1000 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

Me And Lactic Acid Bacteria

A few years back, the products labelled “probiotic” have become popular due to their ability in stimulating the growth of beneficial flora in the gut. Such products are Yakult, Vitagen and probiotics supplement pill. Then, I realize that bacteria in probiotic products are from a group known as Lactic Acid Bacteria (LAB). LAB can be found in food and feed fermentation and most of them are beneficial microorganism. (Sampo Lahtinen et.al. , 2012) Foods such as tempeh, kimchi, miso and...
2 Pages 1003 Words

Life And Baseball Career Of Jackie Robinson

“This guy didn't just come to play, but he came to beat ya,” said manager Leo Durocher a manger for Branch Rickey(“Jackie Robinson, History”). Jackie Robison was a very competitive person. He came to prove what he had to offer. With all the accomplishments he archive. And all the hardships he overcame. Jackie Robinson was a very big social activist. With many events that happened even before his baseball career. Jackie Robinson was the first African American to play in...
2 Pages 970 Words

Lord Capulet: The True Guilty Party In The Tragedy Of Romeo And Juliet

The Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet is a heartbreaking story that will live on for centuries. The agonizing conclusion was a result of many miscommunications and rash decisions. However, there is one person who rises above the rest when it comes to the death of Romeo and Juliet. Lord Capulet intended, like most parents, to be a loving, caring and protective father, unfortunately he unknowingly and continually makes decisions that lead to the death of his daughter. Today I will...
2 Pages 1049 Words

The Attributes Of The Prophet Muhammad As A Teacher

“We have sent among you a Messenger of your own, rehearsing to you Our verses, and purifying you, and instructing you in scripture and wisdom, and in new knowledge” (Al-Imran, 3:164). This verse verifies that Prophet Muhammad (Ṣallā Allāhu ʿalayhi wa-sallam) was sent as a teacher to all of mankind. Islam stresses the seeking of knowledge, and because of that, teachers are looked with reverence and have one of the highest status in Islam. The best teacher to have walked...
2 Pages 1040 Words

The Definition Of Biochemical Connections Law

Abstract The idea that genes can be patented has been a constant, controversial issue from the very beginning. Today, patents are granted for DNA sequences that have been obtained from genes that have been removed from the human body and purified. This then becomes something that has been man-made and not a product of nature, therefore making it patentable. Biochemical Connections: Law The ongoing issue of gene patents has long been an emotional and controversial one. Gene patenting is an...
2 Pages 988 Words

The Aspects Of Animal Biotechnology

Animal biotechnology has developed quickly over the past 2 decades. Animal biotechnology is a part of biotechnology in which molecular biology is utilized genetically engineer animals so as to improve their suitability for pharmaceutical, farming or industrial applications. Animal biotechnology has been utilized to deliver genetically modified animals that combine helpful proteins, have improved development rates or are resistance to disease. Example of animal biotechnology include creating transgenic animals using gene knock out technology to make animals with a specific...
2 Pages 1038 Words

James Rachels And Martin Luther: Cultural Relativism And Justice

Rachels principle guarantee is that the hypothesis of social relativism has genuine shortages, though a portion of the premises it depends on are substantial. In Rachels word, it is “not [as] plausible as it appears to be.”(57) One of the primary premises that social relativism remains on is that “different cultures have different moral codes.”(54) Rachels demonstrates this is valid by utilizing a few cases of social practices that vary considerably from our own, remembering marriage for Eskimo people group....
2 Pages 988 Words

The Consequence Of Technology On Plagiarism In The Academic Assessment

Dishonesty in Academic assessment is a long-lasting concern, it has been a long-term issue in the higher study and has raised a much over the earlier years. The cause behind for the expansion of academic dishonesty admits the reality that more students are interested in online learning, and modern technology is continuously developing, which can support students or promote academic dishonesty. Mobile devices can similarly be utilized by students to share information throughout an examination. The consequences of internet explorations...
2 Pages 979 Words

Public Administration: Ethics Vs. Morality

We understand that ethics refer to the principles that form one’s behavior. (Oxford,2020). Ethical behavior is every important in a sector because the society believes that one should act consistent on what the society typically thinks are good values .It represents respect for key moral, principles that include honesty, fairness, equality, dignity, diversity and individual rights. (WebFinance Inc, 2020). The four principles of health care ethics are autonomy, beneficence, non-maleficence and justice. These are also referred to as “the 4...
2 Pages 988 Words

Road Traffic Accidents: Types And Factors

What are the road traffic accidents? A road accident refers to any accident involving at least one road automobile and occurring on a street open to public flow. Wherein as a minimum one character is injured or killed. Intentional acts (murder, suicide) and natural screw-ups are excluded. 'Killed folks' are coincidence sufferers who die without delay or inside thirty days following the coincidence. Earlier than 1 January 2005, the time period considered was the handiest six days. 'Injured individuals' are...
2 Pages 1014 Words

The Factors Of Hate Crimes

There are two main factors associated with the heightened risk of hate-related crime: psychological and physiological aspects of individuals low self- control (Nasi et al., 2016). Hate crime is not a crime that is directed towards an individual but an entire community (Fashola, 2018). It is important to understand that the impact of the hate-related crimes is devastating, as hate crimes are “message crimes in that the perpetrator is sending a message to the members of a certain group that...
2 Pages 951 Words

Immunization, Vaccination And Vaccines

Introduction The two public health interventions that have had greatest impact on the world’s health are clean water and vaccines. (childhood immunization, 2011) We are shielded from infectious diseases by our system, which destroys diseases causing germs once they enter into our body. If our system is not quick or strong enough to stop those germs, we get sick. We use vaccines to prevent this from happening. Therefore immunization and vaccination are important to safeguard our self and other people...
2 Pages 1002 Words

Major Stages Of Cellular Respiration

INTRODUCTION Cellular respiration – is the process where by the energy gained from food is converted to energy that can be used by body’s cells , then the energy is converted to ATPs in the cell by breaking down of glucose . The energy gained from glucose can be used to work , heat our bodies and transportation of electrical impulses. There are three stages of cellular respiration in which glucose is being broken down to form this ATPs used...
2 Pages 983 Words

Is Greed a Route Of Happiness?

The greatest flaw of man makes up different categories. In the play Macbeth by William Shakespeare, the greatest flaw of man is greed because in the real world such as man, they all self desire themselves and care more about their power and their pursuit of happiness instead of caring about other people's values more than their own. Macbeth is a brave soldier and powerful. He is easily tempted into murder to fulfill his desire to thte throne. He becomes...
2 Pages 952 Words

Mother And Children In Efuru

Only a few years after Efuru's first marriage, the concept of motherhood rise upward in the novel and becomes Efuru's major problem. Obligatory motherhood is the downfall for Efuru based on cultural concepts. Her traditional community expects and demands that she become a mother. Approximately two years after her marriage to Adizua, she is concerned about her state; she says to herself, '`I am still young, surely God cannot deny me the joy of motherhood'' (24). Her mother-in-law believes, however,...
2 Pages 1036 Words

The Interpretations Of The Bible

Many pressing issues of today’s world, such as gender roles, equality, sexuality, and more are defended or attacked using Biblical references. The question of interpretation presents itself through Biblical readings as individuals contemplate between the literal words and the influences of society. Undoubtedly, if the Bible is read word for word, there is apparent sexism within the text. However, if Jesus serves as the main criterion, it is evident that the Bible does not stand to diminish anyone or anything,...
2 Pages 982 Words

Narcissism And Self-efficacy

The aim of the present study was to evaluate whether there is any relationship between Narcissism and self-efficacy , to see if participant who score high on Narcissism also score high on Self efficacy. For the present investigate a sample of 60 were selected and is segregated into 3 age group , Adolescents ( 10M 10F) , Young Adulthood ( 10M 10F), Middle Adulthood ( 10M 10F). Correlation Analysis , t-test and ANOVA was done on the data. It was...
2 Pages 1005 Words

The Role Of Doubt In Descartes's Meditation

In the Meditation I, doubting plays a huge role in the project, the whole project is based on skeptical doubts and those doubts lead him to the conclusion that he exists. He wants to be completely sure of what is real, so the best way to prove it is to test everything he believes and learnt that is real with doubt. In this essay, I would highlight the significant role of doubt in Descartes’ project by examining his dream and...
2 Pages 965 Words

What Is Faith?

A question that theologians have pondered about throughout the centuries is the true definition of faith. Faith holds a complex meaning when discussed in terms of religion. Faith is a belief or set of beliefs that one person may have-- and actually follow. Beliefs can be different for people that follow different religions; however, the uniting of a group of people by a belief system is faith. Christianity and Islam, for example, are two of the world’s major religions. They...
2 Pages 1014 Words

What Makes A Muslim Donor Click

Introduction There is no doubt that Britain is one of the most generous nations in the world but, for the last few years Muslims charitable giving also taking quite a limelight in UK. As per charity commission reports, every Ramadan, Muslims in UK donate more than £100 million-this is like £38 per second giving. So much so that retail sector in UK has taking Ramadan as their 3rd most important season after Christmas and Easter. Tesco, Asda, Morrison and Sainsbury’s...
2 Pages 982 Words

The Aspects Of Religion In Mainstream Media

Television effects on religion Most people argue that the presence of television as a medium of communication is the root cause of religious issues in media in a profound way. The aspect has perceived the reality about religion, and because of this, the religious values have been tampered with. Christianity radically shapes everything in one life. However, different media programs have changed religion by far and beyond. TV programs, for instance, those that air fundamentally secular programs have contributed significantly...
2 Pages 976 Words

Life And Contributions Of Terry Fox

Terry Fox was born on July 28 1958, during his life he was a cancer activist up until his unfortunate death due to his cancer spreading to his lungs on June 28 1981. Terry Fox was the second child in a family of four, his parents’ names were Betty and Rolly Fox who met in Winnipeg where all four of their children were born Terry, Fred, Darrel and Judith. The Family then moved west and settled down in Port Coquitlam...
2 Pages 1031 Words

Leading Through Failure: Aspects And Factors

Failing is not the end of a journey. Rather, it is more like a checkpoint in a journey, with a promising end to the means if taken as a positive check. For someone to achieve their set goals, occasionally, failure is inevitable. The secret to succeeding is taking failures positively and getting focused towards achieving goals. Failures give us lifetime lessons and gives us more courage to face challenges that occur in the journey towards success. Leading through failure is...
2 Pages 1006 Words

The Elements And Effects Of Judaism

The transcendence of the reason for which it was decided to deepen the understanding of the congruent events with the Jews is to be called the first monotheistic religion, which has had too many difficulties over time and over the years. It is also essential to determine that the co-participant Judaism with its follow-up throughout prehistory, from the beginning of human civilization, including the follow-up of the Nazi party, in which they were exploited with forced labor without mercy, tortured...
2 Pages 1023 Words

The Role Of Childhood Memories

Memories are nostalgic, and in its wake bring plenty of mixed feelings, normally hard to describe. I am struggling with my inner self to give it a thought and build a frame. The longing for the past suddenly hits me with a bang and here I am jotting down a few childhood memories which still remains fresh in my mind. I was born in Kerala and brought up in Mumbai as my dad works here. I love to describe myself...
2 Pages 983 Words

How Spirituality Guides You Towards A Stress-free And Prolonged Life

The path of spirituality begins with prompting internal harmony paying no attention to turmoil going around. Spiritual is as important as mental and physical, and with this blog know how spirituality guides towards a stress free better living. “Spirituality is not the renunciation of life; it is the art of living fully.”- Acharya PrashantN Life is beautiful, isn’t it, and complicated too in its own vary ways. What make life beautiful, what makes it complicated- but how about it stays...
2 Pages 1031 Words

How To Read The Bible

Through my readings with Harvey Cox’s book, “How to Read the Bible”, I have found he states three main stages that correlate with reading the bible. Stage one: narrative stage, stage two: historical, and stage three: spiritual. He quotes the three stages as “I believe they need to supplement and complement each other in order to get the most from any reading of biblical texts.” He then goes on to explain that the Bible is a book of stories. Each...
2 Pages 987 Words

Modern Approaches And Methods In Teaching English Language

Fundamentally, educating and interde two significant segments sending and getting data ultimatedly. An educator attempts his best to import information as the manner in which he comprehended it.The utilization of imaginative techniques in instructive organizations has the potential not exclusively to improve training ,yet additionally to engage individuals ,reinforce administration and direction exertion to accomplish the human advancement objective for the nation .The never slants appear to have risen in the field of training that have altogether changed the substance...
2 Pages 973 Words

The Struggle For Women’s Ordination In Judaism

In Judaism, ​rabbis​ possess one of the most critical roles within their communities. They are scholars, teachers, and leaders. They resolve disputes about religious law and lead prayers at synagogues. Despite having no proper authority over any other member of the community, rabbis are well respected as the people closest to God. Being a rabbi is a full-time profession, and therefore all rabbis must complete degrees at ​rabbinical universities. For centuries these universities were for men only because women were...
2 Pages 1038 Words

The Spread Of Christianity In India

Introduction It is very important to always remind ourselves that the long westward movement from Antioch through which people from Europe gradually became Christian was far from complete as late as 1500. Also during the Ante-Nicene centuries, there was an eastward movement that carried the Cristian faith to the people of Persia, India, China, and Africa. In this paper my focus is going to be on how Christianity came to India, I draw on the unique historical realities, social factors...
2 Pages 961 Words
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