Walking essays

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2 Pages 1020 Words
Walking aids are used to assist individuals to keep a good balance and maintain steadiness while performing tasks in daily life such as walking, standing up from sitting, walking upstairs, and many more. These devices help their users to maintain balance by decreasing the pain and fatigue felt by them besides reducing the weight bearing on lower limbs. (REFER). According...
3 Pages 1203 Words
Abstract Using smartphones while walking has become quite risky for people's safety. The people who use smartphones while walking on roads are at life’s higher threat than people who do not prefer to use them, so it needs to a solution. There comes a danger alert feature that alert people while walking if anything is coming in their path like...
4 Pages 1617 Words
Summary This is a study comparing the walking kinetics and running kinetics of three participants. Different components were measured for each participant; these were the forces from each foot acting on X, Y, and Z and the overall ground reaction force of the right limb and left limb. Introduction Walking requires the coordination of hundreds of muscles, each activated to...
5 Pages 2092 Words
This hypothesis is based on controversial findings, which will be shortly mentioned in the following paragraphs. On the one hand, there is evidence advocating that creative individuals experience less arousal during the inspirational phase, meaning the brainstorming phase; of the creative process (Sternberg, 1999). On the other hand, there is evidence suggesting that creative individuals have a higher basal level...
3 Pages 1510 Words
A team is a group of people who share a common team purpose and several challenging goals. Members of the team are mutually committed to the goals and to each other. This mutual commitment also creates joint accountability which creates a strong bond and a strong motivation to perform. Jim Sisson (June 2013). Leadership theories seek to explain how and...
3 Pages 1549 Words
As our cities get larger and the centralized nature of city centers remains efficiently unreachable without a car, it is hard to focus on non-motorized modes of transportation. However, these ways of transportation were, in fact, the ones we initially depended on and still carry huge health, social, and even economical benefits that remain relevant in the 21 century. Especially...
4 Pages 1841 Words
Good balance in elderly who are living independently, capably, and proactively is an essential factor for cooking, traveling, doing household work, shopping, and activities of daily living.[1] Balance is essential for keeping going in a position, continuing to exist stable while going from one position to another, conducting daily living activities, and going freely in the community.[2] Balance and postural...
5 Pages 2147 Words
Evaluation of Walking When we conversation about strolling, human beings generally envision this activity as an unwinding and agreeable movement. However, we support strolling in light of the fact that it makes us feel re-established and reflects the nature around us. On the other hand, strolling never deals with any communal exercises. Unfortunately, the rise of what is called “time-saving”...
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