What Makes Me Unique Essay

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Table of contents

  1. Background
  2. Strengths Identified
  3. Description of my Strengths
  4. Examples illustrating my strengths
  5. Impact on Personal Leadership

Leadership has always meant everything to me because I have always looked up to people for inspiration and ideas. Being aware of what makes me unique is one of the most important things I never had the opportunity to reflect on. I feel now, more than ever, a sense of identity that has been reclaimed. At initial grasping, I assumed that my strength was being tested, however, with time and a better understanding I realized it is actually my talents being measured, not my strength. As always the goal focuses on building my strength and I can testify that I am certainly in a better place mentally than I was prior to reading and taking the assessment online. Personally, life has been a rollercoaster and in subsequent headings, I intend to provide a better understanding of the man I am; particularly focusing on my Clifton strengths.


Having lived in four different countries, education has always been a mainstay. I finished high school in Manchester, England, and Graduated from the University of St. Thomas in Houston, Texas. My drive and determination to get my Master’s degree brought me to this remarkable university. I am getting my Master of Business Administration (MBA) with a concentration in Health Administration. I am currently the Assistant Men’s Soccer Coach for Concordia University, a job I love wholeheartedly. My interest also is in a business environment that took me to Lake Austin Spa Resort, where I am currently the shipping agent. Never satisfied and always wanting to broaden my horizon, I am also the franchise sports coordinator for i9 sports in Austin; a place I love working and bringing out the potential in kids. [Unbelievable that you are doing all of this at the same time]

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Strengths Identified

In any platform in life, a recipe for success is always enhanced when you identify your strengths. Taking the assessment has been a breath of fresh air and below are my five strengths as identified by Clifton:

  • Relator
  • Responsibility
  • Achiever
  • Self-Assurance
  • Developer

Description of my Strengths

Relator – Being a relator definitely puts me in a unique position because I genuinely have affection for people and their well-being. People often come to me for advice and guidance. I genuinely believe I have the ability to bring out the best in others. Recommending impactful solutions for people has always been important to me simply because we live in a world where people only worry about themselves. I believe people’s trust in me comes from having honest and open conversations. There is certainly nothing as great as working hard with friends to achieve something special. One of my goals in life is to leave people better than I met them, regardless of the circumstances of the relationship; for joy in my heart comes from knowing a relationship has evolved.

Responsibility – As an individual, I cherish honesty and loyalty. These are two values that I embrace with warmth. My natural inclination is always to be truthful at all times. I believe this world would be a much better place if people had integrity in all their dealings. I go to bed every night contented because I speak the truth. My outward behavior is consistent and as a result, I know I am reliable and approachable. I am one to always follow through on any promises or commitments I make. I know how it feels to be disappointed and I definitely strive not to provide that same feeling to others.

Achiever – Growing up as a young kid, meeting my goals has always been a priority. Obstacles are there for a reason and fighting through those obstacles makes or breaks you. I am who I am today because of those difficult moments I had to fight through. No matter what is in my way, I always find a way to get it done. I strive when goals are set for me and I love rising up to the challenge and taking it on. Every day is a new day to make a difference and regardless of how small, I strive to continuously deliver; leaving little margin for error.

Self–Assurance – One of my strengths is my skill set. I take on risks in certain situations. I firmly believe my knowledge and talent will always shine through. When I make decisions, I make them with conviction. I come to conclusions only after carefully reviewing a situation. I make the necessary adjustments and changes along the way. Ethical and appropriate decisions give me validation. I read a lot of books and learn from iconic figures. I believe in whatever I do job-related because of my love and enthusiasm to do the task at hand. I will always feel good about life because, at the right time, I will get rewarded.

Developer – There is nothing as fulfilling as trusting a process. I see progress as a stepping stone to achieving my goal. I believe in individuals and believe everyone has a unique gift that needs to be developed for the good of all. I know my potential and equally, see potential in others. I will always see the good in people and encourage them to fulfill and exceed their potential. My goal in life is to inspire the next generation of kids and help provide a positive mindset in their lives. Being true to myself has enabled me to know the man I am and the man I can certainly become.

Examples illustrating my strengths

Relator – On average a week, I get three or four phone calls from close friends seeking advice or guidance on a particular issue or uncertainty they may face. I believe this occurs because of the trust my friends have in me. Having also spent the last three years as a coach, my players often come to me for advice. It is my responsibility to build relationships with the team. In the process, making sure each player understands there are more important things in life than playing soccer; which should only be seen as a privilege.

Responsibility – My resume when applying for jobs are always precise. I am not one to lie to get a job or adjust my work experience to get a certain post. I believe my honesty in the interview process will always shine through. In college, I saw a stack of cash on the floor when walking and immediately gave it to the right authority. Keeping the money was never in my best interests and I believed I did the right thing.

Achiever – I always finish my assignments three days before their due dates. I strive in making sure things are done ahead of time. I believe in consistency and staying disciplined keeps me focused on the goal ahead.

Self-Assurance – I believe in my skill set and my career so far definitely proves that. I have three jobs and chasing a Master’s degree. Though I often encounter more difficult days, however, I know I have the discipline and mindset to succeed.

Developer – Believing in people and bringing out the best in them regardless of race, nationality, or ethnicity makes me who I am. Smiling to people makes a difference and is something I do every time I encounter or meet an individual. My coaching experience has also enabled me to coach individuals from at least ten different nationalities. Progress and potential in life make me unique and I will never stop showing people their worth and value, because, together we make the world a better place.

Impact on Personal Leadership

Everyone in the world today is born with something unique and special. We all have roles to play in any given situation we find ourselves in. Rome was not built in a day and that also applies to different leaders. As a leader, I know my strengths and how to use that to the benefit of every organization I work for. For some individuals, the leadership process takes time. We cannot be leaders if we cannot be led. One thing I have understood clearly is that people live life attempting to be good at everything, but rather, should strive on focusing on what makes them unique and different from others. Greatness can only be attained through consistency, for without commitment you will never start, and without consistency, never finish.

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What Makes Me Unique Essay. (2022, September 27). Edubirdie. Retrieved January 11, 2025, from https://edubirdie.com/examples/what-makes-me-unique-essay/
“What Makes Me Unique Essay.” Edubirdie, 27 Sept. 2022, edubirdie.com/examples/what-makes-me-unique-essay/
What Makes Me Unique Essay. [online]. Available at: <https://edubirdie.com/examples/what-makes-me-unique-essay/> [Accessed 11 Jan. 2025].
What Makes Me Unique Essay [Internet]. Edubirdie. 2022 Sept 27 [cited 2025 Jan 11]. Available from: https://edubirdie.com/examples/what-makes-me-unique-essay/

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