1000 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

Women In Surfing: Struggles And Achievements

We will be talking about how women in surfing is on the path to a really bright future, with gender equality and stereotype destruction occurring on the daily. I am here to tell you about how female surfers are dominating the surfing world. Women in surfing are notoriously known for their tan skin, perfect bodies and bleach blonde hair. This may be true however media is not representing them because of this. As a test, female surfers was googled to...
2 Pages 974 Words

Guilt In The Films Life Is Beautiful And Schindler’s Ark

World War 2 is often regarded as the most destructive conflict in history in which many civilians were ensnared by an inescapable hostility. Thomas Keneally’s “Schindler’s Ark” follows this abysmal lifestyle through the lens of a German superior who faces the tribulations of war. The characteristics of power and responsibility are both portrayed in the novel’s protagonist in which he explains, “Power is when we have every justification to kill but we don’t.” Guilt is also an inescapable subject of...
2 Pages 988 Words

Application Of Enzyme Technology In Dairy

With the rapid development of the dairy cattle breeding industry and the dairy industry, the output of raw milk and dairy products has increased significantly, the variety of dairy products has been greatly enriched, and the quality has also made a qualitative leap. High and new technologies such as gene technology, enzyme technology, microbial technology, high-pressure technology, and cold sterilization technology are also increasingly used in dairy production. Enzymes are proteins with catalytic functions produced by living cells, and they...
2 Pages 960 Words

Jackie Robinson In The Poem Of Stanley Cooper

The key idea for my intertextual study is about breaking the colour barrier in American sport and that that people were being judged by the colour if there skin but should be judged by who they are as a person and that it only takes a few people to make a difference which is a constant theme conveyed in the poems Jackie Robinson…an American Hero by Stanley Cooper and the poem the poem colour barrier by Rosherren Williams. The first...
2 Pages 962 Words

Fear in The Crucible Essay

Fear is often based on an absence of information. This year celebrates the 65th anniversary of ‘The Crucible’ written by Arthur Miller. A play based on the Salem Witch trials of 1692 when, nineteen people were persecuted and subsequently imprisoned or hanged after they were accused of witchcraft based on nothing but accusation and hearsay. Arthur Miller himself had been condemned by the US congress for his un-American communist political leanings. He was blacklisted and his career suffered as a...
2 Pages 982 Words

The Correlation Of Social Media And Self Esteem

Social media has a major impact on todays world. Every platform affects the way people view both themselves, and others. Most people choose to make their lives look like they are more interesting than they are by posting every good or fun thing they do, but not any of the bad in their lives. The availability of photoshop, gives people the opportunity to alter their photos and make themselves appear more attractive. This results in their followers getting down on...
2 Pages 952 Words

Gym Period Analysis

Gym Period by Rainer Maria Rilke is an excellent example of the dark inhumanity embedded within students of military academies and how they are driven to strive for their best. Rilke, who has experience being a military student himself, skillfully engages the readers with this inscrutable short story as it revolves around a young boy attempting to climb a pole and the consequences that follow after. With the use of strong imagery, profound messages and themes, and clear, effective depiction...
2 Pages 989 Words

Jupiter As The Roman God

Jupiter was the ruler of the divine beings and was viewed as the lord of light, thunder, and sky. He was the defender of the Roman armed forces during fights. An impressive sanctuary was built in Rome to respect Jupiter and remains can still be seen today. He was otherwise called the divine force of equity, he was named ruler of the divine beings in the uncommon gathering which pursued the fall of the god Saturn and the Titans. In...
2 Pages 968 Words

Why Mars Should Be The Sole Focus Of Astronomical Research For The Next 10 Years

Mars is the fourth planet from the sun and is easily visible from Earth. In the evening it can be spotted high in the sky and appears to look reddish in colour due to oxidation of iron in the rocks on its surface. Mars has a radius of 3390 kilometres and is about half the size of Earth (Mars Britannica School, 2019; NASA Science, 2019). It shares many similarities with Earth including its rotation of the sun (23.9 hours in...
2 Pages 1028 Words

Sources And Effects For Competitive Sports

Stress is inherent in competitive sport where athletes invest so much time and energy in their long and arduous pursuit of optimal performance. (300-page document) The identification of the demands (stressors) endured by athletes is detrimental in the “understanding of competition stress, as it provides insight into the factors that instigate cognitive, emotional, and behavioural responses, which, consequently, influence performance.” (Article 1) It is therefore important for researchers to consider how individuals respond in relation to the stressors experienced within...
2 Pages 1027 Words

Exotic Pets: Types And Peculiarities

An exotic pet is a rare or unusual animal that is kept as a pet. It is also refers to animals that are unusual to keep within human households or are generally thought of as a wild species than a pet. Today, we are going to share about exotic pets. Throughout this presentation, we will share about types of exotic pets, ways to care about exotic pets and some illegal and legal exotic pets. First, we will outline the types...
2 Pages 1042 Words

The Issue Of Exploitation Of Migrant Workers

Exploitation of workers refers to the action of treating someone unfairly in order to benefit from their work. Exploitation is not voluntary, but rather achieved through threats and acts of violence, hence why it is a violation of human rights. Examples of how migrant workers are exploited include working long hours, not getting the correct wage for which they work, not having safety in the workplace, secure employment, freedom from sexual harassment or being able to speak out the problems...
2 Pages 972 Words

The Role Of Comfort Zone In The Curious Incident Of The Dog In The Nighttime And The Perks Of Being A Wallflower

The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Nighttime (2003) by Mark Haddon and The Perks of Being a Wallflower (2012) by Stephen Chbosky reflects the lives of two adolescent boys, Christopher and Charlie, who are struggling to find their identity. Haddon’s text follows the life of Christopher, a 15 year old on the autism spectrum who is solving a murder while simultaneously discovering who he is. Chbosky’s text explores similar themes and follows the story of Charlie, a freshman...
2 Pages 1012 Words

Should Gene-editing Be Allowed In Humans?

Background Introduction Do you believe that scientists will change genes in the future? The late physicist Stephen Hawking predicted that the wealthy would use gene-editing to improve the DNA of their offspring, potentially leading to the creation of superhuman species that would rapidly self-renew and self-evolve, from pure humans to genetically modified humans (Stephen Hawking. (2018). Brief Answers to the Big Questions). But now Hawking's prediction is coming true. In November 2018. A Chinese scientist He Jiankui published his report...
2 Pages 973 Words

Karl Jung And The God Image

Karl Jung’s work on the psychology of religion was both ground breaking and amongst the first of its kind in its field; however, like his predecessors, his work was not without flaws or to be met without criticism from within the psychological community and from outside disciplines. Commentators have since argued that Jung rejected the notion of God existing beyond the realms of one’s personal psyche. This essay will address Karl Jung’s depth psychology and its pertaining fundamental concepts which...
2 Pages 1004 Words

The Person Of Jesus Christ

The topic that I chose was the person of Jesus. This topic interests me because when the question arises of “Who is Jesus?” oftentimes its Christians that describe him as the son of God. Though such a statement is true, it does not fully explain who Jesus really is. So, while Jesus is the son of God, He is also God the Son. It is the second part of the statement '...God the Son...' which gives the real clue to...
2 Pages 1025 Words

The Significance Of DNA Database

DNA database plays an important role in the world, specifically the criminal and forensic world. DNA database, in this case forensic DNA database. The term DNA database refers to a collection of DNA samples and any other evidence stored as DNA profiles. DNA database could be extremely useful during criminal investigations. For example comparing a DNA sample, specifically taken from a crime scene, to a suspect’s DNA stored in a database, would determine whether the suspect is guilty or not,...
2 Pages 962 Words

The Effects Of Aerogel On Mars' Lives

Aerogels are a type of porous solids that are mostly known for their extreme low densities. This means that because they are open-porous, they are impermeable to gas. Aerogel was created by Dr. Samuel Stephens who discovered it between 1929 and 1930 (A, 2000). Aerogels are the lowest density solids; like the silica aerogel that was three times heavier than air, and, when extracting the air from its pores, can be lighter than it. Aerogels are also transparent because of...
2 Pages 1000 Words

Women Of Troy: The Cruelty Of Greek Warriors

It has been common to describe the warriors as noble and loyal people who would consume their blood to protect their fatherland, although it sometimes contrasts with the reality. In The Women of Troy, Euripides depicts the slave women’s suffering after war caused by the Greeks. The playwright highlights the inhumanity of the victorious Greek warriors by particularly emphasizing their cruelty, while he has depicted some heroic and noble Trojan female characters contrary to the Greeks and the conversation between...
2 Pages 1046 Words

Egyptians’ Relationship With Food Choices And Religious Practices

Egypt has been an Islamic state for more than a century (Metz & Library Of Congress, [Metz & LOC], 1991). 90% of its population identify as Sunni Muslims and the remaining 10% identify as Christians, with a majority of them belonging to the Coptic Orthodox Church (Central Intelligence Agency, 2019). Egyptians from different cultural backgrounds consume different types of food due to their individual dietary preferences and religious beliefs (The Concise Oxford Dictionary of World Religions, 1997). Food plays a...
2 Pages 1002 Words

Wingate Test In Physiology

To better human athletic performance, it is important to first understand how the energy systems throughout the body work and how they assist in human performance. Adenosine Triphosphate or ATP is the main source of assistance for muscle contraction, therefor this is a huge factor of performance. The body re-synthesises ATP through 3 main energy systems, these being the phosphagen system, glycolytic system and mitochondrial respiration (Glaister, 2005). These systems can be categorised into the specific ways depending on the...
2 Pages 967 Words

How Do Different Solutions Affect The Longevity Of Vase Flowers?

Flowers are grown all over the world in gardens, greenhouses and in the wilderness naturally, and are shipped across huge distances. While the flower is still attached to the plant the flower benefits from the sugars that the plant's leaves manufacture through the process of photosynthesis (SFGate, Unknown). Photosynthesis is the process used by plants to harness energy from sunlight and turn it into chemical energy. There are two types of photosynthetic processes which are oxygenic photosynthesis and anoxygenic photosynthesis....
2 Pages 963 Words

Investigating The Effect Of Temperature On Chemical Reaction Rate

Rationale There are chemical reactions occurring all around us and without them, even humans would not be able to live. Chemical reactions have major factors that affect the rate of the reaction; temperature is one of those major factors. For example, bread dough rises more quickly in a warm place instead of a cool one, and warm-blooded animals regulate their body temperature so it is optimal for biomechanical reactions to run. A reaction only occurs when the molecules reacting have...
2 Pages 977 Words

How Is Gas Chromatography Utilised In Identifying Alcoholic Substances Such As Ethanol In Criminal Investigation?

Chromatography is the best technique for identifying different chemicals within a mixture. Rationale Forensic chemistry is the application of chemistry, forensic toxicology, in a legal setting. A forensic chemist can assist in the identification of unknown materials found at a crime scene. Forensic Chemists have a wide array of methods used to identify unknown substances including HPCL chromatography, gas chromatography-mass spectrometry, atomic absorption spectroscopy, Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, and thin layer chromatography. These different types of methods is important due...
2 Pages 1004 Words

The Meaning Of Religion In Baseball

Religion is a big part of sport all over the world as lots of young kids look up to professional athletes hoping to one day be in there position and see them as role models. Baseball is a sport where people connect from all over the world some have different colour skin, different religion and faith but in the MLB there are many players who are practicing Christians. These days the MLB is more culturally diverse than ever before. 30%...
2 Pages 984 Words

Theme Of Weakness Of Human Judgement In Othello

The fragility of the human judgement as affected by latent weakness within and external factors that are influential in disrupting the moral process of thinking is clearly demonstrated in Shakespeare’s “Othello”(c.1600). Judgement is the factor that provides the original conflict, acts as a vein, and runs through the text, resulting in chaotic events. The allegorical tale acts as a caution of how context and other external forces affects perception. The typical feature of a Shakespearean tragedy involve “Medias res” with...
2 Pages 951 Words

Martin Luther King Jr., Malcom X And Charles Perkins As The Main Figures In Civil Rights Movement

Martin Luther King Jr., Malcolm X and Charles Perkins, were three main crusaders of the civil rights movement in the 1960s. These proponents had similar endpoints in mind, but their methods, ideologies and approaches to this issue were very different. Despite the differences they had, these three brave men risked their lives to bring justice and to end racial segregation. Martin Luther King Jr, born in Atlanta, the USA on the 15th of January 1928 was the main face of...
2 Pages 994 Words

The Problem Of Inverted Faith

First of all what does the word inverted mean? Basically, it's like flipping your clothes inside out. Instead of looking at the photo, you are looking at the negative. I remember when I was learning web design in school. If we wanted to do a Feathering process; we could select the item, designate the amount of feather we wanted; and then we had to flip it. We had to turn the select object function inside out, so that the object...
2 Pages 980 Words

The Significance Of International Teamwork And Collaboration

Teamwork is a notion that is commonly described as a combined action of a group that is aimed to achieve a collective goal. Tasks are carried out more efficiently, making teamwork one of the essential factors in reaching higher productivity for both planned and unplanned events. The Thai Rescue Mission was an unforeseen event that had occurred in Thailand on Saturday 23rd June 2018 and continued till 10th July 2018. A young coach (25-year-old) and 12 soccer players aged between...
2 Pages 1014 Words

The Contributions To Christology Of Jürgen Moltmann And Dietrich Bonhoeffer

This essay aims to critically assess the contributions to Christology of Jürgen Moltmann and Dietrich Bonhoeffer. Both of these theologians have left a great legacy after their contributions to theology during their lifetime in the 20th century… (double check its 20th) Bonhoeffer posed questions about the identity/ontology of Jesus, Jurgen .. Bonhoeffer Dietrich Bonhoeffer, a pastor, a martyr and a theologian who was born in Breslau, Germany the 4th of February 1906.(1) He was born into a large family of...
2 Pages 1020 Words
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