1000 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

The Black Cat And The Tell-Tale Heart: Short Story Analysis

Edgar Allan Poe was a civilian from Boston he was an unstable person since his childhood. He had a hard childhood it all started with the death of his mother one year after his father abandoned the family. Poe was separated from his brother and was quickly placed in foster care, he was with a family that took care of him until the 18 years old, but they never adopted him, “The Allans, who were childless, renamed the boy Edgar...
2 Pages 982 Words

A Hunger Artist: Short Summary And Literary Analysis

Trapped, stuck in the same routine. Anything ranging from anxiety to severe depression can make people feel imprisoned every day. The characters Miss Brill, Chanyi, and The Hunger Artist all have something in common, which is the feeling of being trapped. Katherine Mansfield’s “Miss Brill” portrays the main character, Miss Brill, as someone who enjoys her own little world but, goes through a drastic change that leaves her feeling heavy hearted and confined. “The Hunger Artist” by Franz Kafka, is...
2 Pages 1045 Words

Reflection On All Quiet on The Western Front: Opinion Essay

“Bombardment, barrage, curtain-fire, gas, tanks, machine-guns hand grenade ––words, words but they hold the horror of the world,” Remarque, E.M. (1929) All Quiet on the Western Front. All Quiet on the Western Front by Erich Maria Remarque was published in 1929 in Germany. The novel tells the story of Paul Baumer and his friends’ treacherous journey in the war which starts with them getting influenced to enlist into the war and them realizing that war/death is all that they know....
2 Pages 961 Words

A Shift In Self-Identity Because Of Chronic Illness

When diagnosed with a chronic illness, suffering can be all-encompassing, and those affected with experience a shift in self-identity (Charmaz, 1983). Self-identity, simply, is ones perception of themselves, shaped by formative experiences and values, and used to guide decision-making and actions in ones life. Ones self of self is closely tied up with self-image, whilst also contingent on the gaze of the other (Nanton, Munday, Mason, Kendall & Murray, 2016). Chronic or life-limiting illness can irrevocably damage these self-images, triggering...
2 Pages 955 Words

To Kill A Mockingbird: To Be an Outsider Is To Be a Hero

What does it mean to be an outsider? On a personal level, the thought of being excluded from a group to me, made being labelled as an 'outsider' seem negative. However, Harper Lee, through her thought-provoking yet engaging novel, To Kill A Mockingbird, places a whole new perspective on what an 'outsider' truly is. This new and intriguing perspective is conveyed through the character Atticus Finch, the hero of the story. A character who stirred admiration within my heart as...
2 Pages 988 Words

Lord of The Flies: Main Themes And Symbolism

Lord of the Flies is a 1954 novel by Nobel Prize–winning British author William Golding, published 17th of September 1954 is 224 pages of a genre of Allegory. The book focuses on a group of British boys stranded on an unknown uninhabited island during a fictional worldwide war in 1950 during a disastrous attempt of a group of young men to govern themselves, Set But the real disaster comes with the uncontrolled power that eventually tears them apart, hence the...
2 Pages 1040 Words

Reflection on She Is the Man Versus Twelfth Night: Opinion Essay

Love. it is such an interesting thing to think about, and it is very complicated. But we have to remember that people see it differently to others, they may see it as a curse, or as fate, but in the same sense, it means similar things. To show you what I mean, there are two sources that I will be talking to you about today, Shes the man directed by andy Fickman, and Twelfth night, the play by William Shakespeare....
2 Pages 1023 Words

Individualistic Desires Of Justice, Materialism And Transcending Of Gender Roles In Merchant Of Venice

The study of William Shakespeare’s The Merchant of Venice (1605) (Merchant) has illuminated the notion that individualistic desires lead not to the human experience of self-betterment, but instead on the experience of fragmented identity and relationships. Inspired by his Elizabethan context, Shakespeare challenges the ‘impartial’ justice system by revealing the resulting experiences of discrimination. Furthermore, Merchant explores how materialism paradoxically leads to a loss of wealth and genuine relationships. In response to Merchant, the audience comes to understand the anomaly...
2 Pages 994 Words

Hidden Faults of a Communist Rule in Animal Farm by George Orwell

One of human's biggest failures is our negligence to abuse of power and control. Manipulation of others by a person with authority for their own personal gain is a form of abusive power and control. The novel highlights the hidden faults of communist rule as well as the inevitable return of a totalitarianism-based society. Animal Farm, George Orwell (1945) uses satire to critique and highlight the flaws of the Russian revolution while using farm animals to symbolize important characters and...
2 Pages 1022 Words

Reflection On Romeo and Juliet: Opinion Essay

When my teacher announced to my class that we would be studying Romeo and Juliet, I had established a range of mixed emotions. From what I had heard from when I was younger was that Romeo and Juliet was the most well-known love story of all time, but was it? I remember when I was little my mum would always talk about the true love between Romeo and Juliet. Through having a deeper understanding of what the themes of love...
2 Pages 955 Words

Dulce Et Decorum Est And Beach Burial: War Poetry Analysis

In “Dulce et Decorum est” written by Wilfred Owen, and “Beach Burial” written by Kenneth Slessor, Poets criticise the reality of war through figurative language, contrasting settings, differentiating themes, contrasting poetic structure and changing tones. Neither Poets glorify war and are focused on projecting their emotions and experiences of war into their poems, for readers to experience and share. Poets carry contrasting themes throughout their war poems in an attempt to portray conflicting emotions present in warfare. Owen attempts to...
2 Pages 1000 Words

Cunningness As The Main Theme In The Odyssey

If the Iliad is concerning strength, the Odyssey is concerning cunningness. This distinction becomes apparent within the initial lines of the epic. Whereas the Iliad poem tells the story of Achilles, the strongest hero within the Greek army, the Odyssey focuses on a “man of twists and turns” (1.1). A mythical being will have extraordinary strength, as he demonstrates in Book 21 by being the sole man who will string the bow. However, he depends rather more on the mind...
2 Pages 957 Words

Herbert Gans and Michel Foucault’s’ Perspective towards the Increasing Homelessness Cases in the United States

In the article, “Millions Living Above the Poverty Line Also Struggle to Get By”, the author states, “The large share of the population struggling to pay bills includes Americans of all types, the WOW report found. More than one-fifth of homes headed by a college graduate and 24 percent of Americans working full-time can’t make ends meet, according to the report. Those statistics indicate that economic insecurity extends beyond the unemployed or little-educated…(Berman2013).” Victims of these risk factors end up...
2 Pages 1023 Words

Animal Abuse: Is Animal Testing Ethically Correct

Animals are a large portion of our food consumption and are used to test medical and cosmetic products before selling them to the public. The question many people are starting to ask themselves is “do animals have rights”? Although animals are used for medical research and food consumption, animals do have rights and these industries should not test their products on these animals because it is ethically wrong and infringes on animals’ rights. There has been an ongoing battle as...
2 Pages 1005 Words

Concept Of Things In A Modest Proposal, A Story for Children And The Street Sweeping Show

Behind every person, object and event, there is a veiled motive, undetectable by the public. Deception is an act or statement which misleads, hides the truth, or promotes a belief, concept or idea that is not true. Appearance leads to the formation of an opinion, which can be inaccurate due to deception. There is a thin line between perception and reality, and a great amount of distinction may lie between the two. In the short stories “A Modest Proposal” by...
2 Pages 1003 Words

Reasons For Dress Code: Persuasive Essay

Although some rules in the dress code are necessary, some aren’t. One of those rules is that shorts, skirts, and dresses have to reach the fingertips when they are by your side. I don’t think this rule positively reflects our school. Our school is excellent, but this rule makes it seem as if it doesn’t care about the student’s wellbeing. This rule should be altered to say that shorts only have to go a third of the way down the...
2 Pages 1031 Words

Corporate Social Responsibility In Global Business Discourse: Example Of MAMEE-Double Decker (M) Sdn Bhd

1.1.Background of the Company MAMEE-Double Decker (M) Sdn Bhd is a company of food processing in snack, instant noodles, beverages and confectionery in Malaysia. It was founded in 1971 by Datuk Pang Chin Hin and his partner in Malacca. Currently, they are serving over 50 products including MAMEE Monster snack, Mister Potato Chips and MAMEE Chef. They had penetrated to the international market and exported to over 100 countries around the world. Besides, MAMEE-Double Decker also build manufacturing facilities in...
2 Pages 1039 Words

Academic Dishonesty: Cause And Effect Of Plagiarism

Mr. Walsh senator of Montana committee plagiarism in his master thesis in 2007.”an examination of final paper required for Mr. Walsh’s master’s degree from the United States Army War College indicates the senator appropriated at least a quarter of his thesis on American Middle East policy from other authors' work with no attribution” (Martine,2014). Plagiarism is an immoral act that is usually done to deceive audience by pretending that some copy and pasted ideas, which are used by other experts,...
2 Pages 1018 Words

Fahrenheit 451: Critical Review

Fahrenheit 451 is a novel that was written based on a dystopian society. It begins to explain how society copes with the government through conformity. Most of the characters in this story, for example: Mildred, Beatty, and the rest, start to conform to the government because it is the culture they had grown up in. Individuality is not something in this society because it adds unneeded conflict between the characters. The government tries to rid of the individuality it may...
2 Pages 1027 Words

Thomas Paine’s Common Sense: Document Analysis Paper

Different times throughout history have faced different problems. From drought, to familine, to disease, and war, different civilizations have come head on with many, if not all of these problems at different times. Fortunately, each of these issues has a solution. For drought, building water storage facilities, for famine, food storage. The disease has vaccinations and different cures. War has its own strategies. During the American Revolution, America was in a tough spot. Thanks to Thomas Paine’s Common Sense, America...
2 Pages 978 Words

Modern Political Thinker: Political Philosophy of Thomas Hobbes and Niccolo Machiavelli

Modern politics are the actions or activities concerned with achieving and using power in a country or society. In this modern world modern politics is playing a major role in shaping and developing the society into a better place to live in, but at the same time it can also be lethal if it falls under the person with no sound knowledge about how modern politics. So basically it is like a necessary evil in the society. Now there are...
2 Pages 983 Words

Contract With Lothian Quality Building Supplies: Personal Opinion Essay

To begin, I would advise that Bob crave the contract to be held as valid, as this would allow him to receive the goods for the contracted price. Lothian Quality Building Supplies will likely make a claim of uninduced, unilateral error calculi, in which they can crave a void contract. First, one must distinguish whether the contract is a matter of error or not. Considering the matter dealt with a factual matter within the contract, one can clearly see it...
2 Pages 1002 Words

Discrimination: Legislation And Policies In England And Wales

In this critique, I having explored the legislation and policies surrounding how the public and private bodies in England and Wales can dispense their equality obligations and systematically reduce or eradicate individual discrimination against them, flowing from the public sector equality duty and discrimination legislation, as it relates specifically to the Sex Discrimination Act 1975, Race Relations Act 1976, Disability Discrimination Act 1975 and The Equality Act 2010 and conclude, while there are significant laws, there remains future chances needed...
2 Pages 1035 Words

Butterfly Diversity Of Parbhani, Maharashtra State, India

Abstract Butterflies are part of the class of Insecta in the order Lepidoptera, along with the moths. Adult butterflies have large, often brightly coloured wings, and conspicuous, fluttering flight. Culturally, butterflies are a popular motif in the visual and literary arts. Parbhani is the 4th largest city of Marathwada region, which is located at 19.27°N & 76.78°E and about 347 metres above MSL. Shri Shivaji College, Parbhani is located near about in the heart of the city. College campus is...
2 Pages 957 Words

Albert Einstein's Life And Work

Albert Einstein was born in Ulm, Germany on March 14, 1879. He grew up in a middle class jewish family. His father's name was Hermann Einstein and his mothers name was Pauline Einstein. He also had a sister named Maja Einstein. As a child he became interested in music, math, and science. He come across two “wonders”. The first is when he was 5 years old he came in contact with a compass. The second wonder came at the age...
2 Pages 969 Words

Digital Detox Experiment

At the beginning of the school year when it was mentioned that we would be doing the “Digital Detox” I was excited. The idea of putting a number to my phone usage really intrigued me, was I spending an unhealthy amount of time staring at a screen? And would giving up my phone every class period affect me in any way? These questions rattled in my mind. To give some background, I’d say I'm on my phone for a good...
2 Pages 1000 Words

Life Is Like A Math Problem

Mathematics has become an inseparable part of our lives, makes our lives orderly and prevent confusion. We can not do a single moment without math, it has made our everyday life goes easy and comforatable. Math includes numbers, letters, and equations, but it is also so much more than that, it is certain qualities that are nurtured by mathematics are power of reasoning, creativity, abstract or spatial thinking, critical thinking, problem-solving ability and even effective communication skills. It can never...
2 Pages 1001 Words

The History Of The Creation Of The Phone And The Biography Of Graham Bell

Whenever we talk about Telephones the only name that comes to our mind is Alexander Graham Bell. But it is important to note here that along with Graham Bell, Antonio Meucci is also credited with the invention of the telephone. It is said that Antonio had invented a device for voice communication in the year 1854, and Graham Bell had the first patented design. Graham Bell was born on March 3, 1847, he was an inventor, scientist, and innovator. It...
2 Pages 1006 Words

Mechanical Engineering Career Research Paper

The career I chose to research was mechanical engineering one of the many fields that engineers can choose from. I chose this career because it matched my personality assessment done by Achieve Works. Mechanical engineering can range from designing and building big industrial machines to the creation of Tesla electric cars. A few of the responsibilities that would come with this career are to analyze the machines for possible flaws in its design as well as redesigning the machine with...
2 Pages 988 Words

The Development Of China’s Aerospace Technology

China is a big country with creeping fundamental problems. In the light of the 2000s, China has been rapidly renovating everything and conforming to the new normals of the world. Their aerospace industry has recently been encountering technological problems, causing international unrest, and allowing China to create many incredible goals for the future of the industry. China’s challenges that slow advancements in the aerospace industry require understanding. Even further, how China has charged along in creating its current aerospace industry...
2 Pages 1031 Words
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