Virtual Reality Reflective Essay

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Virtual reality is a computer simulation tool that is becoming used more and more prevalently in today’s society. Virtual reality was first released as a device used primarily for gaming and fun, but now virtual reality is being put into use for businesses and also schools. The definition of virtual reality is the computer-generated simulation of a three-dimensional image or environment that can be interacted with in a seemingly real or physical way by a person using special electronic equipment, such as a helmet with a screen inside or gloves fitted with sensors. Virtual reality allows users to be fully immersed in whatever the activity at hand. Ideas of virtual reality have dated back to the 1800s. The gear of today’s virtual reality owes a ton of gratitude to the decades of cheap and low-cost quality devices that were easily accessible and paved the way for them. There are many reasons why virtual reality units are being sold in today's market. Virtual reality programs can benefit the health field, business field, entertainment field, and educational field. Prototypes for virtual reality units first started being built in the mid-1970s and they have been steadily improving since then.

Virtual reality is typically used for entertainment processes, but virtual reality units are beginning to be proposed for other purposes. Can virtual reality units be useful in business? Many believe so. There are many ways that virtual reality can be used in business. In business, virtual reality can be used to train employees, for retail operations, for construction, for data visualization, and to help manufacture. Virtual reality is useful in training because it allows trainees to be fully immersed in a 3d training program. Before virtual reality, this was never possible. Outside of entertainment, training is the next most important function of virtual reality. In 2017, Walmart partnered with Strivr (a virtual reality company) to prepare its staff for black Friday sales. Immersing the staff in lifelike crowds is a more than perfect way to prepare employees for the holiday sales. Virtual reality eliminated the need for them to stop normal business operations for training.

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Virtual reality can also be very useful for construction. Virtual reality platforms may allow architects to walk around and physically see their designs before they have been built. With this ability, altercations can be made to the design before the project is physically built. New technology makes it very simple to turn paper plans into a 3d image, and then into virtual reality projects. Looking at designs through virtual reality can help a client better understand an architect's work.

Another question that is commonly asked is if virtual reality can be used for educational purposes. The answer is yes. There is only so much that can be learned just from reading or writing about a subject. Using virtual reality in education has allowed students to be fully immersed in a learning experience. Specifically, history students would be able to witness history using virtual reality. It would be much easier to remember parts of history if you were there and watching it rather than if you were just reading and writing about it. Being able to visualize what you are learning in a 3d view allows students to better enjoy their learning time.

Virtual reality is a computer simulation tool that is becoming used more and more prevalently in today’s society. Virtual reality was first released as a device used primarily for gaming and fun, but now virtual reality is being put into use for businesses and also schools. Virtual reality allows users to be fully immersed in a 3d environment. Virtual reality is typically used for entertainment processes, but virtual reality units are beginning to be proposed for other purposes. In business, virtual reality can be used to train employees, for retail operations, for construction, for data visualization, and to help manufacture. Virtual reality can also be used to enhance learning opportunities. Virtual reality is an advancing technology that will continue to be used in our world as life goes on.

Works Cited

    1. Maria Koufafi. “Uses of Virtual Reality in Education.” Criss, 17 Oct. 2018,
    2. Mayes, Frank. “The Science of Virtual Reality.” The Franklin Institute, 26 Aug. 2017,  


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