What Did My Last Trip Teach Me? Essay

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There is no limit to learning, there are many things to be learnt during travels. And in this essay, I will explain some of the essential things I learnt from my last trip. The only way I was able to learn during my trip was by opening up my mind to the freedom and lessons of life.

Patience is one of the important lessons I learnt during my last trip. Life will not always go the way I planned and expect, and I had to learn to be calm and cool when responding to these unplanned situations. I learnt that exploding and fuming in anger and rage will not solve any problem. But in patience, there is a solution. I also had to learn to be patient as a result of communication barrier, not everyone speaks English and I had to be patient when communicating with the locals. This lesson has changed my approach to life generally.

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There is a big difference in learning about other culture and experiencing the culture. I had to appreciate the differences between my culture and other cultures. The diversity of culture is what makes the world a fun place to live. I learnt not to discriminate other culture. The uniqueness of every culture allows for everyone to have unique experiences. I learnt that there is no superiority in cultures, accepting and appreciating other culture opens up the eyes to the beauty and importance of the culture.

I had to learn to be creative in thinking, everywhere is not like home where I know what to expect and I know how to deal with issues. On my last trip, I had to learn to think smart and creative when faced with challenges. Creative thinking is a must when in new environment, all my previous approaches and solutions were not relevant in some places, and I needed to think smart and creatively to find solutions to unforeseen circumstances.

I saw on my last trip that not everyone has the opportunities I have, and I have to be grateful every day of my life. I saw people struggling to make ends meet, and I realized how much I have taken things for granted. These sights made me realize that I had to be humble, and treat everyone I meet with respect. Looking down on people will bring me nothing, but giving adequate respect to everyone brings fulfilment and joy. Gratitude is very important, and that made me stop wasting resources and taking things for granted.

And finally, one of the greatest things I learnt from my last trip is that I don’t need to have the most expensive clothes, gadgets or vehicles to be happy. One of the best causes for happiness is having new experiences, making new friends, trying out new things. This has changed my view towards life, I do not judge the happiness of people based on their possessions. It has also changed what I put effort and energy into, acquisition of lots of possessions doesn’t bring joy.

I am infinitely grateful to the last trip for the experience I received and how it changed me.

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What Did My Last Trip Teach Me? Essay. (2022, October 28). Edubirdie. Retrieved June 30, 2024, from https://edubirdie.com/examples/what-did-my-last-trip-teach-me-essay/
“What Did My Last Trip Teach Me? Essay.” Edubirdie, 28 Oct. 2022, edubirdie.com/examples/what-did-my-last-trip-teach-me-essay/
What Did My Last Trip Teach Me? Essay. [online]. Available at: <https://edubirdie.com/examples/what-did-my-last-trip-teach-me-essay/> [Accessed 30 Jun. 2024].
What Did My Last Trip Teach Me? Essay [Internet]. Edubirdie. 2022 Oct 28 [cited 2024 Jun 30]. Available from: https://edubirdie.com/examples/what-did-my-last-trip-teach-me-essay/

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