1200 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

Does Morality Depend on Religion?

Introduction The relationship between religious beliefs and morality is morality and religion. Many religions have useful mechanisms for personal conduct that direct followers in the determination of right or wrong. In this essay we will discuss that Is morality based on religion. Why does this happen? Can morality not depend on religion? Why not? Why not? Is it desirable to rely on religion on our moral rules and principles? Does it need to be? Many people think that the morality...
3 Pages 1227 Words

HIV: a Global Challenge, Policies and Interventions for HIV Prevention

The following essay will define global health, identity, and examine the global health challenge of Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) and Acquire Immunodeficiency Syndrome in South African (S/A) and the impact globally. Furthermore, it will analyse relevant health data of total death and the Disability-Adjusted life years (DALYs) due to HIV and AIDS globally, S/A and the United Kingdom (UK). Moreover, the present outstanding global policies and initiatives established to address HIV and AIDS within the two countries will be discussed...
3 Pages 1198 Words

Psychological And Sociological Reasons Juvenile Delinquency

Juvenile delinquency is defined as “failure to follow the law by a young person or group, the act which labels young people as deviant or delinquent” (Open University, 2020). Since Juvenile Delinquency is multifaceted, this essay will look at two social science approaches, sociological and psychological, to understand juvenile delinquency whilst reviewing the similarities and differences between these approaches. On the psychological approach, it will explore Eysenck’s Theory of personality, the Cambridge study of delinquent development, and the Integrated Cognitive...
3 Pages 1203 Words

Architecture in the Terms of The Philosophy of Humanism

Throughout history, many factors influenced the way western architecture developed. The most powerful movement in classical architecture was humanism during the early renaissance. The philosophy of humanism generally speaking is centered on the values, interests, and potential of the human being. Humanism influenced the western civilization in many ways particularly in the way architecture was formed. Humanism reformed people’s beliefs, and traditions and that was a key factor in why architecture began to change. Architecture changed in a way that...
3 Pages 1165 Words

Samuel Beckett's Use of Pairs, Doubling or Binary Oppositions in Waiting for Godot

This essay will analyse and discuss the duality of pairing, doubling and binary oppositions in Samuel Beckett’s ‘Waiting for Godot’. Waiting for Godot is an ambiguity which permits for a variety of readings, the play consisting of many interpretations that can exist alongside one another without being jointly exclusive. Duality is an important part of the play as it permits the use of foils, through the use of foils it highlights the practice of these doublings or pairings, to demonstrate...
3 Pages 1188 Words

A Midsummer Night’s Dream: Plot Summary And Critique

Introduction A Midsummer Night’s Dream (c. 1594–1595) belongs to the period from Shakespeare’s experimental, a similar comedy to his mature, romantic, philosophical, jolly vein. The play develops the motif of love as an imaginative journey from reality into a fantasy world created by the one and only artist, Shakespeare. Plot Summary A Midsummer Night’s Dream involved four plots elaborating four groups of characters: the court party of Theseus, the four young lovers, the fairies and the rude mechanicals or would-be...
3 Pages 1228 Words

Supernatural Aspects In The Raven By Edgar Allan Poe

John S. Elledge Jr.American Literature I15 April 2018Supernatural Aspects in “The Raven” by Edgar Allan Poe“The Raven” by Edgar Allan Poe has a supernatural element without being a dedicated horror narrative. The poem in its entirety can give the reader goosebumps without using the genre’s typical methods of fright. These methods might include techniques such as sudden twists and menacing tones from secondary characters intent on harming someone within the story, all of which are not present in “The Raven.”...
2 Pages 1164 Words

A Separate Peace: Reaction of Americans on World War II

War. When the word is said, what immediately comes to one’s mind is a battlefield; blaring guns, generals screaming orders as planes roar overhead, with soldiers watching as their comrades have unimaginably gruesome deaths. The same is expected for a novel about war. The main character is enlisted and goes through all of the aforementioned things and then some. However, one book does not fit under this stereotype. Even though a huge theme in this novel is war, not a...
3 Pages 1231 Words

General Overview Of A Lesson Before Dying by Ernest J. Gaines

Ernest J Gaines wrote A Lesson Before Dying to share that despite what society thinks of you, you have the power to define who you are. He uses symbols, and figurative language to show the mutual development of Jefferson and Grant throughout the story.Gaines uses the symbol of the window to represent freedom for Jefferson. The window is an opening to the outside world. When Grant and his nannan first visit Jefferson at the jail, Grant noted the window was...
3 Pages 1178 Words

Albert Camus As A Pioneer In Philosophy: The Plague

Throughout the novel, The Plague focuses on the philosophy of its characters. This shines in the existentialist views of Tarrou or in both the faith and absurdity of Father Paneloux. Through the previous examples, Albert Camus forces the reader to confront their own beliefs and how they would react in the despair each character faces. The author, Albert Camus, is a pioneer in philosophy. Beginning his career two years before the start World War 2, His view of the world...
3 Pages 1158 Words

Representation of Loss, Madness and Grief in Hamlet

Shakespeare’s Hamlet is a play about a tragedy that invokes many different ideologies about the meaning of loss and how it goes hand in hand with both madness and grief. Hamlet, throughout the play, portrays the underlying theme of madness and the loss of his father triggers his insanity and he quickly starts to stray farther and farther from reality causing him to ponder suicide and seek revenge, which then sparks concerns from the people around him. It is evident...
3 Pages 1196 Words

Global Journalism: Reactions And Definitions

What is global journalism? Global journalism also known as international journalism is the practice of gathering and dissemination of information across the national boundaries. It brings issues of the foreign into a global perspective or dimension. It is often confused with foreign journalism which is the presentation of a media entity in a foreign country. According to (Berglez Peter, 2008) the focus of global journalism is the increasingly relations caused by globalization and that while it exists in news, it...
3 Pages 1174 Words

My Utopia: Personal Writing Assignment

My utopia would be a global utopia in which I will create a world that is based on freedom, democratic decision making and equality. We the people of this great utopian society will have power and a voice in the making of our own lives. We the people would base our lives on the basis of domination and durability. Essential living conditions would play a huge role in the way we live our lives and the way we work as...
3 Pages 1212 Words

Research on Oedipus Rex: Annotated Bibliography

Annotated Bibliography Hull, Robert. 'Hamartia and Heroic Nobility in Oedipus Rex.' Philosophy and Literature, vol. 17 no. 2, 1993, pp. 286-294. Project MUSE, doi:10.1353/phl.1993.0047 The article is written by Robert Hull, and he argues that one’s consequences are already displaced by their character flaws at the beginning of the story, as opposed to those who believe that Oedipus will cause his consequences by his own actions. This article begins with a discussion about how readers are taught to think about...
3 Pages 1153 Words

American Cinderella Is Completely Bogus: Opinion Essay

Cinderella is a story that many people know and love. In “America’s Cinderella” Jane Yolen argues that the American Cinderella that is loved and adored by many is wrong. Yolen explains that true Cinderella stories entail a number of themes and incidents. Yolen says that the themes are “riches recovered” (21), “rich person rescued from improper enslavement”(21) , and a “shrewd and practical person winning a share of power”(21). Her incidents include: “a scene with a radiant display” (21), “aid...
3 Pages 1214 Words

Nutrition: My Diet Analysis

MyDiet Analysis Diet Analysis is a way to track the entire food one eats for a period of time and analyzes the foods eaten to determine the overall nutritional value of one’s dietary intake. It also helps to determine one’s diet “weak spots,” potential food allergies or disease management issues. The results of this analysis help determine a personal Diet Prescription Plan & are strongly considered when recommending a Diet Meal Plan. Nutrition has played a big part in my...
3 Pages 1189 Words

Analyzing the Twitter Platform of Norm Kelly Basing on Theories of Michel Foucault and Raewyn Connell

Norm Kelly, a famous politician and councilor for the City of Toronto. Not only is he popular within the political community but is a well-liked and trendy figure within the world of social media. Norm Kelly belongs to the Liberal Party of Canada and also represented the City of Scarborough as a councilor as well as a representative for Ward 40 York South-Wieston for the years 2000-2018. Ever since this famous political figure entered the world of Twitter, it became...
3 Pages 1154 Words

Media Consumption: Effect of Media Violence on Teens

The term aggression refers to a range of behaviors that can result in physical and psychological harm to yourself, others, or objects in the existence of the eye. Society has evolved with the acts of aggression, verbal and physical aggression, reactive-inexpressive and expressive aggression. High level of exposure is known to have a negative impact on attitudes and behaviors with the role of the violent media. Does the violent media cause aggression in teens? Researchers have documented and identified a...
3 Pages 1208 Words

Preventing The Spread Of HIV In The Philippines

Introduction Sexually transmitted illnesses (STDs) are infections that spread person to person through intimate contact, STDs have an effect on everyone even babies, teenagers, healthy people, prosperous or the poor. According to WebMD (2019), it produces bacteria, parasites and viruses that have an effect on everyone, it causes many health problems but it can be more extreme for women. Human immunodeficiency viruses (HIV), in particular that is a kind of STD, alters the immune system, increasing the risk of other...
3 Pages 1245 Words

Primacy of Survival In Life of Pi

In the novel “Life of Pi.” Pi faces many challenges. The story begins when the ship skins due to a chaotic storm. After the incident, only Pi and a tiger named Richard Parker survive. At life the end of the story, Pi comes out of the ordeal alive and moves to Canada. Richard Parker then abandons Pi. Pi survives his time in the Pacific because of the absolute Primacy of Survival. The Primacy of Survival in Life of Pi, is...
3 Pages 1191 Words

Sexism In Society As A Social Disease

“Sexism has never rendered women powerless. It has either suppressed their strengths or exploited it.”- Bell Hooks. Sexism is a social disease. It has been prevailing in the society since ages. No one exactly knows how sexism came into existence, what are the roots of it. But it’s a disease which has spread like a virus and the antidote is yet to be found. There is no specified age for when sexism starts or ends, it’s there even before a...
3 Pages 1231 Words

Conformity Assignment: Whether People Will Conform To A Group Norm In An Ambiguous Task

Conformity is an area of psychology classified under social behaviour. It focuses on social influence within a group involving altering behaviour or beliefs in order to fit in with others. There are three types of conformity proposed by Kelman (1958), including compliance, identification and internalization. Compliance refers to conforming in a group setting, adopting various behaviours and opinions of other group members, but only when in their company and not when alone. Identification refers to conforming to a group both...
3 Pages 1237 Words

The Journey of the Jews: The Diary of Anne Frank

Abstract Jewish people are extremely faithful to their religion Judaism. Jews are monotheistic, and they try to show obedience to God at all times. The traditions that they celebrate are important to them because they like to promote kind acts within their community. The Jews became Hitler’s target for maltreatment during the Holocaust. Hitler was an antisemite that believed that Europeans with blonde hair and blue eyes were superior against other people. Millions of Jews were brutally killed during the...
3 Pages 1224 Words

Desiree’s Baby: Troubling History And Continuation Of Racism In The United States

In Kate Chopin’s “Desiree’s Baby” is a brief story that was originally published in 1893, under the title of “The Father of Désiree’s Baby,” in Vogue magazine. The story is narrated in a third person. The main protagonist is Desiree, who was abandoned as a baby and was later found in the ruins which soon she got adopted by the Minister and Madame Valmonde. Everywhere the story, we can see the ideas of what is the story's purpose which is...
3 Pages 1233 Words

Vandalism: Is Urban Graffiti a Force for Good or Evil

In The Guardian article, “Is Graffiti a Force for Good or Evil?” by Athlyn Cathcart-Keays, reader learn that some artists get positive attention for their graffiti, while others get penalized with fines and prison sentences for doing the same thing. In 2008 there was a major public museum called “Tate Modern” which displayed graffiti and street art. Six international artist were invited to decorate the museum with enormous, eye-catching murals. Meanwhile, across town eight members of London’s well-known DPM crew...
2 Pages 1156 Words

Social Stratification from My Own and Conflict Perspective

It is a truth universally acknowledged that a society has numerous layers that separate people into different classes based on their wealth, gender, race, religion and ethnicity. Social inequality has gradually become a problem in North America which enhance the issue of poverty and social stratification in multiple aspects. The conflict theory by Karl Marx revealed that social stratification is not inevitable through numerous aspects. One of the opposing concept of conflict theory is functionalism which emphasizes the need for...
3 Pages 1203 Words

Big Five Personality Traits: Complexity Amongst Self, Acquaintance, And Close Others

Abstract We explore the influence of Big Five personality traits of self, an acquaintance and close other, on the complex understandings we develop of them and ourselves. Based on previous research, we hypothesized that among the three target groups, acquaintance would prove to show the lowest complexity when compared with self and close other. We conducted this study by distribution of the Big Five Personality 44-inventory to 212 participants and collected and computed results through statistic database. Our results showed...
3 Pages 1192 Words

Are People Born Good, Bad Or Neutral: Analysis Of And Then There Were None, Macbeth, To Kill A Mockingbird

In my opinion people are born neutral. Your behavior can depend on how you were raised. There are people that are very influential to you in a positive or negative way. Our attitude can be changed from being around people who make bad choices. If you are around good people then you will make better choices around others. The books that I will be proving people are born neutral are To Kill A Mockingbird, And Then There Were None, Macbeth...
3 Pages 1168 Words

History of Mathematics: Pythagoras Theorem

Math has existed and been used around us for a long time, even though individuals who employed inventing it were not aware that the systems they were creating to solve mundane problems would in the future be considered the foundation of mathematical concepts such as algebra, geometry, etc. These concepts came from efforts to make day-to-day life easier. For example; the modern day concept of combinatorics evolved from an effort to solve problems of enumeration in medicine and perfumery. The...
3 Pages 1171 Words

The Glass Menagerie: Analysis Of Characters

While observing the Wingfield family in “The Glass Menagerie,” it is quite apparent that all members of the family exhibit the quality of “crippled.” Amanda is a very demanding mother with a crippled sense of reality, Laura is a crippled young woman who is very fragile both physically and emotionally, and Tom is a young man full of crippling guilt and sorrow. The Glass Menagerie is full of instances where these troubled individuals face everyday responsibilities and it evokes the...
3 Pages 1224 Words
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