The Importance of Hurricane Windows

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Despite being popularly known as “The Sunshine State,” Florida is a state known for its flurry of hurricanes year after year. Because of its location near the tropics, and with westerly winds blowing in its direction, this particular state in the United States is vulnerable to storms and hurricanes. Each year, it is prone to experiencing around 2 devastating storms. Because of this, the importance of hurricane windows Florida has become more imperative than ever before.

If you are a homeowner who lives in areas that are frequented by storms or hurricanes, one of the biggest challenges you’ll face in your life include protecting your property.

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One of the most practical and cost-efficient techniques that allow you to safeguard your home against these environmental occurrences is getting a window replacement and installing hurricane-resistant windows instead. In compliance with the State of Florida’s codes, homeowners should replace their windows with impact-resistant openings that meet industry standards.

What are Hurricane Windows Florida?

Hurricane impact windows are made from storm-proof materials designed to endure high impact and harsh weather conditions. Created using shatter-resistant glass and strengthened with laminated materials, these frames and openings are intended to withstand the toughest condition.

In extreme situations where the glass may shatter, the shards of glass would not explode. Rather, it would safely hold its place with the help of an interlayer found within the layers of glass, usually in the form of polyvinyl butyral (PVB) or ethylene-vinyl acetate (EVA).

Benefits of Using Hurricane Windows Florida

The benefits of using these types of windows greatly outweigh the initial investment that comes along. While these frames primarily serve homes and establishments located in hurricane-prone areas, it also offers a host of benefits aimed for all types of properties. If you are looking to upgrade or replace your window screens today, here are some advantages that might just urge you to make a change.

Improved Home Protection

First and foremost, an impact window allows you to lessen the impact of severe storms plaguing your home. Made from wind-resistant materials, these can survive the more severe weather conditions, including harsh winds and heavy rains. With these protective coverings shielding you against harms, you can significantly reduce your need for regular home repairs.

These storms can hit your property without warning. Give yourself the peace of mind you deserve knowing you are protected against these environment occurrences any time of the day. Not to mention, with its impact-resistant properties, hurricane windows Florida can deter intruders from even entering your residence.

Noise Reduction

The world’s outside noise plays a huge role in your wellbeing. While you may already be accustomed to tuning these noises every so often, studies show that outside environmental noise can disrupt rest and sleep.

To prevent losing sleep over outside noise, make sure to opt for impact-resistant windows on your next home improvement and renovation project. Made with thick, padded, and insulated material, these coverings can prevent sounds from entering your home. In a hurricane-prone area such as Florida, challenging weather conditions can bring in disturbing noises even after the storm has passed. To guard your home and get your much-needed rest, don’t hesitate to install this type of window.

Increased Curb Appeal

Add value to your space and improve the overall appearance of your property by upgrading your frames. Besides giving off a beautiful and complementary aspect to your home, these will also lend safety and security to its inhabitants.

With the state of Florida becoming more particular about real estate being sold on the market, you will have an advantage in selling your home should you install these to your property. In a place where storms threaten the safety of people, this window choice will become attractive to prospective buyers.

Energy Efficiency

The Sunshine State experiences just that – sunshine. This causes energy bills to pile up fast, mainly during the hot and humid summers. You can help offset these costs by opting for impact frames. Equipped with excellent insulation properties, you can keep your air at a controlled temperature at all times.

Block UV Rays

As a state filled lots of light and sunshine, it is inevitable for the sun to wreak havoc not just on your skin, but also affect your body’s overall condition. The most prevalent concerns brought about by UV rays are skin cancer, skin damage, premature aging, sunburn, and many more.

With this window option, you can successfully block at least 99% of UV rays, thus, protecting yourself from the harmful rays of the sun. Since your furniture and artwork are not spared from UV light, you’ll be happy to know that damages to these household items can be decreased as well.

The process of replacing a window can be downright overwhelming, especially with the numerous options available on the market today. However, if protecting your home is at the top of your list, you certainly won’t go wrong with hurricane windows Florida.

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The Importance of Hurricane Windows. (2022, September 15). Edubirdie. Retrieved September 26, 2024, from
“The Importance of Hurricane Windows.” Edubirdie, 15 Sept. 2022,
The Importance of Hurricane Windows. [online]. Available at: <> [Accessed 26 Sept. 2024].
The Importance of Hurricane Windows [Internet]. Edubirdie. 2022 Sept 15 [cited 2024 Sept 26]. Available from:

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