bonds well and that can be considered a family. When you have a team that has a lot of star power within it, most of the time it is hard for them to get together and get that family mindset. The Bulls defied these odds and actually connected very well for having a lot of superstars on their team. Michael Jordan and Scottie Pippen were the main two stars on this team and they connected very well, they still are friends to this day. The dynamic duo put aside their ego and their pride to be not just successful for themselves but as a team. After everyone put aside their ego, the very first dynasty was made. Michael Jordan once said in an interview with Ahmad Rashaad about his relationship with Scottie Pippen: “It wasn’t just I pushing Scottie Pippen, but Scottie Pippen pushing me, you know what I mean. It was a big brother little brother scenario. I knew the hard work that it took to get to that level, and if we wanted to get to point A to point B to Z, then I’m gonna have to pull this guy along. We’re going have to co-exist…”. Those twos connection was unreal, you could always find those two in the gym working together, or on the court giving each other advice. They weren’t in it just for the stats, they were in it together, and to win as a team.

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The two years the Chicago Bulls didn’t win the finals were the years Michael Jordan retired for the first time to go play minor league baseball: 1993-1995. Michael only was retired for one year and decided to come back halfway through the second season he was gone. After those years they didn’t win the finals but went on another three-peat to make six NBA championships for Jordan. He decided to retire because of his loss of love for the game, his father had died three months earlier, and he wanted to carry out one of his father’s wishes. To become a major league baseball player. He spent a year with the Chicago White Sox in a minor league affiliate as the Bulls seemed to be doing fine without him, but losing in the second round of the playoffs to the New York Knicks. The following year, they were doing average only going 31-31 when Jordan decided to come back. They ended up making the playoffs but also lost again in the second round to the Orlando Magic. In the 1995-1996 season, they went on and broke the record for the best record in the league. They ended up winning 72 and only lost 10 the whole season. The next three years Jordan went to work and won three more NBA Championships, with his team adding Dennis Rodman. Jordan and Pippen played with each other up until the 1998 season, and in 1999 Pippen decided to go play for the Houston Rockets.

If you think of a dynamic duo in the back of the day, you think of Jordan and Pippen. Michael got drafted in 1984 by the Bulls, and Pippen got drafted in 1987. They played with each other every year they were on the court up until that 1999 season. Their relationship last till today and they are considered to be the best of friends. Their hard work, great work ethic, and knowledge of the game helped those two bond even more. The two ended up playing for ten years together and achieved amazing things together. Jordan was heart broke after Pippen decided to move on, but it helped his decision to retire once again from the sport of basketball.

The Bulls were one of the most successful teams to ever play any kind of sport, mostly because they gelled together and were a ‘family’. Michael Jordan is considered one of the best to ever play the game, but if you don’t have a team that is willing to play together and work together, you aren’t going to win six NBA championships in eight years. This team is to be considered to be the first NBA dynasty to ever surface, they were dominant in so many areas and were able to show their worth and pride for their team. This team accomplished a lot of things, broke records, and is arguably the best team in sports history.

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The Chicago Bulls’ Success in the 1990s: Critical Essay. (2023, November 15). Edubirdie. Retrieved September 26, 2024, from
“The Chicago Bulls’ Success in the 1990s: Critical Essay.” Edubirdie, 15 Nov. 2023,
The Chicago Bulls’ Success in the 1990s: Critical Essay. [online]. Available at: <> [Accessed 26 Sept. 2024].
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